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    Originally from Slovakia

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  1. I am puzzled. How does this hairline translate to SVG? https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/painting.html#StrokeProperties only specifies a numeric value for stroke-width, with the default value of 1. So what stroke-width does Corel set for the hairline in SVG?
  2. Perhaps you haven’t studied how cults work and what they do to the mind, then?
  3. Why are you posting it on Instagram, which is for members only, instead of just uploading it right here?
  4. Very nice, thanks! And a happy New Year to you, too.
  5. Sadly known in America only for the Faschierten (at least that’s what they call it in Wien). I visited Hamburg back in either 1969 or 1970. We were a boy scout troop from Slovakia vacationing in Lüneburger Heide and took a one day trip to Hamburg. Quite a big city it was.
  6. I didn’t say it was. I said many computer makers give you a small system drive and a large drive D, so it is important to be able to choose where to install your software. For example, I am typing this on a really good computer whose drive C formatted capacity is 117 GB, while its drive D has the formatted capacity of 911 GB. So I install most important software (including v.1 of Affinity software) to drive D, and less important software to one of several external drives, each of at least 4 TB (slightly less formatted). You asked why anyone would install software on a drive other than the system drive, and I explained why I do on this computer. My other computer also came with just one small system SSD, which I replaced with a 2 TB SSD (since it is SSD and not a hard drive, it is OK to have the system and the software on it because there is no time wasted by physically moving over the platters as it is with an HD). That happens to be the computer I installed Affinity Suite 2.0 to, so in my case it did not matter they used the .msix type of installer. But I fully understand why it matters to others. Come to think of it, I actually was annoyed by it installing it to a directory/folder that Windows 11 absolutely refuses me to access (because Microsoft thinks we all are stupid and don’t know what we are doing, even though I personally have been computing since before Microsoft was born, actually even since before Unix was created, and of course many others are fully competent computer admins and users). And because I cannot access it, I cannot create shortcuts for the Affinity suite on my desktop. And that is just pathetic.
  7. Given how many PC makers decide to make the system drive very small, that is exactly the problem: There is not enough space to install on the system drive. And it actually makes sense that the system drive should be used just for the system because if the system has to compete with every single application in accessing the same disc, then everything will inevitably slow down. But if the OS has a drive of its own, it can run as fast as the hardware permits. So, for a software to force itself to install on the system drive is a cardinal sin of computing. And not just under Windows, though the Windows lack of the Unix-style user-friendly mounting of drives to different paths contributes to the sin.
  8. Sure, for the general purpose of displaying text in a window by software like word processors, web browsers, and such. But the system is not responsible for the extra needs of design software that offers the ability to convert text to paths. It is up to the software to either program it in or to use a third party library that already does it. In any case, it is not up to the font designers to do that job for them. There are numerous fonts by numerous designers. There are only a handful of specialized design software programs.
  9. While I can’t speak for that foundry, as a font designer myself, I am not going to waste my time producing every static combination of my fonts possible, when I can place it all in a single font per typeface. You know, if your font contains five variations in each of just five characters, you would have to produce 25 static fonts with corresponding kerning in each (or potentially put all the variants into one extra font with non-standard encoding and no kerning). And if you have more, the number of possible static fonts grows very quickly. It is not the job of every single font designer or font foundry to produce static versions. It is the job of software like the Affinity Designer, Publish, and Photo to implement (or not if they don’t know how, or don’t care to) the standard.
  10. And here is what remains of the cookies we made yesterday with both of my cookie cutters, the one with Mr. Splurge, and the one with a Christmas star.
  11. I could swear we had the functionality to break subpaths from a path in v1 of Affinity Designer. But for the life of me I cannot find it in v2, which means that to remove subpaths from a vector graphic I have to slowly keep clicking on the individual nodes of each subpath and delete them one or a few at a time. Now, if we still have that functionality and I am simply getting too old to notice (which is likely), someone please help me find it, as it would greatly speed up what I am doing. Either by breaking up the path into all of its subpaths and deleting the undesirable subpaths that way, or by being able to select an entire subpath and delete it without even breaking the path. Thanks, everyone.
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