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  1. It is the dropdown for the Move Tool Aspect Constrain option. 2024-08-18 15-49-48.mp4
  2. https://affinity.help/publisher2/English.lproj/pages/Workspace/preferences.html (under tools) Overridden by shift key.
  3. That Layer is indeed selected. But if the "edit all layers" button is off you cannot select other objects on the canvas(only objects within that Layer) If set to "on" all other layers become selectable again. 2024-07-28 21-49-51.mp4
  4. Again did you post in the wrong section of the forums. This is not a bug but a user error. Turn on the "Edit All Layers" button and you can select other parts of your document.
  5. Strange that @Iztok cannot see in 3 videos that it simply works 😟
  6. And/or you can use the "Edit All Layers" option found here https://affinity.help/publisher2/English.lproj/pages/Panels/layersPanel.html 2024-07-27 13-52-44.mp4
  7. Nah, got only munchies and sometimes ROFLMAO when I was with Mary-Jane.😜
  8. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rhetorical
  9. If you're having what the curious canine is having, one would get so relaxed that even such an event as this feels like a walk in the park.
  10. But embedded means it is only altered inside the current document whereas the original that you embedded remains untouched. If push comes to shove you can always import/place the file again.
  11. All this can be found in the helpfiles though https://affinity.help/designer2/English.lproj/pages/DesignAids/guides.html
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