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  1. Thanks GarryP. I did not ask for an explanation of how the forums work, but of the current status of this critical issue that has been sitting here for almost an entire year and potentially affects every single multi-page project with text flow that does not start on page one of the document. I was hoping that I have missed an update, workaround or hotfix ...
  2. Any news on this? I'm currently starting work on a 400 page document and REALLY don't want to link the spreads one by one ...
  3. Yes, currently working from an M2 MacBook Air. That worked, thank you!!!!
  4. Low-Res exports are fine. Is there a way to downgrade to version 2.5.2 for the export?
  5. I just used 2.5.3 to export a print file and all images are "broken". Going to figure out if other settings work, but this is ... bad! I can upload the created file (appx. 200 MB) through a link for investigation, but here two samples of the images:
  6. I believe "use document resolution" is the correct choice here: It doesn't change the resolution of the files you have placed on the page, leaving the high-res drawings high-res and exporting the colour layer in the 300dpi they are set up in. I would also select "overprint black" to make sure the drawing layer covers the colour layer where they overlap.
  7. Has anyone tried running Affinity on macOS Sequoia Developer Beta yet and is willing to share a first impression on how it runs?
  8. The controls of the background version are janky, they flicker and always just flip back to their original position (the video has only the background one, I removed the foreground so it's easier to see). Another dynamic font I have works fine. Screen Recording 2024-05-22 at 19.39.11.mov
  9. This dynamic font does not work: https://indestructibletype.com/Gnomon.html
  10. Good first use case for AI 🙂
  11. A "Pledge" ist not a promise and "we are committed to" is very different from "we are going to" -- sorry, but while this is a nice gesture, I've heard this noncommittal language way to often (in recent years even from our gouvernment with their listening, their commitments and the famous "five pledges") to believe any of it. As I have spend a good amount of time of learning Affinity and moving all my work to it I'll stick with it for the time being. Worst case is that my version 2.4 stays as it is and I'll use it until I don't find a computer that runs it anymore. Given that Serif just got handed a large sack of money, I won't do any free beta testing from now on though, and only install further updates if they have something I need rather than looking forward to playing with a new toy and being happy about everything I discover. The software has hopped from "a journey I enjoy being part of" to "a tool I use to earn a living". My feeling towards Serif has shifted from "fan" and "advocate" to "user" respectively "customer" with a simple business relationship that can be cancelled the moment "the product doesn't meet expectations".
  12. Canva is aiming to go public soon. And no, for me personally it is not about the price and the subscription, it's about the "soul" of the software that I use every day and the fact that it was (currently still is) to chat with the developers directly.
  13. I know it's not of much use, but why don't we all change our profile picture to the "angry cat" emoji to show how we feel?
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