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Hi guys,

I'm Richard, from The Netherlands, and I'm pretty much a rookie when it comes to graphics/photo design, but I do find it very interesting.
The reason why I'm getting in to this stuff; I just want to learn some basic logo design for my company (and website) and being able to design my own business card.

I only recently found out about Affinity (a few days ago), and the reason why I wanted to give this a try is quite simple;
Adobe's monthly subscription-model really put me off... specially since I'm not going to use this kind of software on a  weekly base anyway, it would just burn my money away.
I read some reviews online, and Affinity Designer/Photo seem to come out very positive! ;) 

- I'm an iMac user myself, and Adobe just doesn't seem to be optimized enough to suit Apple's environment... something that (reading through the reviews) Affinity DOES seem to do.
Anyway, I probably have a very steep learning curve ahead of me, since I'm still pretty much a rookie (hoping it's not TOO steep), but I'm looking forward to getting the hang of this eventually.
Good to be on board.

'One Aim'

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My name is Kent, and I've just recently been introduced to Affinity (still on trial period).  I've got some learning to do and some questions, of course ... but, my initial introduction is looking pretty good so far (except for my 6D2 raw files are all "pink").  


I don't know how to better describe it, but Affinity readily caught my attention as "technician friendly",  Some of the tools (like the magnification when selecting info points and easy switch between LAB / RGB / CMYK values).  It looks "artist friendly", too ... but it seems to be developed from a different mindset than most that I've tried.  This is the first program that I've tried that has me wondering if it will actually replace Photoshop (once I get the hang of it). 


It's off to a good start (a few quirks, but I figure that's just learning curve stuff).   Now, if I could just figure out how to work my 6D2 files.  I'd looking forward to comparing how well they play in Affinity vs. Photoshop.  The NR and USM algorithms look promising in Affinity from what I've seen so far with my other files ... looking forward to learning even more.



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Hi, I'm Dave Adams from Kentucky and I am new to Affinity Design and graphic design in general.  My hope is to someday break into the field and, besides having fun, maybe earn a little extra money on the side or possibly even a career change.  I guess we'll see.

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Hello all, I'm David. I'm from the Louisville, KY area and I just recently made the switch from Photoshop to Affinity. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm also enjoy the community here on the forums. One question though. I can't seem to upload a profile pic. I tried using my Flikr account to host the image but even then it tells me the file type isn't supported.

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Hi, Chris here. Discovered Affinity about 2 weeks ago after a suggestion by my daughters partner who uses designer. Am just beginning to get to grips with the software. Many years ago, when I first started out in photography I worked mainly in black & white doing all my own processing. With colour I became a 'snapshot' photographer leaving colour processors to do my developing for me. Now that I'm working in digital, once again I can be in full control of all my processing. This is my first serious piece of processing software, I chose Affinity because I could possess it for a one off fee, I can't afford a monthly subscription on a pension! I must admit so far it has blown me away. I shoot both Jpeg and RAW simultaneously, but I have been amazed at how much I can do with just the Jpegs that I havent even started working on my RAW files yet.

To other newcomers to processing software in general and Affinity in particular, I would say it makes it easier if you have some idea of what you want to do to your image before you start. Watch as many of the tutorial videos as you can manage at first just to get an idea of the capabilities of Affinity making a note of which ones are of particular interest for you at your current stage of knowledge/proficiency. (To state the obvious, make sure you watch and digest the beginners series until the basics are second nature). To help me grasp each tutorial better I approach each one as a mini-lecture with a pen and notebook, pausing and rewinding as often as necessary until I fully undestand the how, why and what of a particular tutorial.

I know some of your older users bemoan the lack of a printed guide. I don't feel it that necessary, my 'lecture notes' are as good as a manual and are customised to my needs.

Back to my own work, I am currently enjoying the fact that layers allow me to mix Black and White and Colour in the same image. One thing I havent yet worked out is whether I can achieve the same tone reduction effect I used to obtain by printing onto Lith film and then screen printing the results. Has anyone out there used Affinity to obtain Tone reduction effects?

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Hi my name is David Kelly. I have been a user of Photoshop for many years. I decided to look at Affinity because I don't want to be paying for subscriptions for the rest of my life. I have recently purchased Affinity Photo and Designer and so far they appear to be very strong products with some great features. I am looking forward to seeing how Affinity grows as a Developing Software. The training tutorials are very good and I appreciate Affinity for putting them out. 

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Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, Chris. :)


6 hours ago, Chris Sayles said:

Back to my own work, I am currently enjoying the fact that layers allow me to mix Black and White and Colour in the same image. One thing I havent yet worked out is whether I can achieve the same tone reduction effect I used to obtain by printing onto Lith film and then screen printing the results. Has anyone out there used Affinity to obtain Tone reduction effects?


It would be better to repost your question to the Questions forum. It's likely to get lost in this introductions thread.


Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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I see another member of FredMiranda.com here already; this is auspicious! Fred's site is how I learned of Affinity Photo.


I am an ex-commercial photographer (John Deere last big client), and currently videographer. I have been a reluctant user of Ps for many years, but have not upgraded since CS5, and just hated the Creative Suite (or whatever it was called) while comparing FCPX and Premier Pro.


I have spent the last hour watching the tutorials (fantastic body of information there) while downloading the program. My reason for looking into AP is the demise of Aperture (though I still use it for Q&D galleries for Facebook (on the workshops we present) and it's fine for that. I also own C1Pro 8, but that interface has never really gelled for me.


My interest in AP is mainly the Raw developer area of the program; I do little retouching, preferring to get it more-or-less right when I shoot (legacy of 25 years of shooting film).


If there's a link to the AP back story, I would love to read it. Sincere thanks.

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Hey everyone,


I am Lutz around 30ish ;) and a Freelance web and graphic designer from Germany.  I also planning starting to bring Photography into my business. (its a passion since years of mine, but never really tought about it before) I bought my second Apple Produkt this year, just to have Affinity Photo. I was blown away by the speed on the Apple WWDC2017. I love it so much, its really one of the very rare Pro Apps for the iPad. Keep up the great work.

While I still use Photoshop and Lightroom on my Workstation, since I am stuck in the subscription.(wont resub at the end and switch complete to Affinity) I am really looking forward for Affinity Designer on iPad. Is there any timeframe we can expect it to be at least beta? I would purchase it already even, so much faith I have in Serif. :D 

Oh happy Halloween guys, hope its a nice one for you all :)

| https://www.instagram.com/lutz.heidbrink https://500px.com/lutzheidbrink | https://www.eyeem.com/u/pixelcoder | https://society6.com/pixelcoder 
iPad Pro 10.5 - iOS 11.4.1 - Affinity Photo 1.6.7 - Affinity Designer :11_blush:

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Hi everyone I’m Paul.  I’m a photographer and have been since I walked away from my “proper job” in 2008.  


I have been a Mac user from the early 2000s after I picked up a G4 PowerBook.   I did in the early 80’s use Apple IIs for controlling machines ( I worked in pharmaceuticals ).  My “Proper Job” was Head of IT Operations and my team managed a large estate of Windows based servers and PCs - I vowed when I left I would only use Apple.  I even got my first iPhone, 5 minutes after they were released.  


I now run iPhone 6s Plus, large iPad Pro, 13” MacBook Pro and 27” iMac with the 5k display - oh and Apple TV and my network is handled by an Apple Airport Extreme - yes I have incredible Apple Acquisition Syndrome and possibly more money than sense and will be changing to iPhone X later in the year


I really want to use Aperture but Apple saw fit to drop it so now I use Lightroom and Photoshop by subscription but I occasionally do some web work and use Illustrator for logo designs etc.  I also use Capture One instead of Lightroom - mainly for my personal work as I believe the RAW conversion is far better but the UI is not as intuitive as LR.  


I very occasionally use Indesign so I pay the full rental.


My aim is to work through the Affinity Designer workbook and if it works for me drop my Adobe subscription from £47 to £10 ( roughly) per month.


i am looking forward to a version of Designer for the iPad 


Also I am keen to support UK businesses especially from Nottingham 





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Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, Paul. :)


21 hours ago, Coppereye said:

i am looking forward to a version of Designer for the iPad


You're not alone. It's about time @MattP stopped teasing us!

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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 I’m Barney, just bought Affinity Phot Plus with Mac, having used Adobe with Windows for many years.

Started photography with B&W wet films way back in the 60’s, but digital photography is a complete exciting game changer.

Very impressed with tutorials both with Affinity and UTube.


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On 10/06/2014 at 2:05 PM, MattP said:

Hi, I'm Matt Priestley and I'm one of the Affinity developers. I'll try to help out on any topic, but particularly anything relating to tools, views and document drawing as they're the bits I'm mostly responsible for writing.


Feel free to join me and introduce yourself, too! :)

How do I get the new free add ons I have recently updated my affinity photo software. 

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  • Staff
2 hours ago, macforme said:

I just download the update 1.6 for A_Photo and the freebees. Affinity... are you single? I love you. Can we get married?



Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums..... PM me.... ;)

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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In my introduction, I wrote:



My interest in AP is mainly the Raw developer area of the program; I do little retouching, preferring to get it more-or-less right when I shoot (legacy of 25 years of shooting film).


Now I know a bit more about AF, I am certain that the DAM is necessary; I can see that AF is more of a Ps replacement (well, better than, from what I have seen so far). But because I handle so many images shot on location in dodgy mixed light (we teach workshops in London, Singapore, sometimes Berlin, and Australia annually) where I need to use the same corrections on many images, we need a DAM that contains the Develop Persona, I believe.


Aperture does not do a bad job of DAM, but I would so much prefer to use AF+DAM as a complete single system. The AF raw developer seems to do a really good job (I will compare C1Pro and AF some time soon for myself) so combining it with a fast DAM, I think you will sell a great many copies. And I want to stress again: the 'buy a single licence' model really, really works for me. On principle, I will not buy subscriptions (many reasons and can elaborate to AF staff if interested).

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Hi I'm David I've been using Adobe suite for a long time especially Photoshop in the first beta incarnation on a very old Mac II Ci. I do some web and traditional graphic job, and I'm interested in 3d graphics (I'm using Blender). Some month ago I bought  from Apple Store the AP & AD, my intent was throw into the trash Photoshop Illustrator (and maybe) InDesign. !!!For the first two I'm very close to!! I'm starting now to use Affinity (Suite?) cause my old iMac was a 32 bit only capable. I'm impressed you are doing an exceptional work, go ahead!! (Sorry for my bad English I come from Italy.

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