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  1. Next month will be the 1 year anniversary that this issue was reported.... 😪 For some reason in some system/configurations we lost the ability to use the color picker outside the Affinity Window... In my old Intel iMac MacOS Monterrey it doesn't work In another MacBook Pro G3 with the latest Mac OS it works as expected... P.D. Thanks to FSB67 for the Apple color picker workaround. It's not as integrated as before but it works...
  2. Hello @Hangman Thank you for taking time to test and replicate my steps on your end. 👍
  3. Hello I've noticed this new bug in Affinity Photo. Probably got introduced in the 2.5 update but only had time to report it now. It's very easy to replicate. I'm attaching a sample file here. 1) I create a new document, 2) Add an image 3) Create a rectangle shape and use it to mask the image. 4) I resize the document using: Document > Resize document For example: the original size of the document was 5,000 x 5,000 px and I resize to something smaller like 1,500 x 1,500 px 5) I UNDO the Resize using command+Z or the History slider in the side tools and the mask shape (rectangle ) goes bonkers, it is positioned in a completely different place than the step before. So I loose all my masks positions. I do this a lot in my workflow, create a big document, mask some objects and then resize to a smaller size and export my image. I then undo the resize so I get a bigger original file to save but now I can't work like this because of this bug. I've done it since version 1 and 2 , but my estimate is that this problem started in 2.5 Hope I was clear with my steps. thanks! fjv masking-file.zip
  4. Also having crashes when starting up Designer and Publisher. Installed from the Mac App Store. Photo is the only one working correctly on my end. Have deleted and reinstalled but still the same as others. Is there a way to roll back to 2.4 while there is an update...? Note: sharing system screenshot. Intel iMac
  5. Please try to add to the 2.5 bug fixes.. This was reported (and acknowledged) more than 6 months ago... Thanks!
  6. My theory (I may be mistaken) is that this happened after a .1 update. I'm pretty sure I did NOT deselect the "Keep Selected" checkbox in Designer. Well, just happy to get my workflow back... thanks all
  7. Thanks GarryP! 😀 The "Keep selected" checkbox must have been unchecked somehow, I had to look for it. Been driving me mad for these past weeks... Hey PSendda.. thanks for the video! Fixed it now. and will surely remember it if it happens again
  8. Hello: Wanted to ask how can I keep an object selected after I create it. Not sure, but I "feel" that this has changed in the last couple of updates. For example I'm working in Designer. I create a circle with the Elipse tool and after I create it I want to keep it selected so I can move it and refine it... Right now after I create any new element (Shape, text objects, etc) I have to first change to the Move tool and THEN manually select it. A lot of extra clicks.. I feel (I may be mistaken) that this wasn't the behavior before. Any suggestions for this...? Is there a preference I should check or am I just going nuts..? Thanks in advance.
  9. Hello Sorry, just following up on this issue. Any chance it could be added to the 2.3.1 patch before it is released? I don't think I saw it in the MacOS list Thanks!
  10. I'm still having issues in my old intel Mac... and 2.3.0. Will keep a look at this thread every couple of months to see if there is a fix.
  11. Hello. Just wanted to report this issue has NOT been fixed with the 2.2.1 update (at least on my system and hardware configuration) I applied the update using the Mac App store. Restarted my computer . Deleted and added again the Affinity Photo screen recording permission in System Preferences But still the same problem as reported. Regards,
  12. Thanks, I'll wait for the fix... I see there are threads starting to pop in the forum with this issue... Hopefully this can be a quick patch
  13. Hello: I'm having the same issue in my intel iMac... Tried different things but have not been able to solve it. It worked fine before the 2.2 update.. here's the thread
  14. Hello Nathan I allowed a Guest user... is this good to test...? I logged out of my Admin account and logged in as a Guest. I opened Affinity and it didn't recognize my license so I started the 30 day trial there. I went to the screen recording preference to turn on the preference (Photo was already there) I deleted it , added it again but still the same issue. my color picker only shows a R 255 G255 B 255 value outside of the app and doesn't sample the color...
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