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Affinity Photo for iPad wins App of the Year 2017!


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44 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi lewis heald,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Please check this thread for info regarding the compatibility list displayed in the App Store app.


Thanks for your reply it has downloaded the software but won't allow it to be used.I am saving for an Ipad pro to buy in the new year I assume if I keep it until I buy the new iPad I will be able to transfer it to that


Thanks Lewis

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4 hours ago, lewis heald said:
13 hours ago, Alfred said:


Where does it say that? When I visit the iTunes Preview page for Affinity Photo for iPad it clearly states at the top of the description:


Not in the App Store i don't use iTunes


I see the same info in the App Store, but it's a moot point if you're going to be getting a compatible iPad anyway! :)




Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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2 hours ago, jaroo said:

Eh bien, c'est juste être difficile avec un choix de mots, mais à partir de l'e-mail, ils se réfèrent à un concours, pas un cadeau. 


Mon sentiment est un peu différent.

Affinity fait référence à un précédent  concours.

(Je cite):  Cela fait un moment que nous avons fait un concours comme celui-ci.

Aujourd'hui, Affinity nous demande de parler de ce logiciel récompensé (c'est tout à fait légitime).

En échange, il y aura un tirage au sort, une sorte de loterie mais .....un seul gagnant.


Un concours récompense les meilleurs, ce n'est pas le cas ici.


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ENHORABUENA Affinity, una vez más habéis bordado la aplicación, pena no tener un iPad compatible (el que tengo es más antiguo y no cumple los requisitos necesarios para su instalación) que admita vuestra magnífica app.

En algún momento espero poder disfrutarla. Seguir así, que llegaréis a ser los mejores!!! Saludos. Tsa


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Por cierto, sería posible que se pudieran traducir a diferentes lenguas los post del Foro desde una pestaña del mismo, sin tener que recurrir constantemente al traductor compatible?

Los que os leemos y no dominamos el ingles estaríamos encantados. Gracias por considerarlo.  Tsa :)

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On 7.12.2017 at 1:39 PM, Mithferion said:

Herzliche Glückwünsche!

Und lasst uns hoffen, dass nächstes Jahr mehr Erfolg für euch bringt, Leute (etwas wie Affinity Designer für iPad wird zur App des Jahres 2018:D ).

Freundliche Grüße!


No Please not!!! Please no more pastimes for minorities.
Everyone is waiting for "Publisher".

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1 hour ago, Michail said:


No Please not!!! Please no more pastimes for minorities.
Everyone is waiting for "Publisher".

True that... but now I know I can speak German. :D

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Well played, Affinity. Can't wait for Designer on iPad and Publisher. After some talks with managers and such the company I work for is ready to let Adobe CC go. Within a  two months or so we'll be getting a couple Affinity Photo's for marketing and I'll be getting AP and AD. Just like on my personal Mac at home. 


But, if my personal Mac ever crashes, I'm considering to stick with just an iPad Pro and get me all Affinity software. It's all I need.

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