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  1. Again an excellent tutorial, Trent, thanks! Understand how to use DPI and how it relates to PPI much better now!
  2. Does that also mean that the SDK development has been discontinued?
  3. Request to add a button 'Collapse All' to the Index panel. Each time I open the file, all entries are shown expanded.
  4. Nice template, Cyril! Well set-up with smart pages. Just purchased it.
  5. Create a new index item. Right-click and select 'Find in document..." Click the desired occurrences and "Done" The resulting list is not collapsible (but the arrow does change direction as if it is). Added: Also when doing a search in the Index Panel, the resulting lists are nog collapsible.
  6. How many really distinctive colors do you think they would be able to come up with? Anyway, I would find it way too distracting.
  7. Update: I discovered a little trick. I connected the text frames of the regular TOC with the manual TOC and selected one line of the former and all lines of the latter in order for the TOC text styles to appear. Then I applied the desired text style to the manual TOC, cut it, disconnected the text frames and pasted the TOC back in place. Looks perfect now. Thanks again for your help guys as it moved me into this direction!
  8. Duh! Yes, of course! I was overcomplicating things but am back on track again. 🙂 Edit: Actually not since I don't know how I can have the TOC text style show as the converted text is no longer a TOC.
  9. I may not have made myself clear. I was talking about each line in the TOC -- with the chapter, the leading periods following it and the page number at the right margin -- filled and justified, so that it looks like an auto-generated TOC.
  10. Too bad. Hopefully, it will be added in the future. So, I did as you suggested in Word. The only thing was that I couldn't get the entries, the leading periods and the page numbers to nicely line up as in the original TOC. Is there some way to do that, if you know? The book is basically for print, so clickable page numbers are not essential but wouldn't it be possible to manually add links? You can only create one index in Publisher and I already used it for that purpose.
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