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  1. This is not on the cloud. Though, I seem to have less problems on the cloud than to a server. It only seems to be one computer now that is having the issues. We'll keep watching it.
  2. Does holding down ctrl reset for the mac?
  3. Error when trying to open the files that didn't get errors when saving. We went back now to and restarted the computer to see if the problem continues.
  4. That might be the case but we didn't have any issues until the update so my logical conclusion would be to go back to the last one, if not, we'll try the previous one. There wasn't much time between .6 and .7 and that means you could very well be right. I'm just not sure what to make of these errors or is something else changed but we didnt' upgrade to 15.2 yet
  5. How do I go back to the previous update? I only see the newest in my purchases or the beta.
  6. I think there might be a regression happening. In the last update we had better support for networking and cloud storage and seemed to work well. Since yesterday we are getting errors saving and files are damaged or say "not correct file type" when attempting to open. So far these are all in AFPUB files on the Mac OS 15.1.1. Here is one of the errors:
  7. If you want to join the beta, I think it's open to do so. I could be wrong, but I get invitations along with their other emails.
  8. It comes down to one thing: Money. Do the sales outweigh the development cost? If not, it's a no go in any business. Linux is fine, and I have it on a VM, but we all know that half the people on linux are there because they don't like to pay, which makes it even harder to justify, even if you had enough people who wanted the program. Designers, for the most part, are not building computers and putting Linux on.
  9. I'm looking to have Affinity fill out my tax forms like always used Indesign to do, but I can't seem to figure it out. I use a spreadsheet with my payroll withholding data and then indesign would spit out my 941 to mail in. I use data merge regularlly and it works fine for mail batches, but for this application I can't wrap my head around this. I only need one cell from the XLSX go in one text box Publisher. Then I'll need another cell go into another text box, but on the same page. In indesign it was just a link of the XLSX file that would get updated, and it would update all my info on the page from the spreadsheet. What am I missing?
  10. I wish I could answer that. I don't know the rhyme or reason for when it chooses to output vector or raster from an imported PDF to an exported PDF
  11. The new MacOS Sequoia introduced the AI tools in the OS. I was watching a YT video that showed being able to access the writing tools by right-clicking on selected text even in applications that don't have the icon. Is there a way to access the standard system right click menu to have access to some of those new features in Affinity or is the new 2.6x in order before this can happen?
  12. The "remove all guides" button is in the guides dialog box. I didn't know if that could be assigned to a keyboard shortcut that I'm accidentally pushing. I go on to say they are then deleted - meaning they are no longer in the guides dialog box either. I will be working on the file and then all but one will just disappear from the dialog box (and the page). That is correct. I turn on and off guides being displayed all the time, even have my keyboard shortcuts set for that like I did in Indesign. Correct again. These aren't just disappearing one by one, but rather all but one are gone. I'm trying to pick up the pattern but I only have had it happen in one file. I questioned that too but when they disappeared out of the dialog box, it convinced me that maybe I had a keyboard shortcut tied to it, but that doesn't explain why one will stay.
  13. there is only one artboard in this file. Not sure what's going on. Is it possible that a keyboard shortcut could be set up for the remove guides button, that I might be accidentally clicking?
  14. I keep putting guides on my artboard in Designer (2.5.3) on Mac and they just keep disappearing. They will show in the guides manager and I'll have a few. Then adding more, others will just disappear and it's not that they are turned off in the view option. Is there a problem with this version? I've never had this happen before.
  15. I'm not sure what is going on as my prefernces do not show the delete key as being the shortcut but the menu does.
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