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  1. Like
    Jimo reacted to Medical Officer Bones in It was good while it lasted. Where do you plan to go now?   
    Well, Affinity always has been (and still is) a secondary app for myself. My main hub is PhotoLine. I also use Clip Studio EX and Krita.
    For myself I consider PhotoLine the only real alternative to Photoshop, mainly because 1bit image support is lacking in Affinity, and I need that for my work.
    And PhotoLine also offer a good solid set of vector editing tools. While PhotoLine doesn't support AI tools, I now use Krita with its free AI plugin to balance that out together with its painting tools (which are okay in PhotoLine, but can't compete with Krita or Affinity). Clip Studio EX I use for comic work and publication.
    To me PhotoLine is that Swiss knife app that holds my workflow together. And does it well. Affinity never was able to.
  2. Like
    Jimo reacted to Pyanepsion in Canva   
    😱This is very sad news. @Ash, you were always saying that you weren’t for sale, but this takeover by Canva is a dark moment. Didn’t you realize that users trusted you, and that they had left Adobe precisely on the promise of a lifetime purchase of an improved Adobe where we would only have to pay for upgrades?
    The world of Canva has nothing in common with the Affinity suite, either in their applications or in their business model.
    Affinity will therefore suffer the same fate as most of the companies acquired by Canva, not to mention what happened to QuarkXPress when it decided to change its business model from lifetime purchase to rental.
    PS Recalling a fired CEO is an exception. The return of Sam Altman thanks to the support of partners and employees is just the exception that proves the rule. Sadly.
  3. Like
    Jimo reacted to DarkClown in Canva   
    OK, Ash, that' a fair statement! I still don't trust company promises - but it's all I can ask for for now.

    I was pretty upset about the humiliating marketing bullshit you send out yesterday. Seeing that this merger ends up in a pretty sprawling marketing desaster, you either completely misjudged the close relationship you(Affinity) build up with your customers during the many years of development and the effect of selling the company to a faceless nobody with enough money. Of course cutomers feel betrayed. The father just told his children that "familiy" is over and they all get sold to an orphanage home. Promising them that they still will get fed. Great news.

    Yes I'm still scared I might loose the product I spend hundrets and hundrets of hours on to report bugs and participate in plenty discussion on improvement and ideas.I'm scared the supportive community might disappear. I'm scared canva will not keep their promises. (I do remember as well you saying that Affinity will not be sold!) But seeing there's not much I can do about it I'll wait and see.
    Either way it will be hard for canva to (re-)gain trust of the customers. This merger marketingwise coud have been prepared a lot better!
    Cheers, Timo
  4. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from walt.farrell in Selecting a group is suddenly selecting individual objects instead   
    Ah yes that's it thanks!
    I had already seen the auto-select option and toggled it on/off,  but what I'd failed to notice was the drop down options beside it (and then failed to notice the drop down instructions about it at the bottom of the help page!). 
    Anyway, that's what I was looking for. Thank you!
  5. Thanks
    Jimo reacted to walt.farrell in Selecting a group is suddenly selecting individual objects instead   
    The first part of it explains what's happening. Your Auto-Select setting is wrong for what you want to do.
  6. Thanks
    Jimo reacted to stokerg in Getting "A required privilege is not held by the client" message on installation.   
    Hi @Jimo,
    I've seen this happen with another app before and repairing the app resolved the issue, so that would be the first thing to try.  However, to test if it worked, you'd need to install the 2.0.4 version and then try updating it.  You can download the 2.0.4 build from this link and once that's installed, you can do the reset by following the steps below:
    1-Click on Start then click on Settings
    2-Click on Apps
    3-Search for Affinity Photo (or Publisher) and click on that
    4-Click on the advanced option
    5-Scroll down and click on Repair then click on Reset
  7. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from Aeromachinator in Affinity Designer V2 getting really slow and laggy after some time   
    Just adding my voice to this thread to say I'm experiencing the same thing - a build up of 'laggy' behaviour in Designer 2 over time.
    I've particularly noticed it when using my graphics tablet - lines can be way behind what I'm trying to draw and there doesn't appear to be any reason why it should be getting so bad, and of course makes it particularly frustrating to use.
    Closing the app and starting it up again fixes the problem, although on occasion the app doesn't restart and an inspection of task manager reveals that it thinks it is still running and I have to force quit before starting it up again.
    Also, task manager has reported five-figure high memory usage before attempting to quit, but is back to a much lower four-figure memory usage on restarting, even with exactly the same working file open.
    I haven't read every post in this thread - so has it already been suggested that the History could be the cause of the problem?
  8. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from nitro912gr in Degradation of performance over time? Designer Windows 11.   
    Yes - The more I've been using Designer the more I've been experiencing this too. And it turns out we are not alone - there is already an ongoing thread all about it as well, with lots of people reporting the same thing:
  9. Thanks
    Jimo reacted to debraspicher in Creative collection - text is mixed up   
    Scroll down to where it has a button saying "Claim now"
  10. Haha
    Jimo got a reaction from JohnDK in Should we expect a better deal on Black Friday?   
    Serif should pay me to upgrade.
  11. Haha
    Jimo got a reaction from PaulEC in Should we expect a better deal on Black Friday?   
    Serif should pay me to upgrade.
  12. Like
    Jimo reacted to Peccavi in Offline activation   
    I know I only own the right to use it. But with offline activation that cant be revoked after the end of product lifecycle. With online activation I can only use the software while I can connect to that server. Lot of companies give you a chance to activate online, which is easy and with a little bit of workaround you get an offline activation...
    My point is not to literally own the software, I only want to be sure that if I buy it once I will be able to use it even after V3,V4,... release without a server...
  13. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from deeds in Possible ongoing concerted attack on Affinity 2 on these forums   
    It's also just a sort of general 'rule of nature'. Most people are only going to feel compelled to make the effort to express their views when they feel aggrieved by something. When they're happy and content they just get on with their lives.
    People don't take to the streets chanting and carrying placards to express how happy they are with what the government are doing!
  14. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from Waltarus in Possible ongoing concerted attack on Affinity 2 on these forums   
    It's also just a sort of general 'rule of nature'. Most people are only going to feel compelled to make the effort to express their views when they feel aggrieved by something. When they're happy and content they just get on with their lives.
    People don't take to the streets chanting and carrying placards to express how happy they are with what the government are doing!
  15. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from PaoloT in No rewards for being an existing user...   
    It's simple - because most of that other software already costs a lot more money than what we pay for Affinity, even with a discounted upgrade. It seems unreasonable to expect the same from something that costs so little.
    Any discounts other companies offer rarely, if ever, match the price of Affinity apps even at full price. So feeling hard done to and not being happy because Serif aren't offering more discount for exisiting customers on top of the staggering 40% discount they are already offering - and specifically complaining about it - does somewhat come across as 'entitled'.
    Personally, as somebody who only turned freelance in recent years and now have to pay for my own software, I am thankful that the Affinity apps exist at the astonishingly low price point that they do, even before any discount. I can't think of anything else that truly matches them. And as much I too would love free updates for the rest of my life, I don't and have never expected it, or think that I deserve a special discount on upgrades for something that cost so little anyway comparitively to most things out there.
    It's about recognising how good we've currently got it.
  16. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from garrettm30 in No rewards for being an existing user...   
    It's simple - because most of that other software already costs a lot more money than what we pay for Affinity, even with a discounted upgrade. It seems unreasonable to expect the same from something that costs so little.
    Any discounts other companies offer rarely, if ever, match the price of Affinity apps even at full price. So feeling hard done to and not being happy because Serif aren't offering more discount for exisiting customers on top of the staggering 40% discount they are already offering - and specifically complaining about it - does somewhat come across as 'entitled'.
    Personally, as somebody who only turned freelance in recent years and now have to pay for my own software, I am thankful that the Affinity apps exist at the astonishingly low price point that they do, even before any discount. I can't think of anything else that truly matches them. And as much I too would love free updates for the rest of my life, I don't and have never expected it, or think that I deserve a special discount on upgrades for something that cost so little anyway comparitively to most things out there.
    It's about recognising how good we've currently got it.
  17. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from Poor Composition in Extremely Disappointed, Existing Customers must Purchase Affinity V2   
    Yeah they didn't say it ends next Tuesday. They are just saying that the sale will definitely still be running next Tuesday in response to someone who was concerend it might end before they get paid. It is just reassuring them that they don't need to worry!
    Someone asks: "Any date as to when the limited time offers end? I get paid next Tuesday so wondering if they’ll still be on offer by then?"
    Affinity reply: "The sale will certainly run through next Tuesday 😊"
    When they say "run through" they mean it will continue beyond Tuesday. They havent said when it will end.
    That's still the case and the tweet reaffirms that, not contradict it. The tweet doesn't say when the sale will end.
  18. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from trikke in No rewards for being an existing user...   
    So you're annoyed everyone gets the lower price, not just existing users? Why does that matter?
    Even at full price, it's still cheaper than almost anything else out there.
    Compare to Quark Express: Currently £559 for a perpetual license, which gets you updates for ONE year. If you want to upgrade (and you don't have to), you pay an extra £299 for another year.
    Basically, Serif are not offering an upgrade discount becasue it is ALREADY cheaper than anything else out there, upgrade or otherwise. The dirt-cheap price to begin with is the reward.
  19. Confused
    Jimo got a reaction from HeDa in No rewards for being an existing user...   
    It's simple - because most of that other software already costs a lot more money than what we pay for Affinity, even with a discounted upgrade. It seems unreasonable to expect the same from something that costs so little.
    Any discounts other companies offer rarely, if ever, match the price of Affinity apps even at full price. So feeling hard done to and not being happy because Serif aren't offering more discount for exisiting customers on top of the staggering 40% discount they are already offering - and specifically complaining about it - does somewhat come across as 'entitled'.
    Personally, as somebody who only turned freelance in recent years and now have to pay for my own software, I am thankful that the Affinity apps exist at the astonishingly low price point that they do, even before any discount. I can't think of anything else that truly matches them. And as much I too would love free updates for the rest of my life, I don't and have never expected it, or think that I deserve a special discount on upgrades for something that cost so little anyway comparitively to most things out there.
    It's about recognising how good we've currently got it.
  20. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from MmmMaarten in No rewards for being an existing user...   
    It's simple - because most of that other software already costs a lot more money than what we pay for Affinity, even with a discounted upgrade. It seems unreasonable to expect the same from something that costs so little.
    Any discounts other companies offer rarely, if ever, match the price of Affinity apps even at full price. So feeling hard done to and not being happy because Serif aren't offering more discount for exisiting customers on top of the staggering 40% discount they are already offering - and specifically complaining about it - does somewhat come across as 'entitled'.
    Personally, as somebody who only turned freelance in recent years and now have to pay for my own software, I am thankful that the Affinity apps exist at the astonishingly low price point that they do, even before any discount. I can't think of anything else that truly matches them. And as much I too would love free updates for the rest of my life, I don't and have never expected it, or think that I deserve a special discount on upgrades for something that cost so little anyway comparitively to most things out there.
    It's about recognising how good we've currently got it.
  21. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from jmwellborn in Extremely Disappointed, Existing Customers must Purchase Affinity V2   
    Oh for sure. I wasn't trying to be contrary (well, apart from maybe on that one aspect :p). Otherwise I agree with everything you're saying.
    Yep. I agree entirely. Like I said in another thread - I think some people must have never had to pay for software before if they think they're getting a raw deal. A 40% discount is massive for something that hardly costs anything to begin with. Even at full price, it's cheaper than almost ANY other viable alternative AND cheaper than the upgrade for some software.
  22. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from Rich313 in No rewards for being an existing user...   
    Seriously, I think even the standard asking price BEFORE a discount is a good enough reward.
    Some of us remember how much full version upgrades could cost in the days before subscribtion models.
    Comparatively this is a fantastic deal - and even new users get to benefit.
  23. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from NewInBoston in Extremely Disappointed, Existing Customers must Purchase Affinity V2   
    Oh for sure. I wasn't trying to be contrary (well, apart from maybe on that one aspect :p). Otherwise I agree with everything you're saying.
    Yep. I agree entirely. Like I said in another thread - I think some people must have never had to pay for software before if they think they're getting a raw deal. A 40% discount is massive for something that hardly costs anything to begin with. Even at full price, it's cheaper than almost ANY other viable alternative AND cheaper than the upgrade for some software.
  24. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from deeds in Extremely Disappointed, Existing Customers must Purchase Affinity V2   
    A Reaper licence is good for TWO versions. So if you purchase version 6, you get free updates all the way up to the final update for version 7.
  25. Like
    Jimo got a reaction from _fluffy in Extremely Disappointed, Existing Customers must Purchase Affinity V2   
    Oh for sure. I wasn't trying to be contrary (well, apart from maybe on that one aspect :p). Otherwise I agree with everything you're saying.
    Yep. I agree entirely. Like I said in another thread - I think some people must have never had to pay for software before if they think they're getting a raw deal. A 40% discount is massive for something that hardly costs anything to begin with. Even at full price, it's cheaper than almost ANY other viable alternative AND cheaper than the upgrade for some software.
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