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    ashf reacted to walt.farrell in Yu fonts compatibility between Mac & Windows   
    @ashf: the easiest approach may be to Package the file and transfer the complete Package to the other system. When you Open the Package (.afpackage) file the fonts in the Package will be temporarily installed for use in Publisher, ensuring the same fonts are used for that project on both systems.
  2. Like
    ashf reacted to R C-R in cant remove NOTO fonts   
    I think you mean no longer works, right?
  3. Like
    ashf reacted to R C-R in Want to remove noto fonts (split)   
    Longer or no longer?
  4. Like
    ashf reacted to PixelPest in Want to remove noto fonts (split)   
    "No longer".
  5. Like
    ashf reacted to Pyanepsion in Yu fonts compatibility between Mac & Windows   
    Attention: it is necessary that the user has the right to do so. This is not always the case. Very often, only an extract of the collection is provided free of charge and with various authorisations.
    On Windows, Yu Gothic and Yu Mincho are excerpts provided free of charge for Windows users.
    According to the reference software MainType from the company High-Logic:
    On Windows, Yu Gothic is a True Type TTC collection that includes 9 fonts divided into the following 4 files:
    YuGothL.ttc: Yu Gothic Light, Yu Gotghic UI Light; YuGothR.ttc: Yu Gothic Regular, Yu Gothic UI Semilight; YugothM.ttc: Yu Gothic Medium, Yu Gothic UI Regular; YuGothB.ttc: Yu Gothic Bold, Yu Gothic UI Bold, Yu Gothic UI Semibold. On Windows, Yu Mincho is a set of True Type TTF fonts that includes 3 fonts distributed in the following 3 files:
    yuminl.ttf: Yu Mincho Light; yumin.ttf: Yu Mincho Regular; yumindb.ttf: Yu Mincho Demibold.
  6. Like
    ashf reacted to kenmcd in Yu fonts compatibility between Mac & Windows   
    Apple appears to have changed the name to delete the space when they added it to macOS.
    They are listed on the Fonts Included with Ventura page without the space.
    Apple and advanced applications such as Affinity use the Typographic Family name (Name16).
    Since these are different on each OS they are properly seen as two different font families.
    Word and LibreOffice use the style group / Family Name (Name 1).
    These should be consistent with how Name 16 is configured.
    Given Apple's history of sabotaging the style groups it would not be a surprise if they left this field with the space - which could create a name conflict.
    I doubt this is an Affinity issue.
    But I do not have the Ventura fonts to check them for sure.
  7. Like
    ashf got a reaction from AdamStanislav in Pasting problem with SVG   
    Copied SVG from Adobe Illustrator, XD and Microsoft Office can not be pasted to Affinity.
    Affinity should be compatible with those.
  8. Like
    ashf reacted to Dan C in Distorted glyph problem with specific fonts.   
    Hi @ashf,
    Thanks for your report and our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here.
    I can confirm I've been able to replicate this issue here and I've logged it with our developers now for you
  9. Like
    ashf reacted to Patrick Connor in No WEBP in Export Persona   
    I have spoken to the developers about this and we think it will be possible to add both WebP and JPEG XL into the Export Persona on iPad to match Desktop, as well as being available in Export (already) . This is unlikely to be in 2.0.3 whose fixes are reasonably settled, but it is likely to appear in a subsequent 2.x update on iPad
  10. Like
    ashf reacted to StudioJason in Export to Photos app from Export Persona   
    Don’t know any way through the actual Export Persona (i.e. Slices etc)…but can workaround by Exporting to a Folder so everything is is same location, then through Files app…just Share > Save Image, will put it into Photos.
    BUT…Export from Context Toolbar (Hamburger) has the Share button on bottom left… to choose Share Area > Whole Document/Selection Area/Selection Only. 
  11. Like
    ashf reacted to slizgi in AMD Radeon RX Hardware Acceleration   
    I can confirm that in one of last updates for AMD drivers (22.11.2) they did something with OpenCL 🤔

    @Mark Ingram I see you are now ex-serif (all the best in new job), nonetheless want to let you know that your OpenCL test from GitHub, have now better results on my 6800XT
    6800XT 22.11.1 Compiling kernel for device AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (3444.0)): Run 1: 513.386ms Run 2: 142.812ms Run 3: 140.732ms Run 4: 141.156ms Run 5: 143.655ms Run 6: 140.524ms Run 7: 140.218ms Run 8: 139.633ms Run 9: 140.573ms Run 10: 140.306ms Average: 178.299ms So still no Average ~50-60ms like on Nvidia, but ~180 is way better than ~1400, unfortunately benchmark results in V2 are the same as they were before, so I don't know 😂
  12. Like
    ashf reacted to Odd Cosine in Vague Aspect Lock icon on Transform panel   
    I agree, please make this clearer. In v1.x the state was obvious from the icon. IMO it's way too subtle in v2.
  13. Like
    ashf reacted to TomM1 in Eye Candy plugin with AP V2   
    Thanks for that.
    So I downloaded a new Eye Candy installer. My original was 32 bit.
    Reinstalled and now it works! The preview is a little glitchy but usable.
    I noticed that the name in the filter plugins list is now Exposure software. Previously, Alien Skin.
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    ashf reacted to Patrick Connor in Vector warp only affects an objects outline and not anything it contains such as gradients, images, texture, etc   
    Welcome to the Serif Affinity forums  
    Thanks for your report. The warping of contents like gradient fills is not currently attempted by the Vector warp code, sorry.
    There are plans for Vector warp to be worked on more in the future, so I would expect this to change as the feature matures.
  16. Like
    ashf reacted to debraspicher in AMD Radeon RX Hardware Acceleration   
    Early benchmarks on the new Radeon cards suggest they perform slower on OpenCL compared against their Nvidia direct competitor(s) (in this case, 4080). With Intel improving their ARC drivers and the clamoring about Nvidia's predatory pricing, maybe that will push AMD to put more care into their drivers... to be seen, hopefully.

  17. Like
    ashf reacted to Dan C in Floating keyboard with Special Character mode problem   
    Technically the symbols keyboard doesn't support floating (you cannot enable floating in this mode).
    So you are essentially forcing it to float by enabling it in an external app, then switching to publisher where the OS remembers floating mode was enabled with no way to switch language built in.
    That said, I can see how it could be annoying if you rely on a floating keyboard so i've logged it as a bug.
  18. Like
    ashf reacted to Callum in No WEBP in Export Persona   
    At the moment this is by design however its something that is on our radar to be changed in the future.
  19. Like
    ashf reacted to NathanC in Vector brush preview not shown on Ventura   
    Hi @ashf,
    This issue has been logged previously with the developers, it is fixed in the latest beta builds available here:
  20. Like
    ashf reacted to NathanC in Double-tapping layer thumbnail does not work   
    Hi @ashf,
    This currently logged with the developers, I've bumped the issue with your report.
  21. Like
    ashf got a reaction from Old Bruce in Export as PDF issue   
    AI7 and older is an open format as an extended EPS file.
    Not sure if it's worth to develop the support for such an old format from now.
  22. Like
    ashf got a reaction from Dan C in Export as PDF issue   
    AI7 and older is an open format as an extended EPS file.
    Not sure if it's worth to develop the support for such an old format from now.
  23. Like
    ashf reacted to Dan C in Node tool with Apple Pencil problem   
    No problem at all, thanks for the further info - I'll be sure to test this further internally and log my findings with the devs, should I recreate any issues
  24. Thanks
    ashf got a reaction from Dan C in Node tool with Apple Pencil problem   
    I can not find the post about it anymore somehow.
    But I think they say clicking to add a node behave like "move" nodes.
    Other nodes on the same object move when clicking.
    Not sure the detail.
    Try clicking both with selecting nodes and without selecting nodes.

    OS is iPadOS16, the model is unknown.
  25. Thanks
    ashf got a reaction from Gabe in Bleed of linked doc   
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