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  1. pookiebear you need to understand that in parallel of Adobe's bullshit, a lot of people are also getting fed up of microsoft and some of those people are stuck there because they need some specific software that only works on windows you need to understand that they are not mutually exclusive and some of those people are here, in this topic and other similar ones, on my guide (proof, look at the OS stats, both linux users needing it and windows users looking to move)
  2. i would argue that while not being a perfect 1:1 replacement, krita is definitely capable of being used in proffetional contexts: blender studio (the blender employees working on the animated "open movie projects") are using it in their animation pipeline Blender itself is now more capable of motion graphics than it ever was thanks to it's "geometry nodes" what we are really missing is an AI style vector editor (i sadly cannot say I'm a fan of Inkscape) and publishing software Linus Tech Tips also tried to switch completely over to Davinci Resolve, i do not remember if they stuck with it or not tho but yea same deal, they're fed up with adobe, their subscription system and increasingly bad software
  3. click the big "read the guide" button...
  4. interesting didn't know about Plus using C++ and yea between others i think they're using WPF .NET for (parts of ?) the GUI so yea it would make sense that stuff are just dependencies i can see this being true for adobe but in the case of serif i think it could also be the opportunity of a platform to conquer. think VFX/Animation companies having most of their machines already on linux but a few just for adobe products: it would not be interesting for adobe since they're already paying customers whom are willing to stay on Win/MacOS just for their product, but if affinity came up with the only quality offering on the platform they already primarily deploy
  5. earliest infos regarding iPadOS and release date seems to be in July 2018 while Affinity designer (whom came out first of the suite omg congrats queen) released in October 2014 shrug, i genuinely don't know: it might be marketing talk, it might not, all i know is that it is odd how spread out (in version/release year) dependencies are. it might also just be a windows thing and they might have reused old code only for the windows version since it came out (omg again, congrats queen) after the mac version, could also be developers that worked on DrawPlus and were used to those technologies/frameworks. i will agree that the global userbases does not represent precisely the creative niche, however those are the data we can find. i'm asking this genuinely, do you have any source of your 50:50 split? (wrote that before reading your next sentence but yes) we can still extrapolate those numbers by looking at how linux is already used in creative environments such as VFX, video editing and audio production
  6. erm actually 🤓 affinity released on macos first and then got ported to windows with that said, their previous products look pretty similar to early affinty v1 so it was probably their old windows codebase ported to macos, developed only on there for a bit and then to meet demand, they ported it back to windows. i am fairly sure of this hypothesis seeing how spread out the dependencies used in the windows version of affinity are, ie dotnet 3.5 and then 4.8 and directX version varying from directX 8 for the UI to directX 11 for the filters and canva rendering (might not recall perfectly but that's pretty much that iirc)
  7. krita really is great for raster work; and it is in my opinion way better than gimp peep my signature ↓ it's not perfect but it's pretty usable if you just miss some filters or you need to export old projects!
  8. that's literally the source you sent, it does not include servers, it is only from users on a web browsers. the important thing to note isn't the 0.5% to 4.5% progress it is the curve of the graph not being linear but having an upward trend!
  9. this is untrue, it is possible to closely follow the roadmap and development of not only the kernel but the drivers, while i agree the noise of the mailing lists is a thing, there is numerous news outlets filtering and publishing them. Roadmaps aside, deprecation and deletion are often talked about and notified months to most often years in advance. It is not different as having to follow the different parts of a windows system, you want to be compatible with windows related things, directX progress and every dependencies (image formats to name an example) your software relies upon edit: and again the issue of distro discrepancies are nullified by a distribution method like Flatpak
  10. as you often do, you missed the main point of the argument:
  11. i just plotted the Linux values from this website from 2010 until now:
  12. @Chills ↓ look at the Last 90 days on there also yes the userbase has been oscillating but it is still possible to see a fairly big upward trend in the last few years pookiebear i think you meant macOS because if you didn't: can you tell me what's android's kernel?
  13. they would likely choose to go with flatpak, and even if they doesn't it wouldn't matter much: while only officially supported on a single one, resolve can run on any distro as long as the dependencies are met, matter of fact a third party even published it on flatpak. 👍 cool bro unrelated then i guess but i've seen over 20 people thus far saying the only thing keeping them on windows/dualbooting is affinity edit: if that seems low: those numbers from my guide's analytics do state that a lot of people are interested on ditching windows for linux and are interested in using affinity there
  14. i know moderators don't really read this topic anymore but if there is a single thing to take from it and push to higher ups is this ^ edit: this is also the reason why people are so insistent and pretty much expect it
  15. in theory for at least old software, if you have wine installed on your machine you can just double click any installer, install the app and it will appear in your start menu only newer software like Affinity v2 are outliers since they use newer stuff not yet implemented in wine, so they do require tinkering i hate that this is the norm and people do not know anything about the hardware or software they buy.. honestly yes, but this is NOT a linux exclusive issue, in fact it is even more of one on windows yes lmao, like this is an extreme option but that's the idea, if you're not capable of getting a driver's license you should not drive a car. This is only not an issue because only your safety is in line when you're on your pc. And this is why companies have to train their personal not to do stupid things with their pcs. not completely related but there's way to build your windows code with wine APIs for better Wine compatibility without having to port the software completely to linux, you just have to tweak your windows code and distribute a .MSI for people to use on wine
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