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  1. We will hear very much. (the launch of APu was announced for 2015 and years later we still had no suite …)
  2. Many of them will not pay for something again that was announced for their paid old version.
  3. Hopefully the requested beta versions of AF Designer and AF Photo will be released sooner than the iPad version of AF Publisher.
  4. There was a time before Serif stopped and removed the Affinity Designer feature roadmap … but if you can search you can get a knowbody
  5. Before those many announced features of the 1.x roadmap are online?
  6. Strange! Something for wellness? Something with electr…? Hopefully we are waiting because of the announced features and the damn DAM!
  7. You can search for the old feature list and you will see that one of the next new features will be … For example a “Convert Pixel selection to Vector shape”, a "Mesh fill tool" and a "Knife tool" were announced on the Affinity Designer feature roadmap.
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