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    Visual Design, Music Production, and PhotographyStore: http://society6.com/mixmediasaladdesign

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  1. This is Jaw dropping awesome work! Ther not an emoticon made to express the feeling I getting from this piece!
  2. You should take this and make it into a repeating pattern. Nice work!
  3. I would like to add that this used a lot with stickers and CNC work. Anytime you want a machine to cut around a shape edge you want to use a path offset for this.
  4. This works on the mac without issue, but windows does not like the /slash and remove it. has anyone else run into this on a PC? HAs anyone found a work around for this?
  5. Wow the amount of work done here...I feel like iI should be paying for this. where is your donate button?!
  6. Holy Hell this is outstanding work! Insert jaw dropping emoticon lol!
  7. Holy Shazzam! A+ stuff right here! I love it!
  8. I think the Fire in the Sky sub text font pairing looks better with the logo than the chocolate drop font. Something about the second one fights against itself. Number 1 gets my vote.
  9. Ummm, dope work! Love the colors and the shading!
  10. I like your first one and the last one of the series! Very cool composite!
  11. I like you mixed style. The only input I have is I feel like the dragon could benefit from a bit more color. when I think of China I think of Red and Gold. When I think of Dragons I think of color. Maybe the addition of clouds would help integrated the dragon more into the scene. Also, I not sure where the light source is coming from with the varied highlights and shadows in the scene. Also, may the sky could benefit from a bit of gradient. I mean I think your image looks good but these are just a few things I would play with to bring a bit more dimension to the art. here some color reference that feels more China like NIce work though!
  12. Hello Gasman, That a tough question that really depends on your interest. First off I think you should explore as many mediums of expression to really see what you like the best. I would suggest you take a 30-day course or pick up a 30-day drawing book. Learn the basics of drawing. Like drawing with lines and shape then learn about light, shadows as it applies to shading. Learn about drawing what you see and practice doing still life drawings. These are all things you should be familiar with before jumping into a digital program. Times have change and digital technology has come along way, but nothing will replace learning the basic concepts and applying them with a little hand and eye coordination. Here are a few books I would recommend to start. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain You Can Draw in 30 Days Picture this: How Pictures Work Then when you are done with that then take An Affinity Course or Dive deep into the numerous free content found here. Hope that helps if you have any other questions feel free to ask. Ther are no stupid questions only the ones that are never asked Cheers! Ronnie
  13. Hello, Everyone! I am so glad to be back and to see this community grow as big with so much talent as it has in such a short time! I just wanted to inform everyone that this course has recently been updated to reflect the current 1.5.5 version of Affinity Designer. If you have taken my previous course then you find new content covering features that were not available in version 1.4. I am currently in the middle of updating my Affinity UX Tools course, so stay tuned for that. if you are new to my Affinity and are looking for a course that easy and approachable then look no further. Also, in my signature you find a link to receive a 30-day free trial to Lynda.com entire library which is plenty of time to watch my course and a few others. You can cancel at any time within the 30-Day! Enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to ask me I am more than happy to be of help. Oh and one more thing this course gives love to Mac and Windows user alike.
  14. Ahhh, ok yup I misunderstood. The Work around provided is a good solution.
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