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  1. Has anyone found a good workaround for exporting and opening in AI (file type, settings, etc)? I know Illustrator works with SVG, PDF, etc....
  2. Its there an update? I also have had the same issues.... I created the drawings in V1 iPad app and tried joining them in both v1 and v2 Designer on Mac... all with the same results.
  3. Is there an update on this bug?? I created drawings (as I typically do) in the iPad Designer app, but when I try to join curves on the Mac version of AD (version 1 and 2) I get the same issue.... This has never happened before, I've been drawing lines in the iPad app and joining them together in the Mac program for years now. Every time the curve joining the nodes snaps to the top left area of the document. Even if I select the exact two end nodes I'd like to join.... like here: I've replicated the issue with the test files the other users have provided here. I need help! This is a major bug for me and would set me very behind on my large commission I've created all the artwork for already.
  4. Again, it's sad to see people spending time trying to shame someone for requesting a feature. Who cares about the money or the trial period, whatever... Features are requested by users for applications all the time. Many applications are excellent but are missing some pretty important features. Obviously they've recognized DXF as important because Affinity advertised it as a key feature for Designer 2. But import and no export isn't a complete function. Deep breath everyone, we love Affinity but we have a need for feature that would make Designer2 even more functional, awesome and usable. While it's not important to some, it is to others.
  5. Ok thanks for the help! I'll try with cmd+S, hope that works. When I exit the document I'm currently workin go to go into the document view with thumbnails, I can save there BUT then when I return back to the document, it resets my selected brush (plus line thickness and stabilize settings). So that's why saving in document is very useful... unless there's a way to retain your brush selection, etc upon returning to the document you've been working on?
  6. I'm gathering one cannot manually save now? Is that the plan, I'm very confused. Because I don't see the "save" command available in the menu anymore on Designer2 for the iPad....Am I missing something? Designer2 crashes a whole lot for me, it's less stable than Designer is, so manually saving is a nice option (as well as auto).
  7. Has anyone been successful with using an iPad Pro as a second screen for your Mac (via sidecar) and being able to rotate screen? I'd like the similar drawing experience of my iPad, ability to easily rotate canvas as I go....
  8. I appreciate the update on this issue and the honesty. It would help to know why (because the demand seems there). Is it technically difficult? I’m sure most people looking for DXF import would highly value export as well. So it’s very confusing for me.
  9. Ummm... Are you really telling people they shouldn't be surprised or disappointed? I use Designer for many things, so I would obviously not return it- nor would anyone else on this forum most likely. I love the program and will continue to use it BUT I am disappointed the new version only has import but not export. I constantly need this function and have to either use Adobe or other workarounds that are time consuming. If you don't need that feature, then hooray for you. But don't sit around trying to scold other people who'd like to see that in this program.
  10. No export is very disappointing as all my fabricators require DXF files for laser cutting/etching. I've been waiting for this feature for years. Affinity please update with a timeline for an update with Export as well!
  11. I'd appreciate the cross application support in this case. In my case I prefer Affinity but just cannot get rid of Adobe for certain things... and bridge being able to display all the work I've done in Affinity would be very helpful.
  12. This issue affects me a lot and I'd like to put a major vote in for a resolution with the developers. The good news is that this thread helped me a whole bunch because I found the issue only repeats when the resolution is different between the two documents. So thank you to the original posters as this is a huge saver! But... this issue should be fixed. Place indeed did work for me but I need to keep the artwork in vector form and editable between the documents. Just for the developers to understand my issue, here's some images to see... My drawings has a lot of thickness variation in the linework and the pasted drawings look very little like the original drawings: (Original Left, Copy/Paste Right) Detail: (Original Left, Copy/Paste Right)
  13. That would be an option except for two things: Illustrator for iPad is pretty junk. Seriously, the drawing experience jarringly slow. Strange because I had no problems with Adobe Fresco on the iPad. It's not fully featured either, leaving a LOT to be desired. Another monthly membership needed. It' costs $10/month as a stand alone app (crazy rip off as it's not fully featured) might be worth it eventually. Or if you have Illustrator on a creative cloud subscription, it's $20/month minimum. That said, I end up using a combination of Designer, Photoshop, Illustrator and Procreate and have to annoyingly bounce between the programs to be successful. So I'm not saying don't use any program. One day I hope to use only Affinity Designer only because Adobe creates half baked applications at exorbitant costs. It's infuriating.
  14. On a quick test seems to be working with the beta! Thanks for the instructions- I’ll report back with more use.
  15. Version 1.9 still has this issue. It doesn’t crash every time but I can’t tell when it will... Almost never crashes when joining 2 lines as opposed to multiple.
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