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  1. Hi @blondie63, Thanks. We are aware of this issue. I'm afraid there is not a workaround at the moment.
  2. The font in question (Frutiger) appears fixed. If you attach a few others that are broken, we can have a look.
  3. If you force a redraw by zooming in/out, does it still do it?
  4. As far as I'm aware, we will not be adding the logo "feature". This is not something that is part of the QR code spec, and having a valid QR code with a logo in the middle simply relies on the error correction to account for the "covered" pixels. I think a middle ground would be to expose the error correction levels and let those who want a logo experiment with its size and error correction levels until they find settings that work for them.
  5. What happens when you tap on it?
  6. Sadly we don't write any logs when you get that error message. I'll raise this as an improvement and see if we can get a bit more information from the current state of the document when it's in that state.
  7. You can in 2415. While the payload field in the context toolbar does not accept soft/hard returns from a keyboard input (for now), you can either paste text with hard/soft returns in that field, or you can use the CMD/CTRL + click on canvas. That payload field does allow them
  8. Sorry if it feels like this has been ignored. I've been following and logging bugs/improvements.
  9. URI schemes are not QR code specific. The QR code just makes them "readable". It's up to whatever app/tool reads the QR code to handle the URI. The official registered ones are available here > https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml, but I'm sure there are many other unofficial ones.
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