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    Felixstowe UK
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    All things Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher. Video making in general. Apple Mac, iPad Mini, Windows 11 on Parallels. Windows (Love/Hate) YouTube Creator. Wine, Beer, Alcohol, Motorbikes. Travel.

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  1. So I think I see what's happening. You are selecting the tree onto it's own layer. Fine. Then selecting the background and merging it down I think (the image is very fuzzy) but in effect it's leaving you a blank layer. The tree is gone. The background is gone. leaving a blank layer. Which is what appears to have been done.
  2. Where's the problem? Following that video, it looks ok to me? A fair bit of processing going on there, but nothing unexpected that I can see. I'll have to have another look. Ok, just looked up your system. The latest it seems. Should be plenty good enough. Perhaps put your .afphoto file somewhere so we can try it out for comparison?
  3. I presume you are using the latest version of Affinity? But otherwise, your system looks ok. Look into what else may be running on you system that could be taking up CPU processes.
  4. I do this. Create guides. Set snapping on. Create an object or text box for example and align it to the guide or guides of your choice. The white rectangle is aligned between the guides. As is the Frame text bo
  5. Try this. Create your rounded corners as shown previously. Convert both layers to curves. Select both layers, select Merge Visible. Copy the generated image. Exit that image and Create a New Image from Clipboard. image 1. Creating the new pixel layer Image 2. Creating your new rounded corner image. No layers.
  6. Or maybe you could just use something like Fotor. Nifty corner rounder. Online.
  7. That's about as simple as it gets. A rounded rectangle with an image dropped in it. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to do.
  8. Well that’s interesting. Are you working with vectors or pixels?
  9. Thanks. I couldn’t find that at all. I figured it was something like that but couldn't get it at all.
  10. The lines I’ve highlighted don’t seem to exist in the layers? How are they created? This is one of the Samples from the iPad
  11. I’d think a long time yet. There are still quite a few issues with it.
  12. I’m getting this in the beta. Not the release. I have reported this but needs more examples. The last in this series shows the image following a failed HDR Merge. The first two show the r result of trying to Tone Mapping persona the image. These are three images taken on my iPhone 11, and loaded from the Photos gallery
  13. Thanks folks. I’ve found a solution that does what I want. Seems to work pretty well, except for the export file. Still experimenting with a suitable format.
  14. Now I know we aren't doing Video, but... FCP has some nice tools in it for altering convergence and so on for working with Spatial/3D stereoscopic imaging. Now, Stereoscopic/3D/Spatial images are a thing. Indeed, iPhone 15 Pro and up can take Stereoscopic images, and export them in a format that is exportable and useable to Apple Visionpro(MV-HEVC) and probably others. So I'm wondering if any work is being done on Stereocopic formats and exports of such work. That would be really really cool.
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