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    "Michiana," USA
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    CG, obviously. Traditional visual 2d and 3d art. History. Music, piano emphasis. Nature conservancy, gardening, cooking.

    Too old for martial arts or treking.

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  1. Hi, rodsal23, What's your market like? Where I live, it used to be pretty easy to get work designing T-shirts and vinyl signage w. base level skills. But professional work usually required having a portfolio showing about 4 years of work. And, often, at least 2 years of college level graphic design. I understand there was a market at least just a few years ago for CD covers. My elder daughter and her husband use CG all the time to develop tattoo designs for their clients. The clients often change their minds, so be quick to adapt is good. But most clients are like that. "Yes, yesterday I said that design was OK, but can you change it this way and be ready to go later in the day?" Maybe your question should be more like "Am I adept enough to change a polished design in 2 hours?"
  2. See: https://affinity.help/designer/en-US.lproj/index.html?page=pages/ObjectControl/duplicate.html?title=Duplicating%20objects
  3. You could try and adjust the stroke pressure graph, but it would be fussy. More work than I'd want to do. Easier to make a square, and group it w. a thicker pen line.
  4. Hey, Vec, More nice work from you. Face is great, tho' the lower portion of the dress is maybe a little to "lo-poly". And I do know the real title.
  5. Hi, anotherhoward, I'm not using the 1.8 release yet, just 1.7.1, but I 'spose the brush works the same. I'm a little unclear about what you are asking. "In Designer, after making a vector brush stroke, how can I just widen the object without lengthening it? When I try to just increase the width it is also increasing the object's height" The stroke along the vector is controlled by the object stroke attribute. Changing the stroke size will expand/contract the spread of the bitmap. Also, the stroke pressure map will vary the spread along the vector. Designer does not have an auto trace feature. A vector brush is just a bitmap tiled on top of a vector. One might do a screen grab, and run the pixels thru a bitmap vectorizer.
  6. Hi, Fzyn, From looking at your posts, I guess you are mistaking curve stroke attributes for shapes themselves. Change your View Mode from Vector to Outline. Any curve levels, when subjected to a boolean operation, will add, subtract etc the areas defined by the curve nodes, not the stroke attribute. Hope this helps some.
  7. Hi, devoured_elysium, My understanding is that the boolean operations work on areas. A straight line has no area, so there is no operation. If the line is curved, it implies an area between the nodes. Then the bollean works, but it automatically closes the previously implied area. The new perimeter needs to be cut apart using the node tool.
  8. No, tho' it is a basic subtract operation. S'pose theres something relevant out there. I mentioned adding the text curves together so that the flower shape would not need to be subtracted over and over for each character. Just the whole mass at once.
  9. Hi, nullpointer, After converting the text to curves, add the text curves to make 1 text like figure. Subtact the flower shape from that
  10. Hello, again, Rolandas, The "boolean" operation, such as add or subtract, can only work when a curve can enclose an area. My example is made from many thin rectangles. Expanding a stroke will make something similar, but often adds many un-needed nodes. The boolean operations will work on those thin rectangle groups. BTW, they were made by "power duplication," so after making the first line-like thin rectangle allows many repetions in just moments.
  11. Hi, Rolandas, Are you looking for something like this:
  12. Hi, AndyMane, RGB to CMYK conversions rarely reproduce in print what one sees on screen. In general, computer displays show a wider gamut of color than what printers can reproduce with inks. See, for instance, https://www.color-management-guide.com/relative-colorimetric-and-perceptual-rendering-intent.html. Essentially, one tries to squeeze or stretch and RGB image into a CMYK space. Typically, the CMYK image is rather dull and/or distorted. The only reliable solution I've had is to print trials, and tweak the original file till I get something that corresponds to what I want to see.
  13. Beat me to it. There's a swatch set of web safe colors.
  14. Hi, Gargamel, Please clarify. When you say "border width of 4 pixels", do you mean the shape has a stroke width of 4? You may be getting confused by the apeearce of the stroke, which can be set to the outaside or inside of the shape, or centered on the shape boundary. The snapping is based on the shape, not the stroke. Try switch to outline view to see the base shape geometry.
  15. Hi, Rebecca Fishburne, A simple mistake I made early on was to have only 1 level (curve) selected. As I moved the shapes around, only the last moved was highlighted in the layers panel. There must be at least 2, w. the one making the change (subtracting, etc) on a higher level than the other.
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