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My sincerest congratulations to the new version! Awesome work! :)

One small observation though. I am still somewhat unhappy with the Divide operation, and since my issue is already described in a post from some years ago, I’ll take the liberty to just post the link. In my opinion, Divide should work like this, but (C) is still different. Would be cool to have this reviewed for 1.8! :)

Thank you!




7 hours ago, MattP said:

Hi Alex! :)

'Divide' is not implemented correctly and really needs reimplementing... It introduces strange shapes and arguably just produces the wrong outputs (as shown). The other operations are working better now, but I need more time with 'Divide' still... :/


Well darn, my hopes were that the improvements in Booleans included bug  'afd-2042'.

Speaking of which, it would be very helpful to include specific bug numbers where appropriate in the list of fixes and improvements for the beta releases.



Thank you, Matt! :)

No pressure. I wasn’t entirely clear to what extend you’ve already had time to work on the Booleans. You did a wonderful job on the Expand Stroke function. It produces such an accurate, elegant output now! I don’t know how you did it, but the results are just awesome! :)


17 hours ago, mdriftmeyer said:

should be fully functional before the 1.8 release time


Solution: time machine :D


I believe to remember that Matt once said that the Divide operation isn’t just a simple operation (or that it is at least unlike the other ones) and requires a series of algorithms to be performed. So there seem to be some complications in play. :)

  • 8 months later...

Priorities are at play. And you are paying. With years of life and lost opportunities. Will you wait another year for a fix? Two? More?

They are not trying to figure out and implement cold fusion. Rather implement a working and acceptable divide operation that should have worked properly since 2015. You are waiting because they let you wait. But you will get Publisher on iPad I guess. 

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“Years of life and lost opportunities”: I get what you mean, though I wouldn’t describe myself as depending on a piece of software that much … 😉

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