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About DWright

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    : Nottingham

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  1. Hi @APeterson, Welcome to the forum To stack your astrophotography FITS files in the RAW Options tab please change the FITS bayer pattern to Monochrome as shown in the attached screenshot
  2. Hi @Paresh, This is a lens flare cause by the bright central lights in the image when shooting in low light, you can reduce this by either lowering the ISO or increasing the shutter speed to reduce the amount of light reaching the sensor.
  3. Hi @lauram315, If you have not run low on space on your C drive please try right clicking the Publisher installer and select the option Run as administrator to give the installer higher permissions.
  4. Hi @Nikonitis, Welcome to the forum. The DNG RAW image is how the sensor saw the image with not adjustments applied to it while the JPEG image has had several adjustments applied to it when it is created which is why there is a difference between them.
  5. Hi @doron, RAW files from the Canon EOS R5 Mk2 are not supported in the current Affinity Photo 2.5.7 version but support for this camera will be added in the 2.6 update which is currently in beta testing, if you would like to try this beta version you can use the following link to signup to the beta. https://affinity.serif.com/affinity-beta-program/
  6. This issue is still logged with our developers and I have bumped the report with them.
  7. If you are using the Windows version of the Affinity apps please check that you are using the EXE version of the installers. If the Nik Plugins are present but are greyed out please check that the colour space is set to RGB/8 as these plugins do not work with RGB/16 or RGB/32 colour spaces.
  8. Hi @AzureiP, You can save this custom documents for the different paper sizes as a template file and reuse them as required from the template section of the new document window.
  9. Hi @irandar, Can you please try the workflow suggested by James in the following forum post
  10. Hi @Andro, You can use the method of breaking the curve at each end of the curve that you wish to copy then copy this path and the reselect the both paths of the original shape and use the Join curves tool to recombine the shape. Copy part of a vector path.mp4
  11. Hi @Ben Pope, Welcome to the forum I have sent you an Email regarding this question.
  12. Hi @Russell Croman, Welcome to the forum Can you please confirm if you are running the MSIX or EXE version of Affinity Photo 2.5.7
  13. Hi @chrizon, Welcome to the forum. I would open the PDF in Affinity and then export it as a SVG file the create a new document with the new dimensions then place the exported SVG image onto the new document and this will allow you to trace the objects in the new document and rearrange them.
  14. Hi @jrbolton52, I have not been able to replicate this issue on my images, are you encountering this issue only with this image and if it does is there a bleed applied to the image.
  15. Hi @PatrickF83, Can you please send me the crash reports from the following location and can you please confirm which Nvidia driver version that you have installed. %USERPROFILE%\.affinity\Publisher\2.0\CrashReports\reports
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