Staff Patrick Connor Posted October 24, 2023 Staff Posted October 24, 2023 Here's a list of some of the bugs which have been fixed in beta build Please reply in this forum only to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. (A) Bug fixes which affected all platforms Fields Panel - 'Created' field fails to update when using 'Save as' on documents [AF-70] PDF passwords - Allowable characters not consistent between creating and opening [AF-124] Unable to place/open password protected PDF created by Acrobat [AF-121] Changing Language of text and updating Text Style does not remove red squiggly spellcheck lines under text in a separate frame until reopening file [AF-50] Cross references - allow anchors and index marks to be filtered by name [AF-2] When a document is opened, the Index panel may show limited or no entries until Update is clicked Edit placed pdf doesn't show any layers in the layers panel Word footnote imports with tiny font size DWG file stuck on loading [AF-346] Presets can't be added for just the black and white adjustment [AF-520] (B) Bug fixes which affected Desktop (Windows and macOS) Editing placed PDF fails to save changes until source file is saved and reopened [AF-31] Opening a password protected file (Made in publisher) fails to render images Copying a frame with an index in allows multiple indexes to be in the same document [AF-329] Unable to delete selected anchors from TOC in user file [AF-30] Running Headers Settings- Inconsistent casing on dialog settings [AF-42] It should not be possible to use 'Move Inside' to place a Symbol inside itself [AF-562] View > View Mode >Hide effects inconsistency [AF-644] Alt + Click / Alt + Shift + Click on a new brush to retain size no longer functions for Pixel tools [AF-463] User File - Select Same > Fill fails to detect other objects with the same HEX applied (possible rounding error?) [AF-527] Replacing Style Source Chapter in Book results in Book without a Style Source Chapter - app crashes when exporting/printing file [AF-223] Paragraph break point regression over V1 allows commas at the start of line [AF-38] Hyperlink control value not set when choosing a preset Unable to launch the app without linking my app to my account - licence specific User File: Text Wrapping issue with vector cropped embedded PDF document [AF-58] Table of contents and Index Page numbers do not update on Book Output [AF-59] Cross-references can be inserted on a Master Page but do not function as expected on Pages Toggling scale override in the transform panel clears the move data entry preview Clicking at the end of a line with a break character can incorrectly position the insertion point [AF-57] Exporting a file with substituted fonts to Password PDF fails to load images and text when opened [AF-19] Placed restricted PDF fails to draw when switching from passthrough to interpret Saving a book silently fails if saving to a disconnected device Hyperlinks to anchors in different chapters warn that the anchor is off spread On the Edit Table Format dialog, you can't type values for the Frame or Cell Format's Fill setting Hyperlinking to book chapters requires the anchor to be re-selected Text doesn't re-flow when group size indirectly increased [AF-333] Password protected PDFs fail re-linking when missing resources Previously viewed page fails after text entry Embedded profile isn't recognised when opening a Password Protected PDF exported from Publisher beta Tooltip for Create Custom Field is incorrect after deleting Custom fields [AF-17] On the Edit Table Format dialog, tooltips are the same for table and cell insets Packed Footnotes can appear in the wrong linked text frame [AF-834] (C) Bugs fixed which specifically affected Windows Mouse cannot control text caret when renaming existing anchor [AF-312] Develop Lens Correction does not function on macOS Sonoma [AF-513] The Font search box can expand to fill the width of the context toolbar when typing [AF-56] Shapes do not retain colour if selected via numerical sliders in colour chooser [AF-396] Develop Sliders are not auto enabled when expanding view or changing a value [AF-314] Batch Dialog: Hang when expanding the filetype dropdown Tooltip for Add Custom Field in Fields Panel missing in 1971 Windows [AF-15] Tabbing out of the White Balance field collapses the group New Batch Dialog tweaks Curve visual not updating correctly when a node is adjusted next to a cornered node Node Right Click context menu is missing dividers on Windows [AF-14] Edit Table Format - Amending the Fill using RGB sliders on a CMYK doc will render an RGB table preview [AF-230] Changing White Balance Temperature without enabling the White Balance section auto-collapses panel instantaneously [AF-316] Active toast when closing document with colour picker active causes cursor to be invisible Assistant toolbar icon does not function with Settings dialog already open Index panel is missing Show Index/and References options in Preferences [AF-21] Edit In with a passworded PDF and an adjustment fails to redraw Pasting text in N'Ko alphabet crashes app [AF-54] Images lost when editing a password protected PDF Hyperlink Properties' Character Style dropdown is out of view for Book Chapters Windows Unable to drag asset subcategories around within asset category by mouse [AF-403] Brush dialog is missing the input field for brush Size [AF-380] Guides Manager contains a limit for the Spread Origin value [AF-29] On the Structure section of the Edit Table Format dialog, positions of add/delete buttons are reversed across platforms The Table Formats panel displays formats one per row in a single column regardless of the panel's width File partially locks up app after exporting to SVG (all pages) Move cmd+K (Find in Layers Panel) from Misc to Layer in Shortcuts User File crashes when changing Footnotes Notes>Initial Advance or Min Advance [AF-791] Open Template for Editing will open it as Untitled [AF-254] Flood Select Tool doesn't have the new CTRL + ALT shortcut for Add to selection [AF-601] (D) Bugs fixed which specifically affected macOS Preserve Alpha box and label vanishes after calling dialog a 2nd time Light UI: Scroll bar background is white which makes it difficult to see View Mode and Insert location button groups are transparent without a document opened in Light UI [AF-22] MFA/2FA dialog shows empty grey pop up on macOS Password protected file not loading all pages text MacOS Keyboard shortcuts list changes depending on the selected Persona before opening preferences Remove unwanted/missing projects from Recent [AF-203] Text Style Panel - numeric entry for colour values in sliders not possible [AF-204] Keyboard shortcut for Pixel Category > Tools doesn't save after a restart [AF-206] Shortcuts list is not Persona aware and we can set shortcuts for non-exiting actions Drag-dropping a file from Finder inside itself shows a Recovery file warning Recent doc previews aren't generated until after releasing scroll bar Text Key Keyboard Shortcuts do not function on macOS Sonoma [AF-508] Anchor book mark truncates on Mac Anchor panel 'jumps' up when editing existing anchor name, provided parent - child hierarchy group is present New Anchor button not disabled when it should be Text Frame > Columns doesn't update Units correctly when switching between multiple open documents Cannot enable Show Topics in Index panel preferences [AF-328] Duplicate entries for keyboard shortcuts Opening two .afbook files stored in different directories but with the same file name causes an app crash Slow typing with Anchors panel and long list of anchors Insert Hyperlink Dialog can be resized and hides Character Style dropdown Delete cross-reference does not work across multiple stories Editing a hyperlink to another books chapter doesn't auto populate correctly App locks when replacing files The Find command on a text selection's context menu is dimmed, though the command can be invoked via the Text menu With one or more table cells selected, Font Colour on context toolbar displays a cell's fill colour Basing a style on an existing one can set Initial Word end characters as [No Change] Keyboard shortcuts for showing/hiding panels are in different categories across platforms (E) Bugs fixed which specifically affected iPad Localisation - Add custom field button has clipped text Not asked for embedded PDF's password when opening parent document, app crashes on going to Affinity's Home screen Names of new navigation options on View menu include the word 'page', whereas desktop uses 'spread' Table of Contents is Toc when it should be ToC Go to Page command affects the document view differently than equivalent desktop method Initial Words > End Characters are not being remembered if changed from default. [AF-46] Go to Page command treats its input as spread number, not page number If you have reported a bug and it is not yet fixed, please do not report it again. More fixes will be made during the 2.3 beta cycle. debraspicher, CM0, md_germany and 10 others 13 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted October 25, 2023 Author Staff Posted October 25, 2023 A list of the improvements in 2.3 and features has been provided here Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted November 7, 2023 Author Staff Posted November 7, 2023 Here's a list of some of the bugs which have been fixed in the beta build (fixes since the post above for Please only reply in this forum to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. Changes/Bugs affecting all platforms Unable to change shape attributes for Triangle, Diamond and Trapezoid Tools [AF-902] Allow components of a cross-reference's text to be formatted individually [improvement] Alt-text should commit without having to hit enter [improvement] Curve objects can fail to export to PDF / print until node has been edited or object Flipped [AF-640] Unable to place/open password protected PDF created by Acrobat [AF-121] Bugs affecting Desktop (Windows and macOS) Saving a book using Save As when a device has been removed crashes or fails to write the book Spiral tool does not render correctly after undo/redo Dragging an object to the Assets panel or adding Style from selection will crash the app [AF-911] RAW file loads completely black Asset Panel: Embed in current document is enabled for Store installed content End notes imported from Word are importing with incorrect text styles [AF-993] Custom Variables are lost when using 'Add Pages from Files' [AF-18] Editing Cross Reference Strings will always default to English (United Kingdom) DNG from Samsung phones opens up dark [AF-952] Photo's Automatic Grid needs to revert to its pre 2.0 behaviour to match Designer and Publisher Book Chapters fail to update the 'Restart Page numbering at' field in Section Manager [AF-386] PDF password checks not implemented in Export Persona Crash When Exporting PDF from a book which has anchor cross references across chapters [AF-744] Image without Alt Text on a Master page will generate a preflight warning for every page it is applied to. Add Pages from File invalidates Page Hyperlinks Images modified externally aren't detected as modified [AF-972] Tags Panel is missing from the list of Panels in the shortcuts menu. Find and Replace can miss some instances of Running Header Fields [AF-930] Hyperlinks can cause an error on export with PDF Tagging enabled [AF-953] Move Data Entry duplicates secondary instances of a symbol as a Group [AF-653] Too much play/acceleration in the Duplicate slider Bugs affecting Windows Cutting a small selection removes the whole tag Changing an applied Text Style 'type' results in a blank Context Toolbar dialog App hangs after editing a brush with multiple apps open [AF-499] Allow scale to go to 1 decimal place Assets Panel: Auto doesn't update between Dark/Light without changing categories first Create Spiral dialog is missing buttons and highlights Crash when pasting a huge amount of text into the Password field Spiral Tool: Decaying mode's button reflection is broken with no object selected PDF Password import: OK is greyed out until you tab away/click elsewhere Attached file causes crash when printing as N-Up [AF-851] Export Persona: App will crash if caret is in Password field when closing a document Export Dialog: Unable to type in Password field if on Mode: Defaults Error message when exporting to PDF with tags PDF export fails with (Digital - high quality) and a Password enabled Books Panel: Unable to set Style Source Chapter on selected chapter [AF-826] Adjustment presets can go missing when changing language File > New > Add pre-set tool tip typo Asset Category background is lost on restart on Windows Different behaviour between OS when changing tool with Move/Duplicate window open. Spiral Tool: Turns field on Windows has a hard cap of 20. Tooltip for Window Stabiliser for multiple tools is incorrect [AF-500] Cross Reference keyboard shortcut entries are missing on Windows My Account shows store brushes as being installed when they aren't after resetting brushes in Settings > Misc Move Data Entry: Rendering issues when hitting Enter before releasing the object Move Data Entry: Unable to increase Scale beyond 100% Bugs affecting macOS Selecting PDF/X-4 export preset displays a warning icon next to Encryption item. Export Persona: Missing some PDF Password features Resource Manager- Replacing an existing resource with an .afpub file will default the active spread to the Master page instead of the first page/spread Anchors list disappears when Anchors Panel is resized Open Password field in Export Options loses focus whilst typing on macOS [AF-992] Importing an afassets file no longer selects the category on import on macOS Assets categories become collapsed after changing background color Tags: Crash when changing source Alt tag field doesn't line break Customised Tools are lost during an upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3 on macOS [AF-936] Keyboard Shortcuts get messed up when upgrading from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 [AF-949] New Document Orientation buttons show wrong orientation after first selection [AF-905] Reopening a document in which a password-protected PDF has been placed asks for password but rejects it [also on iOS] Bugs affecting iPad Colour Picker is showing CMYK colours as RGB [AF-611] Swatches panel is cutting off colours at end of row Histogram not showing on Adjustments [AF-928] Tags Panel on iOS is missing title bar Expand Text missing from long press menu Not asked for embedded PDF's password when opening parent document, app crashes on going to Affinity's Home screen App crashes on iPad when attempting to delete an Asset subcategory Reopening a document in which a password-protected PDF has been placed asks for password but rejects it [also on macOS] Frozen Death Knight, ATP, Hangman and 10 others 10 3 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted November 16, 2023 Author Staff Posted November 16, 2023 Here's a list of the bugs which have been fixed in the beta build (fixes since the post above for Please only reply in this forum to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. Changes/Bugs affecting all platforms Crash when deleting Notes from Master page, if pages are added after note creation [AF-1057] Rename Spiral Tool's 'Segment angle' to 'Arc angle' Updated help and localisation Bugs affecting Desktop (Windows and macOS) Spiral presets should show without a fill Edit Cross-References Panel: Search From Start field is cut off [AF-781] Light UI: Show in Explorer button is too dark and looks out of place Appearance Panel buttons look disabled in Light UI [AF-252] Linking to Dropbox will hang the app [AF-923] Crash deleting a macro from a category Cannot delete Document or Application Palettes, option is greyed out or prompt does not show. [AF-1108] Cross references need updating when objects pasted inline above target [AF-959] Exporting to PDF RGB/8 with placed images always converts them to 'sRGB2014' regardless of export settings [AF-946] Adding a spread prior to Page 1 in a document is causing all text to disappear [AF-458] Certain files have planar memory leaks when opening and rendering Lock icon on Glyph Browser uses the V1 style of Lock icon [AF-800] Table rotated by 90, the resizing indicators are incorrect [AF-861] Artboard's Layer Panel tooltip displays as 'Rectangle' [AF-831] Create Spiral dialog has a Turns cap of 400 instead of 200 Adjusting Spiral Tool's angle sliders with 6 decimal places seems off. List numbering does not sync correctly across multiple files in a book [AF-1076] Files error when exporting with PDF Tagging enabled Tagging should be enabled by default in PDF Export preset Text doesn't re-flow when group size indirectly decreased Bugs affecting Windows PDF Export: Images/pixel layers missing from exporting book Cross reference > Can use keyboard shortcuts to bold / emphasis / underline text [AF-1135] PDF Presets with Passwords defined do not display the password when selecting them (Windows) Spiral Tool: Clicking on the inside or outside of the path should place the caret appropriately Spiral Tool: Decay text label cannot be dragged on Windows [AF-1105] Live Stack Method menu cannot be scrolled using the scrollbar, attempting to use the scrollbar results in dialog remaining 'stuck' on screen [AF-965] Text > Character Traits shows Strikeout. Other references in app shows as Strikethrough [AF-896] Recent dialog: Grid/List view button doesn't update when changing UI style Colour Picker Text is not centred [AF-105] Edit Cross-References dialog: Can drag the divider and cause the Page/Paragraph Text to disappear Crash opening a document with an embedded password protected multi page PDF Files in a Write Denied folder should open in a read-only state [AF-808] Unable to open/save to Documents with controlled folder access enabled Should we add an ellipsis when we purposely truncate text? New Document dialog: Recent 'List view' isn't remembered Spiral Tool: Text tools do not start where you click Shape Presets: The Preference button is a bit small on Windows Shape Preset: Dialog just says app name instead of 'Create preset' Users files causing crash when Adding Pages From Files [AF-1042] Replacing a Linked & Missing PDF resets the Spread and Page Box options [AF-1088] It is possible to change the origin of the pixel grid Drag and dropping .afbook into app, then closing book from the Book Studio does not release hold of the file correctly [AF-1080] Changing PDF compatibility creates 2 pop-ups Resource manager > Original DPI does not update when the file is changed (fixed on Windows, still pending on macOS) [AF-1106] Bugs affecting macOS Eye icon does not change to Hide icon when setting Password PDF on MacOS Deleting a linked swatch from all apps leaves swatch as unlinked in other 2 apps [AF-1111] Redraw issue. Bounding box does not display for new selection after using scroll bar until you force Redraw [AF-295] Searching for Assets, doesn't hide subcategories with no results on macOS Inserting a subfield into a cross-reference's text overwrites any and all existing text [AF-907] Files in a Read Only folder should open in a read only state - incorrect error message shown [AF-810] Books - Synchronise Setting controls don't work correctly when synchronising text styles [AF-556] Illegal PDF Password error message reported on any operation in password field Table panel > Cell doesn't display link icon by default in Light UI Find and Replace fields won't show the Clear (X) icon when selecting special characters or fields until focus is changed [AF-1011] PDF Password import: OK is greyed out until you tab away/click elsewhere Tags Panel - can't make visible after persona switch PDF Export: the highlight box for Open password is clipped Bugs affecting iPad iPad cmd-D shortcut doesn't work to deselect objects Curves Adjustment spline editor should show splines for all channels Histogram not showing on Adjustments [AF-928] Spiral Tool: Segment Angle cap on iPad is at 180 deg Escape key on iPad fails to function as Escape like on Desktop [AF-1100] Esc key shown as 'UIKEYINPUTESCAPE' when customising Shortcuts [AF-1099] Hardware keyboard issue: Deselect command doesn't work for objects, only pixel selections [AF-1092] Button to close Convert to Field dialog is missing Unable to get the long press dialog on learnt/ignored words debraspicher, Uwe367, Intuos5 and 11 others 11 3 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted November 24, 2023 Author Staff Posted November 24, 2023 Here's a list of the bugs which have been fixed in the beta build (fixes since the post above for Please only reply in this forum to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. Changes/Bugs affecting all platforms Spiral Tool: Decay slider uses and accepts decimals [AF-888] PDF 2.0 Passwords That Include Certain ASCII 2-Byte Characters Fail to Display When Placed in Affinity Apps [AF-1000] Updated help and localisation Bugs affecting Desktop (Windows and macOS) Updating Linked resource in-app does not visually update linked file, remains as 'OK' in resource manager with no option to update Bleed fails to print when range is set to Artboards [AF-739] Cannot delete cross-reference from text frame locked to master. [AF-1122] Cross Reference: Paragraph Body references itself when created instead of selected paragraph [AF-1124] Cross reference > Can use keyboard shortcuts to bold / emphasis / underline text [AF-1135] Resource manager > Original DPI does not update when the file is changed [AF-1106] Entering password for PDF modification then moving focus switches text to Open text field in Export Persona Editing a linked document with multiple artboards, incorrectly auto-updates artboard selection to artboard 1 [AF-28] Relinking Missing Artboard document reverts all placed versions of the file to the first Artboard in the list Live filters cause bleed to export blank [AF-465] Bleed fails to export when you have an adjustment layer on an artboard [AF-413] Move Data Entry Tool doesn't Duplicate consistently on other pages when using Previous Settings [AF-661] Right-clicking a line of selected text where it goes over the bounding box crashes the app Frankentoon Splat macro packs crash the apps Bugs affecting Windows Lock Colourspace changes the colourspace Dragging an Asset with a layer behind the Asset Studio UI will unexpectedly select the object behind as you drag [AF-1222] Dragging an Asset onto canvas ignores layer selection and always inserts asset at top of layers stack Spiral Tool: Decay text label value increases by decimal points when dragged rather than integer values. Cross-References - slight clipping issue Table formats Panel- Adjusting the Table Stroke pressure causes an app crash [AF-1209] Move/Duplicate gives different results when facing pages is used [AF-622] Create Spiral dialog on Windows is missing buttons and highlights Page Box for placed PDFs is lost between file close and reopen Unable to check the box for 'Enable HDR' after converting to 32-bit App crashes when attempting to Create Account after restoring MS Store purchase App can take a long time to close down [AF-1215] Bugs affecting macOS Cancelling placement of a password-protected PDF unexpectedly displays the PDF Options dialog Error shows password incorrect when placing a password protected PDF, app must be force quit. [macOS] Allow scale to go to 1 decimal place [macOS] Licence dialog's 'Please enter your Affinity ID and password...' text string is untranslated Filler Text is now incorrectly appearing as a word to 'Look up'. Toggling PDF password visibility when using forbidden characters causes overlapping text issue Move data entry - Adjusting the layer's opacity does not force a redraw on the duplicates Hidden password to open PDF is cleared when Open Password is disabled in Export Persona PDF password for modification requires 2 clicks to enable when password to open is enabled in Export persona macOS Main Window fails to re-appear when reopening documents via dragging over dock icon or open via double click [AF-989] [macOS] Unable to delete System Palettes on macOS [AF-1223] Move data entry - rotate and scale broken on multi-page doc Styles labels do not obey font size UI preference Bullet and Numbering heading gets truncated using Large Fonts [AF-144] Potential fix for M2 Mac flashing workspace (still in review) [AF-473] Bugs affecting iPad Licence dialog's 'Please enter your Affinity ID and password...' text string is untranslated Menu flyouts can't be dismissed via a tap on the same button Edit swatch pop-up has a grey background and hard to see text labels Long Press menu on document palette not showing correctly pruus, md_germany, StuartRc and 4 others 5 2 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted November 29, 2023 Author Staff Posted November 29, 2023 Here's a list of the bugs which have been fixed in the beta build (GM) (fixes since the post above for Please only reply in this forum to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. Changes/Bugs affecting all platforms Cross references - allow anchors and index marks to be filtered by name [AF-2] Placed PDF with a Custom Tag fails to Preview or Export [AF-1273] Updated help and localisation Bugs affecting Desktop (Windows and macOS) Ctrl/Cmd+Click window for shapes remains mostly untranslated Bugs affecting Windows Batch Job dialog is too small Cancel button missing on the export progress pop-up Bugs affecting macOS Closing the app window in Full-screen mode hides the app window and causes the UI to lock out [AF-433] Retina Rendering Causes Excessive Screen Flicker When Set to Automatic (Best) [AF-1156] Bugs affecting iPad none since 2157 thexfile, SillyWalk, md_germany and 10 others 12 1 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted January 3, 2024 Author Staff Posted January 3, 2024 We are planning to release a 2.3.1 patch to address a handful of important things and then start 2.4.0 beta. We think it's important to address a few high customer impact bugs quickly in a 2.3.1 release, in a fast/stable manner. The release of 2.4.0 with improvements and features and many fixes will likely take a while to be "release ready" (need a longer beta testing cycle due to having more significant code changes). We have builds for both 2.3.1 and 2.4.0 in internal testing at the moment. I would expect these to both be with you in the next week or two. debraspicher, MikeTO, eartner and 7 others 7 3 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted January 4, 2024 Author Staff Posted January 4, 2024 Here's a list of the bugs which have been fixed in the beta build 2.3.1 (2212) (RC1) (fixes since the post above for Please only reply in this forum to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. Changes/Bugs affecting all platforms Saving a file with a SVG/PSD embedded automatically switches the policy to linked when re-opening the file AF-1416 Bugs affecting Desktop (Windows and macOS) Data Merge can no longer parse JSON files AF-1429 Bugs affecting Windows Add Pages from File- Page number value cannot be specified Can't edit colours in second document palette AF-1545 Bugs affecting macOS Floating and redocking a document creates an empty floating window which cannot be closed AF-1499 Bugs affecting iPad Files containing SVGs crash on open AF-1413 pruus, Paul Mudditt, Aammppaa and 7 others 7 3 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
Staff Patrick Connor Posted January 5, 2024 Author Staff Posted January 5, 2024 Here's a list of the bugs which have been fixed in the beta build 2.3.1 (2217) (RC2) (fixes since the post above for Please only reply in this forum to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. Bugs affecting macOS Unable to retain custom window size after quitting app AF-1679 debraspicher, Ash, MikeTO and 1 other 4 Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
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