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Dan C

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  1. @jayedwin98020 I can confirm that 'New Members' on the Forums have a limited time window after posting their comment to edit it, for spam prevention purposes. Therefore I've manually removed the email from your post for you now
  2. Please note I have hidden a few recent comments in this thread from a user whose posts are not aligned with our expectations here on the Affinity Forums. We ask all users to follow our Guidelines when communicating with moderators, or other users on this site. We are comfortable not locking this thread at this time, as we do welcome and appreciate our users feedback for the Affinity apps on other platforms, however we must ask the following: If this thread is derailed from the specific subject of Affinity on Linux, we may be forced to lock this thread from further replies. Should you have any questions regarding moderation here on the Affinity Forums, please email affinity@serif.com. Many thanks for your understanding.
  3. Oops, too many screenshots to juggle Thanks, I've edited my post!
  4. My sincerest apologies for the delayed response here - I understand this was originally logged in the Feedback section of the Forums, however I consider this a bug (especially considering the wording used to exist on macOS) and therefore I moved the thread to the bugs section of the Forums, yet did not reply at the time - the onus for that is on myself as I've only just realised! I can confirm I've logged the following with our team: (Windows left, macOS right) With no Book open, Windows has much tighter spacing at the top of the dialog, compared to macOS - Equally, macOS has greyed out controls, whereas Windows shows none before a Book is open - Finally, with a Book open, Windows has the following wording where macOS does not - I hope this helps
  5. My sincerest apologies for the delayed response here @Andy D as I have been awaiting a response from our experts team internally - I can confirm that we've received your image files. Our team have confirmed the following: If your images are failing to align during stacking or failing to stack, this can be due to multiple reasons such as; The dark frames haven't been supplied - causing the alignment to confuse hot pixels with stars and aligning incorrectly due to these. The star detail is too bloated or soft - during stacking there is a "registration" step where star quality is evaluated. If Photo can't detect any clear stars to align on, alignment will fail. If it finds what it "thinks" are stars and they're not, the stack might complete but the subs won't be correctly aligned. If you don't have any dark frames applied, then you should use the Bad Pixel Tool to manually mark all the stuck/hot pixels. This will exclude them from being considered for alignment and should hopefully provide a completed aligned stack result.
  6. As can be seen above, I replied to this thread a day after it was posted - and we have not received a reply from you here since. I've also checked our email system using the same address on your account and the most recent email we've received was in December 2022. Can you please confirm where/how you have contacted our team, where you believe we are not responding? Have you tried this method with your images in Affinity please?
  7. Sorry to hear this @Ian Browne! If you can email affinitysupport@serif.com with the details of your account, we can certainly help recover this for you
  8. Thanks for your post @Louisk! It sounds as though you were activating the 'Long Press' tool shortcuts, which was implemented within Affinity v2.2, as outlined here. This features activates when holding a Tool Shortcut, temporarily selecting that Tool until the key is released - at which point the app switches back to the previous tool. I hope this clears things up
  9. Welcome to the Affinity Forums & thanks for your report @Spacemassi! I can confirm this is a known issue that is logged with our development team to be resolved, I'll be sure to 'bump' this report now to bring it to their attention once again. Unfortunately there is no workaround to this issue at this time, outside of not using Artboards / Group layers. I hope this clears things up
  10. Thanks for your post @manu schwendener - I'm sorry to see this issue is still open with our development team at this time. I have updated this report to include the latest version numbers and 'bumped' it using your thread to bring it to our developers attention once again. Unfortunately I cannot provide any guarantees, but I will ask for this to be addressed as soon as possible within the report as I understand you have been asking for this fix for a while. Please note that 'AFP-2165' has been migrated to 'AF-4123' under our new system, therefore AF-4123 is the new bug report tag for this issue. I hope this helps
  11. I am a member of the Technical Support team at Affinity - part of that role includes moderating the Forums, which is what I have done in this thread. It is neither my decision to make, nor part of my role to understand the reasons behind the current business decisions, the nuances of software development across multiple apps and platforms, or the financial incentives required to increase the development overheads for supporting additional OS's, such as Linux or Android. My role is to echo what has already been said - which is that we have no plans at this time for Affinity on Linux.
  12. Welcome to the Affinity Forums @LeWoodstock & sorry to hear you're having trouble! I believe there may be an issue with your internal settings file that the Affinity app uses to store these brushes, therefore I'd like to try resetting this file and reinstalling the brushes through the My Account dialog. Please fully close Affinity Photo, then relaunch the app holding down the CTRL key whilst it launches. You should see the Clear User Data dialog appear. Within this dialog, please untick all options in the first category, then enable 'Reset Brushes' in the second category. Select Clear and the app should open, having reset your brushes back to default settings (and you should see some brushes already available for use in the Brushes Studio). Now return to the My Account dialog and reinstall your brush kits, you should now find these new categories in the Brushes Studio for use. I hope this helps
  13. @ennuied You can use Window > Studio > Reset Studio to return these panels to their default location in Affinity V2 apps. It appears as though you have a floating Studio window with multiple Studios 'docked' into this - this is not a bug with the Affinity apps and is part of the user customisation available in the apps. I hope this helps!
  14. Welcome to the Affinity Forums @new Alternatively, you can find information regarding the different Affinity installers on Windows in the below FAQ - I hope this helps!
  15. @Chills& @Frozen Death Knight - please can you both take a deep breath and a step back from this thread. I'd like to remind you of the Forum Guidelines as the last few posts in this thread aren't the type of behaviour we expect from our users here. We have left a few Linux threads unlocked here on the Forums, mainly for users who want to add their voice for the request of Affinity to be ported to Linux, or for users who are helping others run Affinity on Linux unofficially, such as the Affinity on WINE thread. We do not need, and do not want threads that circle around the discussion of the viability of Linux as a platform, the amount of market share the OS has, the pros and cons of Linux etc. These discussions have no bearing on the Affinity apps currently, or our developers potential of porting the software to Linux in the future. If you wish to discuss the broader subject of Linux, please do this on another site - as the Affinity Forums are first and foremost a support platform for Affinity users, on the OS's we officially support. Many thanks for your understanding.
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