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Affinity Photo Customer Beta (1.5 - RC1)

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Typically, I make adjustments to an image with Lightroom (RAW files). For finer editing, I open the image with Affinity Photo, make the adjustments, and then try to save that file back to Lightroom. (This is very easy with Photoshop, not surprising since they're both Adobe products.) I understand I may need to export to a .PSD file. If I'm doing that, I expect the file to be automatically put into the same directory as the original, and then cataloged by Lightroom.


Hi jtum2016,

You have to configure Lightroom to use Affinity Photo as an external editor. In Affinity Photo make sure you have Enable save over imported PSD files checked in the General section in Affinity Photo Preferences.

The file shoulsd be saved and sent back to Lightroom.

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Hi Alan48,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

The Support Forums are the only place to report bugs (in their respective section). The Serif's QA team will check/fill a bug report where appropriate.

Thanks.  That was what I was assuming.  



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I bought Affinity Photo on July 10th, 2015 on Apple Store. My current version is 1.4.3.  Version 1.5 RC1 refuses to open and asks me to buy Affinity Photo yet already installed. What do I do?


Thank you for your help

 I have this exact same issue.  


Affinity is installed in Applications.


Any suggestions?

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I'm going to wait until V1.5 is in Apple's app store. When I download this new version, will it overwrite/update my current app store 1.4 version? I'd prefer to keep the earlier version operational until I'm sure the new version is working for me.


I know the beta versions can co-exist with the app store versions, but can/do the official app store updates do this as well? If not, how can I preserve my ability to use the earlier version until I'm sure about the new one?

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Installed the beta, tried to open it and it displays: Retail version required, a purchased copy of Affinity Photo must be installed to use this beta.


I've got Affinity Photo 1.4.2 regularly installed from app store. Advices?

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I'm going to wait until V1.5 is in Apple's app store. When I download this new version, will it overwrite/update my current app store 1.4 version? I'd prefer to keep the earlier version operational until I'm sure the new version is working for me.


I know the beta versions can co-exist with the app store versions, but can/do the official app store updates do this as well? If not, how can I preserve my ability to use the earlier version until I'm sure about the new one?


The 1.5 App Store version(when released) will overwrite 1.4 when you update. You can prevent this by copying Affinity Photo from your Application folder before updating. The beta 1.5 can be installed at the same time as App Store 1.4 as they use different names.

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This would be really a great set of upgrade. Some of them are 'I'm familiar with, and others are new. 


I love macro-graphy and some time i do spend time in shooting macro photography and in post processing I process in  number of ways to get sharp results , photo stacking, using 3rd part tools to mask macro photographs and this Focus Merge Support  seems a super addition for me  :)


other than that... macros (actions) batch processing are again advance level of featurers.. Love it! 



I was looking if "Smart objects" like in Adobe photoshop could be a feature in Affinity but I think still such useful things are in cue. 


Please do consider following three things as requested features.. in new version.


1. Smart Objects like in Adobe PHotoshop.

2. Drag images/objects/layers from one canvas to another canvas with Affinity

3. customise layouts (designers, photographers, artists and customs)


Thank you "berry berry" much ;)

I, too, would love the #2 option you listed. I keep finding myself trying to drag and drop objects onto other canvases. 

All three of your suggestions rock!

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Click the Authorise Global button below the Plug-in Support Folders section then press Authorise again from the dialog that will open.

Try launching the plugins again and they should work.



Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

1. We don't support Smart Objects but you can use embedded documents to achieve a similar result with affinity native files.

2. Go to menu Window ▸ Separated Mode (Mac only), to have each project on its own windows, then drag the layers you want from the layers panel in one document over the canvas of the other document.

3. Currently it's not possible to save layout configs.



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First off, hats off for a spectacular release, this is absolutely fantastic!!!


Sorry for bringing in my feedback at this point in time and in this form, but unfortunately I haven't had the time to take part in the Beta this time around. The following is all based on looking at James' excellent video demos, not on trying the features in practice, so my apologies if I'm overlooking things that are already there.


Here we go:

  • Having to activate the clone tool before double clicking a source seems kind of redundant. It would be useful if double clicking a clone source would also activate the clone tool as well if it is not active yet.
  • In the Equations filter (which looks amazing by the way!), it would be useful to have a flyout menu that just offers to add the supported functions until a full expression builder is available. A button that takes the user directly to the corresponding help page with all the documentation might also come in handy.
  • It would be nice if the Equations filter allowed to save equations as presets. This would also allow you to ship a few examples to get everyone started/inspired. Same situation for Apply Image. Macros are of course a workaround, but they are not as convenient if you want to use existing presets as a starting point for your own equations.
  • When creating a new macro category, I think popping up a dialog asking for a name would be useful since pretty much everyone would likely want to name their categories right away. Those who don't want to could always just press the return key.
  • I think the Pixel Art resize filters could be built into the regular image resizing dialog with an option to switch between regular resampling and pixel art resampling, and then changing the other options based on the choice. As the number of features increases, there will be lots of menu items, so this would keep the main UI less cluttered. It's also quite likely that a new user looking for the pixel art resizing feature would look for it unter the "Resize" command, and not think as far as to search for a separate command. Integrating it into the pre-existing dialog would also allow for readouts of the dimensions that, say, "4x" would result in (just re-use the existing input fields).
  • For 360° editing, I think it would be infinitely more intuitive to add a 360° navigation tool (similar to the pan hand or zoom tools). In the current form, it's really hard to discover how to get back into the tool for someone who hasn't seen the video tutorial. The options bar could include an additional checkbox option for "Enable equirectangular 360° projection" for quick access (would be possible even in the current form).
  • Since 360° projection viewing seems to be a per-layer setting, it would be useful to display a corresponding indicator icon in the layers panel for each layer that has the setting enabled. Or a separate checkbox column that can be shown and hidden via the flyout menu, or shown only when 360 projection is enabled for at least one layer.
  • For macros, you are using the eye icon to indicate visibility of settings, but for layers in the layers panel, you are using a checkmark, which is a bit inconsistent.
  • Might be wrong, but it seems to me that it is not possible yet to do HDR and panorama merge in one step, which would be cool since it would eliminate the need to manually export out the HDR files to EXR and re-import them to merge them to a panorama.
  • For Apply Image, a small thumbnail in the dialog box would be useful to see what the source is currently set to and/or if a drag and drop operation yielded the desired result.
  • In Apply Image, just like in Curves and other parts of the software (Channel selection in Adjustment Layers etc.), the color space choice is a drop down field, which, compared to, say, an NSSegmentedControl, requires an additional unnecessary click from the user. Drop downs are better suited for long lists like blend mode, but if there are only very few options, direct access buttons are much faster to use. This is really annoying in Photoshop as well.
  • Also in Apply Image, the S in the variable names seems a bit superfluous – as far as I can tell, recursive operations don't make sense there, so just using r, g, b for the input color values would suffice I believe and make things slightly more readable. And if destination values should really be accessible, they would be differentiated by the D already, eg. DR = R + 50; DG = DR; (i.e. copy the result of the calculation for the red channel)  DB = B;
  • In the video, EXR loading seems to occasionally take quite a bit of time – visual feedback in the form of some kind of progress bar would be useful, especially on slower computers.
  • Seems to me that the histogram panel only shows values from 0..1 for now
  • It would be cool if the Lighting Effect filter could access normals imported from EXR files for interactive relighting
  • Tone Mapping: Need to play with this myself, but on first impression, it seems like an "Auto" button for Tone Compression would be useful. Simply look for the maximum value in the image and set the slider value so that all information is included in the result without any clipping. The first thing James does in every video is find this value manually, and then start from there. So if a button could do that work for us, that would save some time.

I know it's too late for this release, and my apologies for just dumping all this in one solid block, but I hope it's still going to be helpful for future development.


Again, congratulations on entering the RC phase and thank you all for your hard work!

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Great job guys ! Lots of nice and needed improvements. I haven't tested most of the new features yet, but I was also wondering if the Batch processing could as work like Aperture - instead of making a macro you would just copy the metadata and paste it to the chosen pics. That would make the whole process faster.

I'm a macro photography fan so the Focus stacking will be a new great aid for me.

Thank you for a fantastic input !

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Found a Bug in RC1.


 When you try to use document to resize image.    Several images I download from Web reported dpi =1 which should be 72. 


Can you please post one of the images. We are having difficulty reproducing but need to get this fixed.

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- wire selection tool.

- usable key shortcut.


Please. Those are really REQUIRED...


In my opinion: Forget about anything else but making is usable...  How can I quickly make a wire selection ? How can I select a tool ?...


Take care

Nicolas DET
Les gens sont la clef

Event, Porträt, People, Hochzeit, ... Live


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Wire selection: the select tool draw a wire (line) after each click. So you can quicly select a shape. 

shortcut: I would like to press "j" to get last select from this tool family and Shift-J to select into this family. <- is it possible ?




Sorry If asking... But what is a "wire selection tool"?  :huh:

I'm curious...



You can always customise them via preferences.

Nicolas DET
Les gens sont la clef

Event, Porträt, People, Hochzeit, ... Live


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Wire selection: the select tool draw a wire (line) after each click. So you can quicly select a shape. 


Added in Beta 1.5.x and this RC obviously includes it.

Did you read the first post?



New Marquee Modes (Polygonal, Magnetic)

Photo now has 3 modes for the freehand selection tool - Freehand, Polygonal and Magnetic.





Polygonal Marquee is what you're searching for.





shortcut: I would like to press "j" to get last select from this tool family and Shift-J to select into this family. <- is it possible ?


It works without "SHIFT"


Eg. The Geometric Selection family includes Rectangle/Ellipse/Row/Column

Do you need a Rectangular Selection?


Hit "M"


Need to switch to Ellipse?


Hit "M" again 


Basically AP cycles tools with one key.

The white dog, making tools for artists, illustrators and doodlers

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