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  1. yes, it is an annoying problem hope it gets fixed soon.
  2. hi and thanks but this is simply a bug Bildschirmaufnahme 2022-11-27 um 17.27.08.mov
  3. the problem is independent from the mac hardware ( can reproduce it on 3 different Macs, m1 and intel ) and it is very annoying hope we see a fix soon
  4. when the size of the tool is changed with alt / cmd / drag than after the first but sometimes after the second or third use the tool is displayed as arrow instead of the round outside border or content, hitting the space bar brings the correct form back. who the size is changed via the menu everything works fine. ventura on m1 ultra PSA.: just discovered the bug is also related to the tool size, bellow 100px it works !
  5. @PaoloT hm, adobe says: Photoshop 24.x is compatible with macOS Ventura (version 13) with these known issues... the problems with AP started long before Ventura at the end adobe works affinity is buggy
  6. the core issue ist that I have to deal with all kind of bugs for too long now, moved to an m1 ultra with ventura and things got worse understand that they want to focus on a new release but that does not change the fact that I have no other chance than to use this broken software or get back to adobe !
  7. hi, could not activate the beta although I have the App Store version installed it keeps asking for a key also after I reinstalled it form the store. the reason I wanted to test the beta is because with the latest store version it seems bleed is added to the page size on pdf export and so it is rejected by my online print service.
  8. Bildschirmaufnahme 1.mov when I open a bunch of .aphoto files ( more than 3 ) the app freezes after closing the first image but when I alter the images and save them everything works as expected. this happens with the current version but also with the latest beta. the problem is only related to .aphoto files tiff work normal. reinstalling the os did not solve the issue
  9. thanks bruce, this is not the case but I will test it with a new user account.
  10. hi and thanks, this is totally weird there are no crash reports. maybe this an os problem, will download the lates Catalina combo and reinstall it.
  11. when I open some images at the same time .aphoto 500-1000mb the app crashes when I close the first file I have worked on. same with the beta, cleaning and reinstall did not solve the issue. any ideas ?
  12. I applied a gradient via the develop persona.... this happens when the mask opacity is less than 100% Screenshot 1.mov
  13. the inpainting tool is very laggy when working on the background layer, also savings feels less responsive. the file size is around 600mp as . afphoto.
  14. this build has performance issues for me it is unusual laggy
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