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Craft by invision app

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty please, also include some interactions & animations to build the prototype & include the preview-er into the phone app you guys are working on ! It would be top stuff ! :D No more principal, no more flinto... one tool ! Stuff of dreams !

UI and UX designer extraordinaire, dad, avid Destiny player, and generally striving for decency.

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We do have prototyping already working behind-the-scenes in the current Designer, but it is disabled while we work through and flesh it out. Hopefully 1.6 will enable this functionality :)


Yep... I remember you left something visible in one of the earliest 1.5 Betas...  :P

The white dog, making tools for artists, illustrators and doodlers

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that if you guys includes a persona that works like 

Adobe Experience Design





You'll be ahead of your competition. all-in-one design tool. 


Maybe later an animation persona like


or even better 



hehehe maybe it is overkill or too much to ask but... we can dream ehehe 


Seriously guys that tool is great keep it up.

Guillaume, Montreal

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Staff

Just a question I know that Affinity Designer is now at the 15.3 version, do you have an approx. on when the 1.6 version will come out? 


Thank You

We only ever release the next version when it's ready - so we don't know when that will be, but I'd imagine it will be quicker than the 1.4->1.5 update cycle this time as we're trying to improve and flesh-out the features we already have and resolve long-standing issues and performance problems, whereas other updates have focused on adding new functionality which always has a volatile development time.

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  • 4 months later...

We only ever release the next version when it's ready - so we don't know when that will be, but I'd imagine it will be quicker than the 1.4->1.5 update cycle this time as we're trying to improve and flesh-out the features we already have and resolve long-standing issues and performance problems, whereas other updates have focused on adding new functionality which always has a volatile development time.

Hi considering that 1.5.5 is out and that 1.6 is in the loop, actually I read that it will come out around Easter. Does that mean that the prototyping persona will come out aswell or just light UI and brush stabilizing?


Thank You

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this time as we're trying to improve and flesh-out the features we already have and resolve long-standing issues and performance problems


Really great to hear this Matt!

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  • 1 month later...

I +1 this request. I have shown Affinity Designer to designers at my new job (nobody knew it BTW). They all loved it but the deal breaker is no invision plugin they use today with Sketch. It saves them so much time that they are not willing to switch even if they saw that Affinity was better in a lot of way than Sketch.


The ball is in your court now. Your move.

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One super cool feature that Craft offers is quick filling out of text - eg. if you are designing a UI for a table containing names, dates, descriptions etc, you can automatically fill with relevant random info, even import via API / JSON. 

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We do have prototyping already working behind-the-scenes in the current Designer, but it is disabled while we work through and flesh it out. Hopefully 1.6 will enable this functionality :)

Hi Matt, I know that you guys are working hard so don't worry my question is only because I am wondering, no stress. Considering that the release of the 1.6 version is delayed, can we know if that feature is still in the loop, a priority and will it come in that version?


Thank You very much


Keep up the good work.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...

Don't get me wrong, including prototyping in Affinity Designer would be really nice (exit Flinto) but I’m more interested in the two options from the Craft plugin that are Data and Duplicate.


Data allows you to quickly fill your mockup with actual content, Duplicate is the easiest way to create lists and grids that I ever encountered.

With both combined you can create a complex element, fill it with content then duplicate it and get a perfect grid with different content filled in automatically.


Even if I love Affinity Designer and I use symbols a lot, getting the same result takes time and feels like a huge step back.


PS. I’m fine with having a separate app for prototyping as long as the files are correctly synced between them. Even with personas solving the UI part, adding more and more stuff might bloat the application.

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