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  1. Hi @CNichols2911 Are you getting a crash report from the applications? Have you tried a clean install of your Nvidia graphics drivers to see if that resolves your issue?
  2. Hi @CNichols2911 If you draw with those brushes you will find that the stroke width has changed, the reason you cannot see it in the edit window is because the brushes have been imported as black strokes, if you switch to Light UI in Edit > Settings > User Interface > UI Style, you will see the black stroke. I'm assuming you used an image of a black stroke on a white background? It is better to invert this and import a raster image of a white stroke on a black background. (Please see attached example) You will then be able to see the stroke in the edit window and recolour the stroke via the colour panel. Here is a user made video on creating Vector Brushes which may help > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZxyLjBYHGo&ab_channel=Andrea.higopico example.afbrushes
  3. Hi @CNichols2911 I can't reproduce that either, could you send me a screen recording of the issue you are seeing please.
  4. Hi @MikeTO Your first document is showing the expected behaviour with Move Master Content enabled. The modified text frame is moved and the correct master content for that page is provided. I'll log your second example where the content disappears from page 5 with the devs. Thank you.
  5. @CNichols2911 Unfortunately we can't reproduce the issue here, does it happen on every document or a specific doc/format?
  6. You seem to be talking about multiple issues in this one post so I am unsure what the problem you are reporting here is. Please familiarise yourself with our Bug Reporting Guidance and our Forum Support Guidance, then use that to help you explain what issue you are trying to report or question you are asking in this post.
  7. The crash reports and files from your other issue have been passed to the developers for investigation, if you have any other information to add to assist on that issue, please add it to the original thread here below: For the issue mentioned in this current thread, if you are finding that your linked files are showing as missing and becoming unlinked, then you may be having an issue on your network. Check if the files are saved locally or to iCloud. If they are saved to iCloud then move them to local storage and see if the issue persists.
  8. @Iztok We need more information than this to investigate, you cannot just send screenshots with no context, as it wastes a lot my and the other staff's time trying to get from you the information we need. Please familiarise yourself with our bug reporting guidance. Are you using the Beta or Release app? Which OS are you using? Which app are you using? What colour profiles are you using in both document?
  9. @Iztok The package you provide yesterday was uploaded to a private dropbox that only the Affinity Staff can access, so @Hangman will not be able to access the file sent yesterday. The package file you provided yesterday is also missing half the resources, and was intended for investigating a different issue. I have checked the package file from yesterday and none of the images shown in your example are greyed out It's hard to investigate your issues if we are not using the same file and resources.
  10. @Iztok I can see that around half of the images in that package are missing in resources, is that the same for you? Does the folder path highlighted below still exist on your Mac? I have tried copying the linked images into a new document and there is no crash occurring for me, I will update the existing report with the developers with the package file to see if they can find the problem.
  11. @Iztok If you do not provide the package file to the upload link or answer any questions we cannot investigate. Further screenshots do not help. Once again we do not recommend you use the Beta for production work, please use the Retail versions for your design work. Please upload the package file here > https://www.dropbox.com/request/Oyq890F9UmBNiFdMHcfh Where are you saving the file and resources? Is it locally on you Mac or in cloud storage?
  12. Hi @3 racoons in a trenchcoat I also cannot reproduce your issue, could you provide a screen recording please
  13. Please use this upload link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/KTYXeZtaODiFzyuKDD6J
  14. Thanks @CNichols2911 Are the assets linked between the apps? Could you export the assets from designer and attach them? I can provide a private upload link if required. Do you have the same issue in the release builds?
  15. Could you please attach this, I can send a provide upload link if needed.
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