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  1. Why do you buy an Samsung Tablet IF you now longing for Affinity Suite? We all makes mistakes... Nothing wrong with Linux/Android, but, the piracy on that platforms are too commonly wide - hard to believe that great and big software companies likes to serve that market with ”free” software. Buy an iPad Pro 12.9” M instead.
  2. Every new update to Affinity Photo, beta as retail, I immediately looking into Percedural Texture live filter - the annoying behavior that the GUI is tiny sized every time we reopen the PT-filter again… Why can’t Affinity Photo remember the last size och placement of the PT GUI? This ”bug” has been going for years and years! Is’nt people using the powerful and funny filter Percedural Texture any more? The Youtube channel PlasmaPortal has a lot of tutorials on this amazing filter.
  3. As always, great users/members on this forum give us such a good advices and tips! Thanks Alfred!! Me too have been looking for this kind of number font.
  4. Hi there! on my iPhone Pro Max I have an really great camera-app that make both focus-bracketing and exposure-bracketing, nice. But, the camera app just take this series of pictures and put them into the Photos Library - it doesn’t show me the end result in my iPhone. I often has my iPad Pro with me, but not always, and on iPad I use Affinity Photo v2.60b7 to make the converting from stacks to one finished picture. As everyone knows, we don’t have Affinity on iPhones, just iPad (+Mac/Win), so, have anyone here some suggestion on an app on iPhone that can do stacking, both focus and exposure? The camera app I use is CameraPixels - really really great! One time fee, $8…
  5. FYI - if Adobe thought Linux is an amazing platform, then would they certainly already have Adobes all apps on the Linux system. But, there’s no money to be earned for Adobe on Linux, and that is just like Serif Labs thinking about Linux - to much effort, small amount of cash… Even if the Linux community could crowdfunding Serif Labs to release Affinity Suite on Linux, the big future costs are updates, maintenance of the Affinity apps etc etc… So, don’t dream to much, you may be deeply disappointed waiting waiting waiting..
  6. Me too have a lot of problem, with Affinity Suite, but, though I hate Adobe and have a variety of devices, Macs, Win-PC, iPads, I use Affinity Suite as the best alternative for me. Affinity doesn’t do everything more expensive software does, but there’s always workarounds or similar functionality to discover. My problem with Affinity Suite is that the iPad apps are crippled compared to Mac/Win versions - doesn’t matter if we bought iPads with M4 CPU for $3500, Serif seems to think that iPads are too weak to run full Affinity Suite… Sad.
  7. So, honestly, what’s your real problem here? If you wants ”quick fixes” you may use trillions of other apps out there to phones tablets and desktops, but, if you want the best app relative to price and power, Affinity Suite can’t be beaten.
  8. Perhaps this guy can learn you more? https://www.youtube.com/@plasmaportl/videos
  9. Thanks for that file! I’m sitting here with my morning coffee and my iPad, but I will test this later on my Macbook Pro. Me too have discovered this area interesting concerning equations and PT (after many many years in the Affinity community)…
  10. Thanks for a quick answer. Maybe I have to look harder on that screenshots and figure out a working equation. Goodnight from Sweden!
  11. f***in’ great to see people handle more traditional middleschool math. Thanks! Question, is it possible to share a ready Preset file on your amazing equations?
  12. Pretty funny that some users here have every bug@problem that exists…
  13. You’re toooo optimistic! 😀😀😀
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