SrPx Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 I am into cartoon illustration as well. What is your style? The more (of us) the merrier :) We plan on invading the world.... :) B) Quote AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11.
r-gajdet Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Hello Affinity Photo users, teachers, and moderators! My name is Rich(ard) Gajdowski and have lived in Laveen, AZ for the past ten years migrating from Connecticut. Oh yeah, one heck of a weather swap, but oh, the scenery change! I had my first real exposure to photography in a high school club (back in the early 70's). They had a great darkroom and only a 4x5 press camera. That film couldn't have been cheap - even back then. Anyhow, it was a tech school where I learned my trade in electronics and have been in that field ever since I got out of school. Along the way, I purchased a Konica T3n with a few Konica and Vivitar lenses. I decided to try my hand at wedding photography in the early 80's as a side job so I could buy more photo equipment. I bought a Kowa Super 66 and had fun - and stress. No DSLR to take multiple shots and hope one was good enough to use. As time marched on, family and work took precedence over photography, and the cameras were relegated to family and vacation photos, and eventually film fell out of favor to pixels. Digital held no interest for me until the resolution started to increase to the equivalence of 35mm film. I had a couple of point-and-shoots early on and played with JASC's Paint Shop Pro, and that was good enough. Now it's not. Enter the present (somewhat). My wife bought me a Pentax K5-II for Christmas the year they came out. I was back in business, somewhat. Now I have a camera with a LOT of pixels, but a PC that is too slow to manipulate them. I saw no point in purchasing Photoshop in the past, because I was always a couple of iterations behind whatever the current PC speed was. So beside introducing myself, I was hoping to glean some info on building a killer PC to to make Affinity Photo hum to it's full potential. I read the posts I could find regarding hardware requirements, but alas they are dated as well as the software they were designed for. Is a 4 core up to the task, or is more better? As far as graphics cards go, it appears there is a point where too much is just a waste. The last PC I built, was a Turbo 486. The rest of the ones I've owned since then, were hand-me-downs I purchased from my company. Time to leap ahead! By the way, I have a bumper sticker hanging on my office wall that reads "I love DOS". And yes, still have some PCs at work that run DOS. I work for an aerospace company. Give that some thought. ;) Quote
Bri-Toon Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 The more (of us) the merrier :) We plan on invading the world.... :) B) That's the spirit. Quote The website is still a work in progress. The "Comics" and "Shop" sections are not yet ready. Feel free to connect with me and let me know what you like or what can be improved. You can contact me here, on my contact page, YouTube channel, or Twitter account. Thanks and have a great day!
SrPx Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 @r-gajdet , I was quite a freak in optimizing memory and things in DOS, in its days... About purchasing a new PC (nothing since 486 ? Man, you've been lucky...) I myself am thinking of that as well. But I kind of purchase balanced machines, a bit able to work and deal with everything (I can only speak about Windows Pcs, not using much Macs in the late years). I'm extremely interested in AMD's Ryzen 1700, is an eight core. PS (Photoshop) does not use well many cores, but could be the opposite with Affinity software, as I believe they don't inherit arcane code. I've no clue. In general , for heavy multi tasking (which I do, very) , being able to stream, capture, render all at a time, be rendering a file, compressing another, while working in something 2D, there, many cores are a winner. For 3D rendering (also do it a lot), and video editing, several cores is better. I'd say, for graphic work, is best at least 4 physical cores. Then is a bit of a mixed bag situation. PS even now gets not much benefit from many cores, but more of the top clock speed of the one single thread doing the task. A bit like happens in games, reason why still a core i7 7700k (or i5 6700k) is still the best bet for playing, or even just an i5 7600k or 6600k (Kabylake and Skylake, respec.). Even some people get good performance in several games. I mean, even some pentiums (bad bad choice of re-using an old name, is confusing) , despite being initially placed below celerons, today some can be on par of many i3, if not above (depends on what i3 and what pentium). Even one of these pentiums or i3 can be fine for PS, as certain particular models do have a surprisingly high clock speed, like 3.9 ghz. But, and is a big matter, applications in general have begun, before than games, to extensively use many cores. PS inherits older code, but affinity tools are more modern. So I would be inclined to think that several cores are better used by AP and AD. But is a wild guess. I have no idea what would be the best path with this suite. In general, a powerful and balanced machine is going to deal well with almost everything, To me, that can be today this new offer of AMD, the Ryzen 1600x (six cores, way more expensive in the intel side), 1700, or if have cash to throw away, the total winner is a 1800x. I'm probably heading to the 1700 (it has 8 cores, 16 threads). The thing is, with these you need to also buy a graphic card in the first moment. I kind of think that for non heavy game playing usage (but still runs several at 1080p decently) the nvidia 1050ti 4gb is the golden purchase now. While for a regular gamer, maybe the 1060 nvidia card, as that goes great with anything in 1080p at 60 fps, which is a sweet spot. For regular graphic production, is not needed, but the 1060 is quite a good thing to have for cutting times in video rendering and 3D rendering, (GPU rendering). If none of this is going to be intensive in your case, I'd say a mid-low card is enough, even the gtx1050 or 1030 will do just fine. The thing is, if like me, do need a powerful card for rendering, you kind of have to put it all in one go. Which is not nice... With intel, you can purchase a core i7 7700 or 7700k (VERY high clock speed) which definitely will benefit single threaded applications, and avoid for a while the graphic card purchase till you get more savings. Because those CPUs come with a very basic graphic processor, the intel HD 630, which is very low in performance, but fine to reproducing (I don't mean encoding/rendering, but playing it) video even in very high resolution, and is fine for general work. In some months, you'd purchase whatever the powerful card. Still the new Ryzen cpus from AMD are really tempting, as for graphic works are total beasts, for very low price. What is more, this is putting a lot of pressure on Intel, so it seems they are accelerating many releases. I don't want t bore you all, but just as a fast note: In August (and you can pre order in 2 days) you will be able to purchase some of the low end Extreme intel branch, the Skylake-X models, coming at very decent prices, again, thanks to the AMD attack, even giving a replacement for the 7700k but in the pro branch (so, no integrated card, and the mother board is more expensive). Then, probably in October, November, finally the 8th gen, Coffee Lake (I like the name, lol. It will replace Kaby Lake) is probably coming, offering a 6 core at mainstream, low price (for what is low for intel, that is...). And not being that enough, in 2018 is coming Cannon Lake, yet another more platform to add confusion, lol. Is a step that optimizes the platform, passing to 10 nm (nanometer). And as if there weren't enough "lakes", supposedly, in 2019 it will be replaced by IceLake, a step in architecture. My anger with all this, apart (and for setting the "more than 4 cores" cpus extremely pricey until now) from generating users' confusion, is that usually you have to purchase a new mother board with each new platform/chipset. In this way, AMD is a bit more considerate in terms of allowing a longer life to the main boards. But IMO, CPUs are becoming so expensive compared to mobos, that is beginning not be the main issue, imo.... I have a suspicion though, that a good bet is a strong cpu, a good amount of ram , and a fast disk , like, a 7200rpm mechanic drive at least for storage, and personal choice would be to set a SSD for ONLY the OS and most used applications (configuring the OS well to avoid the SSD making disk writes) I have a feeling that this would be a general good config for AP and AD. I'd prioritize indeed those things (specially CPU and RAM, in this order) over a great video card. Anyway, people not minding to purchase a new SSD disk every 2 or 5 years, but really not wishing to have long waits for opening those crazily huge RAW files, can opt for use SSDs also for regular file usage (IMO due to SSD price per MB you will still need one HD (or more, for backup) for general storage), as SSD disks are blasting fast. I'm not of that kind, certainly. Still, I'd go for a graphic card in the mid-low range, nearer to the mid than the low (my mid for general usage would be the 1050 ti 4gb). So, yep, if not doing a lot of rendering (in 3D and video editing, GPU based) and neither constantly compressing files, I'd go for an intel cpu with quite some top clock speed, probably never going below 4 cores, anyway, unless money is a royal issue. I still think most graphic professionals should begin looking in the Ryzen direction. The only issues is that it is too new, not fully tested, dunno the drivers situations, if these machines are reliable and have long durability, etc. But the benefits in capabilities and low price are so huge that I might take the plunge/risk, anyway. I don't know anyone having reported to be using Affinity Photo or Affinity designer with a Ryzen 1600x or 1700 (the sweetest spots in performance/price in AMD now, probably), but would be extremely curious to know how it handles these apps specially in AP with MANY layers, files at print resolution and a good size, I mean, many inches (at least an A4/Letter, but ideally something 2x or 3x that size) and at 300 dpi, with many layers. As I know that this typically can make any application suffer quite and produce lags and etc. The Ryzens "could" be good at that. But if that is solved internally in code by the total single core speed, then a intel i7 7700k could be the winning horse. So, all this huge wall of text to conclude that I have no freaking idea. :D :D Edit: If going , in video cards, for the very low range, don't purchase a nvidia 710 or 730 (neither a 210 or etc) if getting a kabylake processor like it is the i7 7700 (305$), i7 7700k(340$), i5 7600k (240$). Or even the also Kaby Lake ultra cheap core i3 7100 (~117$ a very nice processor, not for too intensive stuff, but a good purchase . 2 cores, 4 threads) . All those come with the intel 630 integrated video card, which is somewhat a bit above the nvidia 710 and 730. With these cpus, and any other having it (I believe even some newer pentiums come with it !! EDIT: yep, just checked. The pentium G4600 (only 89$) has the 630. The g4560 has a lower card) you are better off just using the integrated... is even said to be able to play back 4k videos... In these cpus, in the low range of graphic cards, I'd only advice the purchase of a nvidia 1030. That one is better than the 630 integrated (which is the best of the integrated, probably). And even more, the 1050. But the latter is a bit more of a jump in price (but imo, much safer in terms of getting good performance, specially the 1050 ti (4gb)). For this same reason, if going AMD, for a Ryzen, which does not come with a integrated card, a nice advice if don't want to use much money in the graphic card, is going for a nvidia 1030 or 1050. Quote AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Catalysys Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 Hi, My name is Richard Floyd and am new to Affinity Photo & Designer. Contemplating getting the new iPad Pro and was wondering if there are plans for Affinity Designer for the iPad in the near future. Thanks, Richard SrPx 1 Quote
Alfred Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, Richard. :) wondering if there are plans for Affinity Designer for the iPad in the near future Does this answer your question? :P SrPx 1 Quote Alfred Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)
Headshed Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 Hi my name is Stuart, like a lot of people I've arrived here from photoshop. My main interest is landscape photography and general family pictures etc. So far I'm liking the software but do find the conversion from PS to photo a little fraught at times. Looking forward to reading through the forums and picking up some great tips.. Stuart SrPx 1 Quote
TBRYAN20 Posted June 19, 2017 Posted June 19, 2017 Hi, I'm Matt Priestley and I'm one of the Affinity developers. I'll try to help out on any topic, but particularly anything relating to tools, views and document drawing as they're the bits I'm mostly responsible for writing. Feel free to join me and introduce yourself, too! :) Hi Matt! I love that Affinity Designer doesn't have a subscription! But, I can't put Adobe Illustrator down just yet. 1. How do you link text boxes so that text can flow continuously from one column to the next? 2. There is no 3D Text and Bevel. 3. How do you insert a drop cap or can you? FREE BEERS TO ANYONE WHO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS IN AD! Just kidding of course!! :D Quote
Alfred Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, TBRYAN20. :) Your questions would have been better posted to a new 'Questions and Feedback' thread, but since we're here: 1. How do you link text boxes so that text can flow continuously from one column to the next? You can't. This feature will come with Affinity Publisher. 2. There is no 3D Text and Bevel. 3D and Bevel/Emboss effects are available via the Effects panel. 3. How do you insert a drop cap or can you? Again, it looks as though we'll need to wait for Publisher. Please see this post for a workaround. FREE BEERS TO ANYONE WHO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS IN AD! Just kidding of course!! :D Have one on me! SrPx 1 Quote Alfred Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)
selstephen Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Hi, I'm Selwyn. I've used Photoshop and Illustrator in the past as a casual user but was always on the lookout for a decent equivalent without the subscription charges. Since I've discovered AD and AP I'm totally in awe! It is so straightforward and has some great features. I've recently got the AD workbook so am going through that and have just recently downloaded AD for iPad Pro. I can't wait for AD on iPad (as I'm sure most people are!). I'm currently just getting used to software and trying certain things out. I'll share my work as and when its completed. Keep up the good work @MattP (and the rest of the Affinity team). SrPx 1 Quote Instagram : Twitter :
affinitytutorials Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Hi official Affinity Forum :wub: My Name is Frank. I´m the founder of, and I´m an Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer user and supporter from day one (Mac Beta). When i started using Affinity i knew it was special and it´ll be huge. I loved the look and feel of it and i got comfortable and used to it very quickly, everything worked so smooth. Switching from Photoshop to Affinity is very easy and it´s a real alternative. And to me that was the beginning back in 2015. I started to share my enthusiasm and love for the Affinity Apps in Germany. I started the first Affinity Tutorials only website Everything is related to Affinity. This project became very quick a lot of work. I couldn´t do it alone anymore. I needed another Affinity enthusiast and found him here in the forums, my friend Affinity Jack. We put a lot of time, money and effort in this project. Jack provided the germany Affinity community with Affinity Tutorials and i built the base in the background. Started to look for inspiration, news, articles and much more. It´s such a joy to get to know Affinity artists around the world like Neil Ladkin(Serif), Frankentoon, Heli Herrera, Paolo Limoncelli, Angie Elfin Art, Shugmonkey and Laurent Zimny. Thank you guys for your time and support. In spring 2016 i opened the unofficial german Affinity forum https://affinity-forum.deand it is now very popular in germany. More than 1200 Affinity enthuiasts share their love and knowledge with the community. All different kinds of Affinity users are online, hobbyist and professional. What i love the most about the forum is that everybody shares her/her knowledge in a very friendly way. That´s something we are very proud of. 10.06.2017 we had the 3rd German Affinity Meet-Up. Guys from around germany (Berlin,Munich,NRW) came to visit and meet in person. It was such an awesome evening. We had dinner at a local restaurant, it was superb Biergarten weather :) I presented everyone a printed Affinity Meet-Up T-shirts for free and i´m never going to forget the happy smiles on their faces. We talked about how awesome Affinity is, shared workflow and tips&tricks and later that evening i presented the new Affinity Photo on iPad Pro 12,9". Everybody is amazed by Affinity Photo iPad. The Affinity Meet-Up was a great success, it was super nice and it´s like a big Affinity family. Thank you Serif for the amazing software. Affinity - The future is now ;) I´m using Affinity Photo / Affinity Designer on iMac 27" and Affinity Photo Beta on iPad Pro 12,9". Thanks for your time everyone, thanks for reading. Have fun with Affinity. Cheers Frank You can also find me via Youtube and Twitter Affinity Jack, Chris B, LoBu and 1 other 4 Quote
Affinity Jack Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Hi @affinitytutorials, my friend Frank, while reading this, it fills me with a lot of memories. ^_^ The www is not only a place for anonymism :ph34r:, but for finding friends. At first we didn't know each other. Living 600 km away. But with this forum so near. Today we are friends, not only in questions of Affinity. I have so much fun with building up your Websites, helping the community, creating projects together and getting the knowledge of other Affinity-Users. So we did with a Affinity-Meeting in Mönchengladbach/Germany 2 weeks ago. Friendly people with a common hobby, from beginners to a pro-phographer (who won prizes in the categorie Fine Art!) :rolleyes: Ciao Jack affinitytutorials and Conny 2 Quote Affinity Jack Video-Tutorials on YouTube in German with English Subtitles Link to my YouTube-Channel: AFFINITY JACK Author in the team of, the website all about Affinity Photo & Affinity Designer
Bri-Toon Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Hi Matt! I love that Affinity Designer doesn't have a subscription! But, I can't put Adobe Illustrator down just yet. 1. How do you link text boxes so that text can flow continuously from one column to the next? 3. How do you insert a drop cap or can you? FREE BEERS TO ANYONE WHO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS IN AD! Just kidding of course!! :D In regards to these two, Affinity's focus is delivering the features necessary to the software type. They could merge a lot of features like animation, text styles, photo editing, and extras all in one, but they feel it would cause clutter and a steeper learning curve. As Alfred said, Affinity Publisher would be a better choice for those kinds of jobs. Quote The website is still a work in progress. The "Comics" and "Shop" sections are not yet ready. Feel free to connect with me and let me know what you like or what can be improved. You can contact me here, on my contact page, YouTube channel, or Twitter account. Thanks and have a great day!
Conny Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 Hi official Affinity Forum :wub: My Name is Frank. I´m the founder of, and I´m an Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer user and supporter from day one (Mac Beta). When i started using Affinity i knew it was special and it´ll be huge. I loved the look and feel of it and i got comfortable and used to it very quickly, everything worked so smooth. Switching from Photoshop to Affinity is very easy and it´s a real alternative. And to me that was the beginning back in 2015. I started to share my enthusiasm and love for the Affinity Apps in Germany. I started the first Affinity Tutorials only website Everything is related to Affinity. This project became very quick a lot of work. I couldn´t do it alone anymore. I needed another Affinity enthusiast and found him here in the forums, my friend Affinity Jack. We put a lot of time, money and effort in this project. Jack provided the germany Affinity community with Affinity Tutorials and i built the base in the background. Started to look for inspiration, news, articles and much more. It´s such a joy to get to know Affinity artists around the world like Neil Ladkin(Serif), Frankentoon, Heli Herrera, Paolo Limoncelli, Angie Elfin Art, Shugmonkey and Laurent Zimny. Thank you guys for your time and support. In spring 2016 i opened the unofficial german Affinity forum https://affinity-forum.deand it is now very popular in germany. More than 1200 Affinity enthuiasts share their love and knowledge with the community. All different kinds of Affinity users are online, hobbyist and professional. What i love the most about the forum is that everybody shares her/her knowledge in a very friendly way. That´s something we are very proud of. 10.06.2017 we had the 3rd German Affinity Meet-Up. Guys from around germany (Berlin,Munich,NRW) came to visit and meet in person. It was such an awesome evening. We had dinner at a local restaurant, it was superb Biergarten weather :) I presented everyone a printed Affinity Meet-Up T-shirts for free and i´m never going to forget the happy smiles on their faces. We talked about how awesome Affinity is, shared workflow and tips&tricks and later that evening i presented the new Affinity Photo on iPad Pro 12,9". Everybody is amazed by Affinity Photo iPad. The Affinity Meet-Up was a great success, it was super nice and it´s like a big Affinity family. Thank you Serif for the amazing software. Affinity - The future is now ;) I´m using Affinity Photo / Affinity Designer on iMac 27" and Affinity Photo Beta on iPad Pro 12,9". Thanks for your time everyone, thanks for reading. Have fun with Affinity. Cheers Frank You can also find me via Youtube and Twitter Hello dear Frank, I also agree with Jack's words And I am pleased to be a member of this great german Affinity Forum. There is a friendly co-operation and very praiseworthy is also the quick help with questions. Keep it up...Conny SrPx and affinitytutorials 2 Quote
johndapps Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 John Apps, very new to Affinity Photo, loving what I've seen so far. Running the latest version on WIndows 10 and having the odd problem interpreting the key strokes in the tutorials, which appear to have been recorded on an Apple, to Windows. For example: <shift><home> does not work on a standard Windows keyboard as far as I can tell. I shall persevere as this is not a stumbling block and will get resolved. Camera is a Nikon D7100 with an assortment of lenses. I shoot mainly in RAW format and have to learn how Affinity Photo deals with that format as, so far, JPG appears to be easier to use. Great software for an amazing price! I am looking forward to reading and seeing what others are doing. Cheers, John Quote
SrPx Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 ENORMOUS KUDOS (yes, I'm shouting, the occasion needs it ! ) to Affinitytutorials and Affinity Jack. That all is way beyond amazing. This is how you help an extremely good and smart suite of applications in growing and spreading. That story reminds me a real lot -even a bit painfully- to certain LOVABLE meetings with a bunch of illustrators which I deeply -very much- respected, loved and for whom had (have) great admiration (they admired me too, huh... :D), in my country. It was not as organized and well driven as yours, but was really good, too. We also met in an online community and from there went to also expand it offline. At some point the community broke, mainly as the site, which was the central nerve of communication kind of got broken. I had to cease all activities too, due to life duties. But I am aware several of the most solid friendships from there yet stand today, very current. So, I guess, a pair of applications or as was our case, the joy that certain activity (illustration, photography, design, etd) gives you (or simply the joint for sharing same freelance profession) can go a long way, even if just started on inet (I always value higher direct RL relations, but it's became clear to me that internet "can" be a good way to start really good stuff. Hey, not all has to be bad or crappy on the internet....) Great kudos, I had no idea this all existed... And long life to it ! Jixxtifs, affinitytutorials, DennisPoide and 1 other 4 Quote AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11.
neil2609 Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 hi there I'm a long time Serif Page Plus user (20 years??) Recently bought PagePlus X9 and have had some difficulty Outer Glow and Inner Glow etc are supposed to be on the 'Effects Tab' according to the Help Pages - but nowhere can I find the 'Effects Tab' - can anyone help?? Neil Quote
Alfred Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 hi there I'm a long time Serif Page Plus user (20 years??) Recently bought PagePlus X9 and have had some difficulty Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, Neil. :) These forums are for posts relating to Serif's Affinity range. Please create a new thread on the CommunityPlus forums for any issues relating to the 'Plus' range of products. SrPx 1 Quote Alfred Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)
rhermans Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 Hi Everyone, I could write how great Affinity is, and that after all these years (starting with photoshop 4) I'm switching because I believe affinity is better... Sorry starting over, you really made a magnificent product Thanks. Ronny SrPx 1 Quote
LamminenEeva Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 Hiya! I'm Eeva from Finland. I've been working as graphic designer for 16 years and most of it as freelancer. I recently changed all my tools from Adobe to Affinity as the versions I had were getting old (CS4) and I didn't afford to update to the latest versions. Also it would have required total update of my hardware which I wasn't too keen on doing so I was more than happy when I found out about Affinity's tools. One happy camper over here :) rhermans and SrPx 2 Quote
ErikH Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 Hello all! I am Erik from Antwerp, Belgium.I am a fine-art painter but prefer to call myself a 'creator of images' as I also do photography and photomanipulation and even digital sculpting in ZBrush.I use Photoshop CS5, which I know quite well, but for which I never saw a reason to upgrade. In fact: I use it less and less because Krita is better for painting and drawing, and Capture One is perfect for my RAW files.Earlier today I got a mail from a friend, mentioning Affinity. After watching a few video overviews and tutorials, I grasped this was what I would have liked Photoshop to become, and purchased my license immediately.I really look forward to use it and team it with Capture One. Really.For those interested: I am on a home-built i7 Windows 7 Pro machine. SrPx 1 Quote
p_mac Posted June 21, 2017 Posted June 21, 2017 Hi I'm PJ from Canada. Been on this site for quite awhile but have not introduced myself. I am a real fan of Affinity products and this great group of conscientious developers. I talk about Affinity Photo all the time when I go into my local camera shop, the Apple Store, in fact anywhere where people are interested in photography. I have a really big pet peeve that I would like to mention. I dislike people that seem to be trolls for 'other' products that come to this blog to comment on how lousy Affinity apps are. I have at times commented about this behaviour as I do not think that this behaviour is appropriate. I was really tired of the tactics of Adobe, their money grab subscriptions, and their desire to govern what I do in my life. Even though I own standalone LR6, the tactics to govern this product really angered me. I did not feel the need to have this product, LR6, on my new MacBook Pro. To compensate for the loss of catalogue, I use Capture One Pro until serif develops one for their apps. But I was surprised the other day when I opened the Media Viewer to see that I could load the entire contents of one of my photo stores into the AP's Media Browser, not there yet but what a great improvement. Check it out. One question, not for me but for those dissatisfied commenter, how can they delete themselves from this forum? SrPx 1 Quote
Vargstran Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 Hello, my name is Varg and I'm 33 years from the capitol Oslo of Norway. An almost total beginner with graphic design, but my aim is to master both Photo and Designer, and the upcoming Publisher. Will use them for design needs for personal creative projects, (Like design material for film projects) and aim for other professional goals in the future. I've touched upon Photoshop far back, and recently making a quick draft of a movie poster, but I'm not so familiarized with it that it's any problem switching to Affinity. I'm psyched. Quote
SrPx Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 I don't think it's possible... Is only doable in certain forums / communities out there..... Anyway, why do they'd want to do so ? I mean, by themselves... Even in the places where that is possible, the posted content does not typically auto-delete... Anyway, my 2c, don't pay attention to trolls, That's what they'd want (to get attention) . Is fine... We're all used to this kind of noise on inet... ;). I "sometimes" (yeah, very often) reply to posts that sound a bit troll-ish from start, but if at some point it gets too evident is best to leave 'em alone with their shouting... :D I mean, one can reply, but not take them too seriously... Is often people having a bad day or sth. The general admins advice in every community tho is not replying to those, no "feeding the troll". But yeah. I tend to reply... I have indeed seen cases of clearly people paid or just very fan of some competitor product and trash Affinity, and "casually" end up mentioning (trying to hide it, in a poor attempt of doing so) their fav tool after all the affinity bashing. Don't worry, they tend to be so ridiculously obvious, that I doubt they get to fool a single member or visitor... Quote AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Sabanet Posted June 22, 2017 Posted June 22, 2017 Hi everyone, I'm Yuri from Italy and I am using Affinity Photo since... well I can't remember exatly... SrPx 1 Quote
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