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mswift reacted to MEB in Publisher V2.4.0 PDF Export only exporting a single page - not entire document
Hi @mswift,
As was explained above this is not currently possible in Publisher. We do have exporting pages as independent PDF files logged as an improvement but it still needs approval to be actually implemented. I've updated/bumped the logs with your feedback.
Thanks for your support.
mswift got a reaction from nodeus in Publisher V2.4.0 PDF Export only exporting a single page - not entire document
I want to export to PDF, 28 separate pages (as specified by commercial printer). I have a 28 page document set up as single pages (not spreads) and the only options I have are All Pages or Current Page. Leaving on 'All Pages' did not create 28 single pages PDF. I tried with a Spreads document... didn't work either!
Publisher V2.4.0 iMac
mswift reacted to Amontillado in Multiline data merge workaround
The situation is this - you're grumpy and truly love your word processor, the incomparable Mellel. Unfortunately, it doesn't support mail merge. You're grumpy. It's not like you're going to start using Word.
Affinity to the rescue, but there's a problem.
If you create a spreadsheet with multiline cells for addresses, Affinity will change the intra-cell newlines into spaces. For a year I railed against fate and hand edited merged envelopes and documents.
This morning an obvious solution came to mind.
In Numbers (or Excel, or whatever) do a global search and replace. Change every instance of "\n" to "¶\n" in the spreadsheet, merge in Affinity, and in Affinity replace every instance of "¶ " (pilcrow followed by space) to "\n".
Bingo, presto, Bob's your uncle, or whatever you say, multiline merge done without really much delay.
An added benefit is if you use the ¶ character you might be able to be that one guy on the writing team who still knows what a pilcrow is. That's worth a lot.
mswift got a reaction from SrPx in Mythical Monster Stories
You could try blurb.co.uk for Print On Demand and set up a free ISBN with Blurb, ready for Amazon self-publishing.
Ive used it for several personal POD books and very pleased with the results.
mswift reacted to carl123 in Bring to front Master Page items
The instructions I gave should do that
mswift got a reaction from kenmcd in Where can I get a manual for Publisher?
I have created a Basic PDF guide here (6.3MB), you can download and print it or add it to Mac Books to follow on an iPad ...and its FREE!
If anyone uses it I wouldn't mind some feedback, especially if there is something that is difficult to follow.
Ny hopeless internet connection would not allow me to upload the file here.
mswift reacted to wonderings in 3 page spread
Seems the simple work around is make your page size the size of the print page flat. I never work with multiple pages for a tri-fold or anything like that. I start with 11 x 8.5. I have a template saved with guides for the folds. Same goes for perfect bound book covers. I setup with the size of the spine needed, draw my guides and design from there. Seems like more of a hassle to setup a multipage document for something like this, especially with tri folds as really your panels should not all be the same size. 2 would be and third should be slightly smaller for folding.
Maybe there are other reasons this is needed but I have never found I needed this option. I use single page or use spreads for saddle stitch jobs.
mswift got a reaction from Petar Petrenko in Official Affinity Publisher V1 (Desktop) Tutorials
I had to translate Your website before I could read ii.
mswift got a reaction from chvon7thal in Copying/Cloning Text Formatting (Peter-N)
Even faster (on Mac) Shift > Option and drag.
mswift got a reaction from jer in Affinity Publisher 2019 Diary template
No mistakes but my thoughts:
1. If this was intended as say, a printed booklet I would add a blank page on the end I.e. first blank page is the outside front cover and the last blank page is the outside back cover. Remember booklets always need pages to in in increments of four.
2. On the master page you could use tables for the days so it will be easier to fill in if you use it on screen with AP, and page numbers for the Week Numbers.
3. Have a Non Facing Page version for online use, this could be exported as a PDF with text fields added in Acrobat. Would be nice if AP developers would add this soon (along with other interactive functions like we've used for years in InDes).
Good idea though. The PDF version could be emailed out to clients with their individual company branding, or to family members as a sort of Christmas/Birthday card
mswift got a reaction from Hilltop in Where can I get a manual for Publisher?
I have created a Basic PDF guide here (6.3MB), you can download and print it or add it to Mac Books to follow on an iPad ...and its FREE!
If anyone uses it I wouldn't mind some feedback, especially if there is something that is difficult to follow.
Ny hopeless internet connection would not allow me to upload the file here.
mswift got a reaction from Uncle Jack in Where can I get a manual for Publisher?
I have created a Basic PDF guide here (6.3MB), you can download and print it or add it to Mac Books to follow on an iPad ...and its FREE!
If anyone uses it I wouldn't mind some feedback, especially if there is something that is difficult to follow.
Ny hopeless internet connection would not allow me to upload the file here.
mswift got a reaction from Hilltop in Where can I get a manual for Publisher?
Add another page then look up "Linking text frames" in the Help Affinity Publisher Help window.
Also I have a couple of PDF tutorials that might help here, I will add more over time.
mswift got a reaction from dominik in 3 page spread
...and manually add centre crop marks in the bleed.
mswift got a reaction from Bryce in [Implemented] Data merge
You’re joking right?
you Are comparing 20 years of development with 2 years. I remember the first version of InDesign didn’t equal its opposition (Quark) until about version 3.
mswift got a reaction from R_G in [Implemented] Data merge
You’re joking right?
you Are comparing 20 years of development with 2 years. I remember the first version of InDesign didn’t equal its opposition (Quark) until about version 3.
mswift got a reaction from dannyg9 in [Implemented] Data merge
You’re joking right?
you Are comparing 20 years of development with 2 years. I remember the first version of InDesign didn’t equal its opposition (Quark) until about version 3.
mswift got a reaction from transitdiagrams in [Implemented] Data merge
You’re joking right?
you Are comparing 20 years of development with 2 years. I remember the first version of InDesign didn’t equal its opposition (Quark) until about version 3.
mswift got a reaction from CarlM in [Implemented] Data merge
You’re joking right?
you Are comparing 20 years of development with 2 years. I remember the first version of InDesign didn’t equal its opposition (Quark) until about version 3.
mswift got a reaction from thomaso in Studio not displaying items
The plot thickens.
If it is a bug hopefully it will be fixed before 1. The new MacOS and 2. The iPad version. I will be looking forward to using the entire suite on my iPad as a second monitor but not if the issues you described persist!
mswift reacted to Eugene Tyson in Calendar Automation (sorta) - Tables Feedback
I'm going to use a Calendar as a way of showing a few useful features I found out - and some suggestions.
Firstly, dragging out a table is great! Select the Table icon in the tool bar, select the Snapping tool to get it to snap to the margins, and simply Drag Out the table - you will see it gives dimensions - rows and column counts too! Pretty cool!
There are only a few modifier keys available. A modifier key is when you are using the mouse to move/alter something and press a key on the keyboard to get it to behave a different way.
Shift = constrains proportions CMD = sizes from the centre point where you clicked on the screen What I think is missing is a modifier key to allow the amount of rows and columns - simple arrow keys could add and remove rows and columns would be super useful!
For this calendar - I only want the First 3 rows to appear. Month - Days - Dates
I draw out the table and let go of the mouse and low and behold - I have 7 (that was lucky) columns and 3 rows, as I only dragged down that far.
The added feature that's pretty cool!
With the Table tool still selected - you can drag down the table from the tab as indicated. Or similarly - on the right hand side, grab the tab and drag to add more columns!
You can slide them up and down or left and rigth until you have the desired amount of columns or rows.
However, once you have made your decision - you cannot remove the rows/columns by dragging them back up. I presume this is to prevent deleting information accidentally, however, if the cells are empty I don't see why this can't be done
If you want to remove the column/row you can select it and right click and choose Delete Row
However if you have more than one row/column selected you cannot choose to Delete Rows!
No option to Delete Rows
To delete more than one Row/Column you have to use the Table menu and choose "Delete Rows" or "Delete Columns"
Onto the calendar!
Select the top row and right click and choose Merge Cells
View>Studio>Table (I believe this menu and sub menus are subject to change)
Select your table and add some "Insets" so the text doesn't butt up against the cell wall - this is optional and you can adjust to how you like.
Very important to ensure you're on the CELLS portion - there is an option for the FRAME - which is above in the screenshot of the Table Panel, this is relating to the Frame the table sits in and not the Table Properties.
That's a bit confusing becuase you'd expect the Table options to the forefront of the options, however, not a major issue!
In fact it's all optional - I'm leaving mine plain because I want to show another feature.
Insert the Month top row - days on the 2nd row - and leave the 3rd row blank.
Select the entire 3rd row and go to View>Studio>Paragraph
Expand the Bullets and Numbering List!
Choose 1. 2. 3. 4. Change the text section to read as.
Note - when you edit this panel option - you need to hit Return - this shouldn't be the case - if you don't hit return your changes won't be implemented.
Your table should now look like this!
Grag the TAB as shown before - to expand the table to add more rows.
January 2019 starts on a Tuesday (any calendar will tell you that )
Cool feature! You can select cells noncontiguous - that means they don't have to be beside each other.
To do this - select the A3 cell - then let go of the mouse to leave it highlighted. Press the CMD key (possibly CTRL on PC) which is the "modifier key" then select the remaining cells.
From the List Type in the Paragraph Panel - you can then set this to NO LIST.
Your table will now automatically renumber to ensure all the days have the correct number assigned.
Drag the handle down on the side of the table - to make it fill the page!
Select the numbered rows - right click and select distribute rows evenly
Duplicate your page
Rename Month to February
January ended on a Thursday - so February starts on a Friday and February 2018 has 28 days.
Select the first 3 days - and set the Paragraph Numbering to No List
Voila! February is Done!
Add your icons!
Now you can repeat the steps to make the remaining calendar months!
mswift reacted to Frances Proctor in Publisher Calendar wizard
I just had a quick play with creating tables and calendars and I discovered that a table can be saved as an asset. So a calendar page could be set up and saved as an asset and easily dropped on a page.
mswift got a reaction from 4personnen in Affinity Publisher 2019 Diary template
No mistakes but my thoughts:
1. If this was intended as say, a printed booklet I would add a blank page on the end I.e. first blank page is the outside front cover and the last blank page is the outside back cover. Remember booklets always need pages to in in increments of four.
2. On the master page you could use tables for the days so it will be easier to fill in if you use it on screen with AP, and page numbers for the Week Numbers.
3. Have a Non Facing Page version for online use, this could be exported as a PDF with text fields added in Acrobat. Would be nice if AP developers would add this soon (along with other interactive functions like we've used for years in InDes).
Good idea though. The PDF version could be emailed out to clients with their individual company branding, or to family members as a sort of Christmas/Birthday card