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Apps: Photo and Designer
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In Export Persona Filename is now available as a token variable for building either folder paths or exported filenames of your slices. This is available with two options:

Document Name = the name of the document without the file extension
Document Filename = the name of the document including the file extension

For example if you had a document called "Social Ads.afdesign" which contained artboards named "Version 1", "Version 2", etc.  you could now specify your path to be Document name like below:


And this will automatically create a folder called "Social Ads" with your slices being exported within it:

Social Ads/Version 1.png
Social Ads/Version 2.png

You can also use these tokens as part of your exported file names, e.g. if you set up as below...



That would result in your exported files being named:

Social Ads (Version 1).png
Social Ads (Version 2).png

Additional note

Worth a reminder when testing these feature you can copy and paste export set ups from one slice to another slice using the copy / paste buttons towards the top of the panel. You can also create your own export set up presets from the burger menu in the slices panel.

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Known Issues in this feature
A list of unresolved issues reported in this thread

Released Fixes
A list of issues reported in this thread, but available in the current beta build

  • AF-1495 - Export persona > Path components pop-up is too short [Fixed]
  • AF-1496 - Export persona > Document name and Document filename are empty for newly saved documents

Upcoming Fixes
A list of issues reported in this thread, which will be available in a forthcoming build


@Ash can tokens created from user variables also be part of exported file name?


Edit: wow they can. If we could also put some expressions builded and based on (size, width, height,name etc) in user defined variables as values that would be awesome.


I would highly recommend to add File location in the path components. This would save a lot of time searching and going to the location where you want to export the files.

When working on more projects at once you constantly need to find the export location where you file is that you are working on.


I think the icons are odd/blury in the 2.0 version. image.png.9d26bfbb6c58f723067f280db75e01f6.png The icons need to be crispier like in Publisher. image.png.efeb8cd2f8f1b1ade6ca7532d6a17fe9.png


Thank you.

OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version    10.0.17134 Build 17134
System Type    x64-based PC


Thanks for this awesome feature! Fits perfectly with my workflow. One issue that I noticed (Affinity Designer 2.4 beta on Windows):

When I set the filename (Document name) variable in a new and unsaved document, save the document (to give it a name) and than export my slice, the name of the exported file does not contain the filename.

Also if I have set up a document with the filename variable, then use Save As with a new document name and export my slice, the slices filename is not updated with the new document name.

The same applies to the path if the filename variable is used there. Closing and reopening the document resolves the issue.

  • Staff
43 minutes ago, Dario said:

Thanks for this awesome feature! Fits perfectly with my workflow. One issue that I noticed (Affinity Designer 2.4 beta on Windows):

When I set the filename (Document name) variable in a new and unsaved document, save the document (to give it a name) and than export my slice, the name of the exported file does not contain the filename.

Also if I have set up a document with the filename variable, then use Save As with a new document name and export my slice, the slices filename is not updated with the new document name.

The same applies to the path if the filename variable is used there. Closing and reopening the document resolves the issue.

Welcome to the forums.

Thanks.We are already aware of this issue.

On 1/9/2024 at 8:51 PM, Rondem said:

I would highly recommend to add File location in the path components. This would save a lot of time searching and going to the location where you want to export the files.

Almost every time I need to save exported files in the same folder where the edited image is saved. If it would be possible to specify e.g. ".\" and the application would not ask for the folder, that would be good.

  • 2 weeks later...

Lovely to see this - did you look at being able to create a global variable for every slice to share? Currently the slice variable is per slice instance, it's much more useful to have a global token such as the name of a product and use it in every slice, the document name works around this as the file can be named after the product but isn't as flexible as a global slice name variable.

8 hours ago, drkanukie said:

Lovely to see this - did you look at being able to create a global variable for every slice to share? Currently the slice variable is per slice instance, it's much more useful to have a global token such as the name of a product and use it in every slice, the document name works around this as the file can be named after the product but isn't as flexible as a global slice name variable.

Was wondering the same.


The fields tab from publisher wold perfectly fit in the export persona. Manny possabilities to save files with custom fields that change in one place. 

OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version    10.0.17134 Build 17134
System Type    x64-based PC

On 1/15/2024 at 1:57 PM, bures said:

Almost every time I need to save exported files in the same folder where the edited image is saved. If it would be possible to specify e.g. ".\" and the application would not ask for the folder, that would be good.

Yes, thanks, it's missed. It would probably be better to be able to select a "Document folder" field or something similar 🙂

I simply no longer believe that there are any professional graphic designers here. Everything follows suit. Just everything.



Maybe in long term the fields should be added. 

But for now i think the User variables that are possible, should be shared or visible in all slices.

So when you edit the value or name it changes in all slices. And maybe add the User variables in the Path component to make Custom shared paths as well.

When you export custom maps you could make the RGB and CMYK or whatever separate folder you need for the same type of slices.


OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version    10.0.17134 Build 17134
System Type    x64-based PC

  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much for this feature... You can't imagine how much time this saves me.


I found a bug in the new version. If you click "Export slices" and there are already files with the same name in the target folder, the dialoged for overwriting pops up. 

If you hit the ESC key, it saves anyway (thank god, only the new files). 


  • Staff

That's not a bug. Esc triggers "Export new items only". 

Edit: Thinking about it, it probably should trigger "Cancel" rather than "Export new items only"

  • 1 month later...
  • Staff

The issue "Export persona > Document name and Document filename are empty for newly saved documents" (REF: AF-1496) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Affinity Info Bot to notify us.

On 3/7/2024 at 3:09 PM, D.VE said:

If you hit the ESC key, it saves anyway

Oh no! I appreciate you letting me know. Just imagine the frustration if I were to encounter that bug while exporting my project files! I would be extremely upset. Thank you.

CleanShot 2024-05-02 at 19.38.21.png


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