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Chris B

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About Chris B

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  1. Hey markusvarnes, I am also unable to reproduce what you've described. As Walt suggested, please keep an eye on it and see if you can get a screen recording next time - cheers!
  2. Hi ronnyb, I certainly appreciate your comments, however, we are happy with the way this is working and it does match other apps. I'll add Photoshop to the mix of the above listed apps that display it this way.
  3. That made me chuckle 😂 I've updated the bug report with your info @ronnyb - Thanks
  4. Hey bbrother, I would never expect the marching ants speed to 'fix' this per se - just alleviate the issue somewhat. Even with no selection, you will see the render tiles on zoom/pan as this is just the way the app is built. Over the years we've fixed issues where the black tiles can get 'stuck' on the screen but I do not think we will ever prevent them entirely. I think it's worth chasing the issue with the mask as I would consider this to be totally distracting as we've not only got the tiles but also the entire workspace flashes with the red overlay. I can log a separate issue for this to see if it can be improved.
  5. Ah, sorry - I thought you meant clicking Merge in the Adjustment popup but wasn't sure what you meant by teeth. I thought this was logged already but I actually cannot find it so I'll make one anyway
  6. Hey JpLaf, I sort of understand what you're asking for but... once you've merged the adjustment with a pixel layer you can no longer 'make changes' so I'm not sure why we'd need to flag the modified layer? Can you give me a workflow example so I can better understand the request?
  7. I have logged this as a 'nice to have' for Pixel Layers - the developers will take this under consideration. Thanks all.
  8. It will not create a new one, no. We collect all the information and dump it into a single report. Even if a user reports a similar issue, it will just get tagged in an existing bug report if there is one. I can test this on some different hardware and update the bug report with anything I find - my MacBook Air seems to be handling it OK using the above test environment and using the initial file you sent us.
  9. Above, I asked for a little info regarding workflow to see if we can figure out the trigger. You did not provide any clues about tools, document types or personas so we had nothing to go on. If the crash is occurring within minutes of the app being open, a short screen recording may also offer some ideas as to what is happening. Perhaps a certain tool being used in a certain way is causing this. It's unfortunate that you said you will not be returning to the forum but I'm here to help if you want it - I just need some more information so that we can begin diagnosing what's going wrong.
  10. Hey @Art51 Thanks for the update. I've just tried this on a 100-layer document and it was fine for me but hardware can absolutely have an affect on it. I'll add this to the notes for the developers. For what it's worth, in the past we have seen 3rd party apps interfere with ours and we have made fixes for these so hopefully something will come from this. Thanks again!
  11. This is a particular bugbear of mine so I logged an improvement a while ago to add a separate way of cancelling the crop. I've updated the report - thanks!
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