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A tool that distorts groups of objects would be extremely useful - the most obvious use would be to distort  groups such as squares laid out in a checkerboard or tiled floor design add perspective. Ideally with no restrictions on the directions of distortion - similar to Free Distort.

For me this feature is actually essential rather than just useful.




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+1  Aye, this would be a great feature to implement.....



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Please push the perspective tool at the top of your list. I have a project right now and my work would have been much easier if this feature was in AD but instead I need to redo a drawing for every time that I need to put it in a different perspective. This tool is essential, I feel that it should have been a pioneer feature. Right now, this is taking away the thunder of AD for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Been a bit on a hiatus with AD these last couple of months, and I had expected a simple distort or warp tool would have been implemented by now? Seems like this ought to be part of an illustration package's fundamental tool set, in my opinion.


I would not be able to switch to AD for vector work without it. So I'd like to add my voice in here: please add it. At the very least allow the user to CTRL-drag a corner point to distort the object.

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Hi angelhdz12,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

This is listed on Designer's roadmap but the roadmap covers the entire 1.x cycle (up to version 1.9). Some features may be added sooner than others. There's no eta for any specific feature. They are added as soon as they are ready for release.



The roadmap is now updated.

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  • 1 month later...

(At the risk of annoying the devs with repeated requests:)


What I long for in Designer are the various Perspective operations of Photoshop's Free Transform:

Where you pull the corners/sides of the bounding box with various modifiers to skew perspective.

But effecting A.D.'s vectors, of course.


This is much more urgent to me than a Mesh distort.

Mesh distort is an entire stealth bomber program;

 all I need is a functioning grenade-launcher!


Thank you.


- pbass

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi all, just wanted to see if we could have this added to the Affinity Photo roadmap in addition to Affinity Designer. I don't see it in there since it was updated for 1.5. I had to save as PSD then open in GIMP to do the perspective warp...



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Hi Radium,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Affinity Photo already has a Perspective Tool and a Mesh Warp Tool in addition to a Live Perspective Filter for some time now.

The tools can be accessed from the left toolbar (the second counting from bottom). Click the small arrow to open a popup to switch between the two.

The live filter can be accessed going to menu Layer ▸ New Live Filter Layer ▸ Perspective Filter. For information on how to use it check this video tutorial.

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