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  1. On the blocklist it is, getting pinged for these kinds of comments is really annoying. E: Can we get a blocklist? 🙄
  2. No, you are presenting assumptions as facts and use fallacies to back them up. If you are disappointed, either stop ranting or give constructive feedback, these post of yours are getting tiresome as its always the same regurgitated points. There's no way to really discuss them if you dodge the argument.
  3. Scripting and API access is probably the main 3.0 feature. That said, I hope that the soreads refactor is able to fix many of the critical bugs I am experiencing.
  4. Thanks @NathanC for the detailed response. Fingers crossed that the developers are able to find the underlying issue. 🤞
  5. @stokerg could you also look at applying or reapplying masterpages across the document? E.g. reapplying the master to Chapter 04 and then undoing the master application causes the app to crash (reason was the image changed position and I wanted to check its original position in the transform panel). Think it may be due to having deleted some master page content in detached mode. There's many more of these kinds of issues, but I'm not sure where else to mention them, considering its all tied to this file.
  6. Well, that hasn't happened in 2.4.2 and is specifically related to opening the resource manager in 2.5.X, which used to only freeze my laptop. I haven't changed my drivers, so logically it shouldn't be a driver issue if it is Affinity specific in my mind.
  7. @NathanC What I can note is that after a system reboot and Windows update, when I open the resource manager in 2.5.2486, it leads to Windows hard crashing and my laptop instantly shuts down. There isn't really anything useful AFAICT in Event Viewer, added the Publisher crash report below:bf19741c-f303-4c20-a9c5-7008104a1395.dmp In 2.4.2 the resource manager is near instant still. On the other issue, in the resource manager in 2.4.2 I could see the issue was in the master page after all, but curiously not one that is associated with the page in question (other than that I copied a frame from a page with the master applied over to another spread). I've uploaded the file, I trust you handle it with care.
  8. @stokerg I am currently uploading the file with the resources to the link here: It's about 4 GB in total, which Dropbox indicates takes over an hour, so I hope uploading it once suffices. I do trust you handle it with confidentiality.
  9. I'm honestly at the point where I am going to stop using the software if it weren't that I need to finish this. I'm finding serious bugs at the least once a week and its a huge time sink to report them and to not see them fixed. The number of times where I had to delete and start over to fix all sorts of issues caused by the software is really disheartening.
  10. I've run into an issue where an image frame I copied from another cannot be replaced (even though I have been using this exact workflow for ages). It appears that the image frame in question is associated to a master that is not applied to this page (but only to the page it was copied from). I have no idea how this happened. 2024-06-13 18-51-30.mp4 2024-06-13 19-02-44.mp4 I've tried moving this section to a new document to post to the forums, but then the bug disappears.
  11. Hi @NathanC When I open the resource manager in the latest Beta ( it still bricks my entire laptop (97%+ memory usage) for over a minute before I can let task manager end Publisher. So unless the fix passed by the beta, it isn't fixed on my end. For me it has now compounded in another issue where if I replace an image in a picture frame, it replaces other images too from spreads I duplicated from the original. The same applies to deleting the placed image in one frame. Without the resource manager, I can't fix this other than reworking the pages from scratch... Copying said picture frame to a new spread also gets me the same issue. - FYI I haven't accidentally placed the image on the master while linked. This issue just emerged today for a workflow I've been using for ages.
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