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  1. GarryP has a good thread about doing Jigsaw effects. Have a read through this: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/99299-sheet-of-simple-jigsaw-pieces/
  2. Wow! So many in one week!😎 So good to see more of your fabulous work Patrick. I’m glad you’re posting here again!😀
  3. I think that the word ‘Universal’ shown in the screenshot next to the DMG indicates that it is a Universal Binary, i.e. will run on both Intel and Apple Silicone Macs. It dose not indicate the type of license.
  4. Just to add to thomaso comment on resizing an Artboard with ‘Lock Children’ OFF;
  5. Steps; Open the Colour image file in APhoto and add Live Filter > Lighting. At the bottom of the Lighting Panel add the grey scale BrushStroke image as the Bump Map. Result = Nothing changes? Expected: Lighting to pick out the brush strokes so giving a 3D look to the painted letters. Have tried this in both current retail version and current beta versions of APhoto. Test files Attached. Or am I simply misunderstanding what the image requirements for the Bump Map image are for this to be successful?
  6. Hola y bienvenido a los foros de Affinity. No estoy seguro de que tu problema sea el mismo que el que se analiza en este hilo, ya que parece estar relacionado específicamente con iPad. Un administrador del foro puede mover tu pregunta a la sección de iPad de los foros, donde es más probable que recibas una respuesta de otros usuarios de Affinity en iPad. O quizás desees iniciar un nuevo hilo tú mismo acerca de tu problema específico en la sección de iPad: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/forum/43-affinity-on-ipad-questions/
  7. @clonkel Oops, sorry about that! Here’s a version done 2.5.7. Scratches v2.5.7.afphoto
  8. Yes, it could be done, the attached was a very quick experiment. It may serve as a starting point for you or at least give you some ideas. Scratches.afphoto
  9. Is this the sort of thing you had in mind? As NotMyFault suggests it’s quite simple to do with ‘Live Filters’ but not sure it’s possible with ‘Live FX’? Graduated Blur.afphoto
  10. Could you perhaps show some images of the sort of look you have in mind? In the meantime perhaps the attached Publisher file will give you a starting point and perhaps some ideas. Engraved & Incised Lettering .afpub
  11. @R C-R To be honest it's not something I ever need to do often and yes sometimes there isn't as much content as you would think there should be. But generally the content recovered has so far been usable for me. When I have used it, it is mostly when I've closed an image I've been working on in Photo or indeed Quit the app and have forgotten to save the edits I've made and Photo has failed to warn me of unsaved changes! This doesn't happen very often, and I've never been able to replicate the conditions on demand that will allow Photo to close without issuing the Save warning. But sometimes it just remains silent! I've not made an official bug report yet because it only happens infrequently and I can't deliberately replicate it!
  12. Just change the auto-saved file’s extension to that of the Affinity app you wish it to be opened by. (You may or may not wish to make a duplicate of the auto-saved file first) For example; for it to open by default in APhoto, change the extension to: .afphoto And then open it normally.
  13. The Place panel in Publisher will auto fill with whatever images you select after invoking the Place command. Menubar: File > Place. (In the recording I have the Place command set as a shortcut on my Wacom tablet) Click once on an image thumbnail in the Place window to select it then draw out the size you want it on the page. (See first half of recording). If you select multiple images and then draw them out you will get one image per page. (See second half of recording). Publisher_Place.mp4
  14. Inspired! Love it! Never thought of doing it as a board game before though? Would be easier than having to visualise the whole of London in your mind!
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