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Hello fellows,

Can someone pleeeeeaaase explain to me how I can reuse only a part of a path?

I manage to mark several points, I can drag them around or delete them, but when I copy and paste them, Affinity Designer pastes me the whole path instead (not just the nodes I've previously selected). I'm only familiar with adobe illustrator, where this method (selecting, copy/paste) works like a charm. It's like an everyday thing to do for me and thus quite important for my work.

Thank you for your help and thank you guys from Affinity for that awesome application!


Thank you very much MEB for this quick response and your explanation!

Though I must say that rather feels like a laborious work-around than a workflow-sustaining solution to me... similar to using "intersect" to achieve this.
well, nothing is perfect i guess.

May I ask you if developers are on this subject? Or is there any way to more officially ask for the implementation of a beloved feature?

bon courage


  • 6 months later...
  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)
On 2/7/2018 at 8:44 PM, MEB said:

Hi hannah,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

It's not possible to perform the copy/paste operation of nodes/segments in Affinity Designer as you do in Illustrator. If you want to reuse part of a path you have to duplicate it then break the nodes that surround the segment you want - see clip below.



How do I copy a part of the shape? For example this "O". I tried to copy and paste and it pastes the whole vector. 


Screenshot 2020-11-17 171002.jpg

Edited by EvGa


12 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi @EvGa,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
As i explained in that post you quoted, it's not currently possible to copy just part of a shape. You have to duplicate the whole shape and break the nodes that limit the segment you want. See the animated GIF below to learn how to break/separate part of a shape.


This happened when I Break Curves, which is totally not what I want. 


  • Staff

Sorry. At the time i saw the post the image you attached were not visible. I see now you are working with text. If you want to separate the inner and outer parts of the O letter select it and hit the Divide button (boolean operation) in the main toolbar. You will have to duplicate the shape if you wish to keep the original O intact and delete the part  (inner or outer line of the O) you don't need. Let me know if i misunderstood your question.


No, I don't want to divide it. I want to copy the "O"

This is just an example, I could copy the whole shape and keep only the second O but the point is... How do I copy only the shapes I want? 

  • Staff

Seems the whole "pesto" word is a single path. In that case duplicate it, then delete the nodes of the other letters until you end up just with the O. Currently there's no way to copy/paste nodes from a compound path as is the case here. There's other ways to do this but deleting the other letters instead seems the quickest.


I am really confused as to why you cannot just select the O in Pesto. I would think that either the Node tool or the Move tool should be able to select the O. I would like to see the layers panel expanded to show the layer(s) for Pesto.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

  • Staff

Old Bruce,
This is a compound path. All letters belong to the same path, they are not separate entities. You can "move" just the O letter by moving it's nodes but it's still part of the whole pesto word path (meaning if you select the O letter the whole word gets selected). You can recreate this by simply writing "pesto" and pressing Add (boolean operation). The resulting shape is what the OP is dealing with.

40 minutes ago, MEB said:

Seems the whole "pesto" word is a single path. In that case duplicate it, then delete the nodes of the other letters until you end up just with the O. Currently there's no way to copy/paste nodes from a compound path as is the case here. There's other ways to do this but deleting the other letters instead seems the quickest.

I would simply use the ‘Separate Curves’ command to put each contour on a separate layer. The counters (‘holes’) in the P and the O will disappear, but you can easily retrieve them by subtracting the ‘hole’ layer from its partner in each case.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
6 hours ago, DesignByAdrian said:

That I can't simply delete a path between two anchor points just like in Adobe Illustrator is infuriating at best.

In Affinity, you can delete a path segment between two nodes of a curve object, but ellipses, cogs, stars, & the other parametrically adjustable 'quick shapes' are not considered to be curves. One reason for this is so the parameters of these shapes can be adjusted non-destructively (like with the number of points of a star) or for the ellipse shape, converted to a donut or pie quick shape.

Of course, you can convert any quick shape to a curve object if you want to delete part of it, but the tradeoff is it will no longer be parametrically adjustable. Just guessing, but maybe this is why you can't delete a path segment of a non-curve object in Affinity without explicitly doing that extra conversion step -- it provides sort of a fail-safe check on what the user wants to do, like an 'are you sure you want to do this' dialog but less intrusively.

6 hours ago, DesignByAdrian said:

Why is there even both a pen and node tool? It should be the same tool.

The Pen Tool is for drawing curves. The Node Tool is for adjusting the nodes of already created curves. Because the Node Tool provides functions the Pen Tool cannot (like selecting one or more curve objects or nodes) the Pen Tool can temporarily be toggled to the Node Tool with a hot key.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

  • 4 months later...
On 2/7/2018 at 12:44 PM, MEB said:

Hi hannah,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

It's not possible to perform the copy/paste operation of nodes/segments in Affinity Designer as you do in Illustrator. If you want to reuse part of a path you have to duplicate it then break the nodes that surround the segment you want


Maybe implement that? is vital.

  • Staff

Hi @Andro;
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Thanks for your feedback. This isn't available as you are aware but there's still another way to "replicate" a path that may be 
useful in certain circumstances. Please check the clip below for details: dragging a node over another one in other shape and waiting a couple seconds will copy/mimic that node's properties to the node you are dragging (make sure the cursor switch to the duplicate cursor). Regarding copying path nodes, I suggest you create a new thread (if there isn't one already) in the Feature Request section and add you voice there as it's the first place the developers look for feedback from users. Thanks.



What on earth? That's probably one of the most cumbersome ways of copying a path I've ever seen!

Adobe Illustrator: arrow tool, click and drag over anchor points you want to copy. ctrl-c, ctrl-v

Affinity Designer: use one tool to draw the correct number of points, whilst making sure the line has the same attributes as the one you wish to copy, use another tool to click and drag each and every point onto the other path. Success? Fail.

It seems that Affinity Designer is not built by designers for designers at all. Very disappointing.

  • Staff

Hi @DesignByAdrian,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Thanks for your feedback. As i explained above copy nodes is not available in Designer. The process i showed above is just a workaround that may help in some situations or when you need to match another path - it's not the same feature. It's not intended to be a "replacement" for a true copy nodes function - that's why i suggested to add that feature to the Features Request list in my previous post.

You can also duplicate the whole shape and delete the segments you are not interested as a workaround until a better option becomes available.


Regarding copying path nodes, I suggest you create a new thread (if there isn't one already) in the Feature Request section and add you voice there as it's the first place the developers look for feedback from users. Thanks.

As an Affinity Forum Moderator / Staff Member, shouldn't you be filing these kind of things?

I really like Affinity but you have to admit this kind of issues are a real downer.
Copying and pasting nodes and segments is a must. Sorry but this has to get attended asap.

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