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    Erwe reacted to GarryP in How to Create an Impossible Endless Vortex in Affinity Designer   
    A quicker way to get the initial set of crescents would be to use the Shape Builder Tool to create one crescent and then use the Move Data Entry functionality a second time to create the duplicates.
    Or, you can get one crescent as above, duplicate it once, colour them as one black and one white, and then duplicate both as many times as needed.
    See attached video where I start with a circle which has been duplicated 360/20 (18) times (and use a blue fill instead of white, just to make it a bit clearer).
    2024-06-28 09-27-09.mp4
  2. Like
    Erwe reacted to TrentL in Blend Modes 101 - Tutorial for Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher   
    Blend Modes are a critical concept in many graphics and video programs. In this crash course video, we’ll look at how they work in the Affinity suite. 
  3. Like
    Erwe reacted to MEB in Delete version 1?   
    Hi @Erwe,
    If you don't need any of the assets you used in version 1 (brushes you may have added, colour palettes etc) you can safely delete/uninstall V1. They are independent of each other.
  4. Like
    Erwe reacted to TrentL in Dual Lighting with Affinity Photo: Step-by-Step Tutorial   
    Dual Lighting is a cool effect that can add some extra punch to your images. Today we’ll look at how to create such images in Affinity Photo (and Designer), and also check out how to create good base images in MidJourney. 
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    Erwe got a reaction from VectorWhiz in Oil Painting   
    made with AP
  6. Like
    Erwe got a reaction from MmmMaarten in Oil Painting   
    made with AP
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    Erwe reacted to Affinity Jack in Affinity Photo Tutorial - Cityscape in the evening   
    Hi, in this Affinity Photo Tutorial I show you how to make a city glow in the evening. Lights should come into their own without burning out. Shadows are lightened, contrasts are enhanced and the colors are adjusted as the eye actually saw them. I wish you fun with the video. Ciao Jack  
  8. Like
    Erwe got a reaction from Richard Fillebrown in Oil Painting   
    made with AP
  9. Thanks
    Erwe got a reaction from Dan C in Error when Edit in Affinity Photo from Apple Photos   
    It makes no difference whether Affinity Photo is already open or not.
    I had this problem with my iMac and it is also present with the Mac Studio.
  10. Like
    Erwe reacted to iconoclast in the layer system   
    I think it is a bit hubristic to demand that Affinity Photo should be a copy of Photoshop, but for a low price. Not only that it would possibly cause legal problems, but also you should concede the developers to have their own style and to be free to improve their software and make inventions. Many people are of course accustomed to Photoshop, because it is still the market leader. But that doesn't mean that it does all things better. E.g. the layer management of Affinity software is a really interesting, user-friendly and cool thing. You only have to get used to it a little bit. Who wants to work with Photoshop should better work with Photoshop. If he/she purchases Affinity Photo anyway he/she might have reasons for it, I think. Probably even good reasons.
    Edit: By the way, a Journalist who works for a magazine about photography and image editing recently told me that before Photoshop conquered the market, there was a software named ColorStudio, that was much better than Photoshop in the beginning. Photoshop overtook it because it made some things different and after a while even better. I would like to give Affinity the chance to do the same. For the benefit of us all.
  11. Like
    Erwe reacted to PaulEC in the layer system   
    While I can see that some new users may prefer what they are used to in other apps, it hardly seems reasonable to me that existing users should be expected to keep relearning various aspects of the Affinity apps to save new users the effort of learning to use a new app!
     I don't have a problem with using an "eye" instead of a tick-box, they would function in the same way, but why on earth move it to the other side of the layer panel!
    One thing that particularly gets on my nerves is the way some new users (not the OP) want things changed because of their "muscle memory". What about the "muscle memory" of existing users!
  12. Confused
    Erwe reacted to Alida in the layer system   
    I'm not a fanboy of any software. the eye is a lot easier to click on because its bigger as a button than the checkmark.
    I'm not a photoshop person, never liked adobe and photoshop and was forced to work with it. but the layer system was more accurate for me and faster. here I'm clicking on the checkmark sometimes 3 to 4 times before it register the click.
  13. Like
    Erwe reacted to Pšenda in the layer system   
    Assuming that someone is completely redesigning the application and its interface because of them is even funny.
    Despite the fact that using the eye symbol to control the application of adjustment layers, masks, etc. is really completely meaningless.
  14. Like
    Erwe reacted to Hannibal in Affinity DAM   
    I don't understand that a DAM is seen as less important than new functionality in the existing apps. Let me first add that I really enjoy using affinity's apps and I recommend them to everybody. They are priced fairly, treat their users well and produce great apps. But I have reached a point where my workflow is challenged as long as I stay with Affinity.
    I shoot several photos and need a system to rank the photos and add meta data for searching and selecting. I also need to basic edit several files and export several files. I select a few shots that I edit in Affinity Photo. That workflow isn't supported by Affinity's apps. 
    Today I use Exposure X7 and I have tried a lot of different solutions like ACDsee, Nero, Adobe Bridge, XnViewXp, Digicam, Nikon's software etc. as a supporting software to Affinity Photo. Exposure X7 support adjustment of several files (copy settings) and and export of several files. It's without a central database and therefore is slow, but easy to move files. It's RAW engine is okay, but not on level with Affinity's.
    Earlier I used Adobe Lightroom. Before that I used Canons DPP. Both I liked. Lightroom demand a lot of space on your HD for the database and moving photos has to be done in Lightroom AND I hate their business model. I shoot Nikon today...
    I really would like to stay with Affinity, but are very close to give up and just pay the monthly payment for Lightroom to ease my work with my photos. With that monthly fee I also get access to Photoshop. Why stay at Affinity if Lightroom and Photoshop is better integrated?
    Personally I prefer a DAM with Affinity's RAW editing integrated than new features and iPad versions.
  15. Thanks
    Erwe got a reaction from Hilltop in Aus Sommer den Winter machen   
    Wie macht man aus dem Sommer den Winter (ohne KI). Wär was für den Austragungsort der olympischen Winterspiele 😀

  16. Like
    Erwe got a reaction from jmwellborn in Aus Sommer den Winter machen   
    Wie macht man aus dem Sommer den Winter (ohne KI). Wär was für den Austragungsort der olympischen Winterspiele 😀

  17. Thanks
    Erwe reacted to Lisbon in Clipping Warnings In Photo Persona   
    Develop persona allows you to see clipped areas. I have created three procedural texturas to reveal this areas in photo persona.

    First procedural texture: Clipping Shadows/Highlights
    Here is an example where shadows and highlights are clipped.

    Just like develope persona i used red and blue to show the warnings. Red for highlights and blue for shadows.

    Second procedural texture: Clipping RGB
    This procedural texture shows warnings for each channel when a pixel reaches 0 or 255.
    Each channel has its own warning colour. Single colour per channel.
    In this example i went too far setting the black level on the green channel.

    Usually you will only see warnings in red, green or blue but it is also possible to see cyan, magenta or yellow.
    Lets take for example a yellow warning. If you add red and green you get yellow so a yellow warning refers to the red and green channel.
    Cyan = Green + Blue
    Magenta = Red + Blue

    Third procedural texture: Clipping RGB - Black background
    Sometimes its hard to see the warnings because they look they are blended whith the image.
    This procedural makes the image completly black while the warnings remain in colour.
    It is like when you select the levels adjustment and hold down the alt key but in this case the warnings are visible while editing each channel.

    If you found this usefull you can download the file at the end or paste this formulas.
    First procedural texture: Clipping Shadows/Highlights
    var trigger=floor(0.5+abs(average(R,G,B)-0.5)); trigger*R + (1-trigger)*R
    var trigger=floor(0.5+abs(average(R,G,B)-0.5)); (1-trigger)*G
    var trigger=floor(0.5+abs(average(R,G,B)-0.5)); trigger*(1-B) + (1-trigger)*B
    Second procedural texture: Clipping RGB
    var rgb=floor(max(R,G,B,1-min(R,G,B))); var red=floor(0.5+abs(R-0.5)); rgb*red + (1-rgb)*R
    var rgb=floor(max(R,G,B,1-min(R,G,B))); var gre=floor(0.5+abs(G-0.5)); rgb*gre + (1-rgb)*G
    var rgb=floor(max(R,G,B,1-min(R,G,B))); var blu=floor(0.5+abs(B-0.5)); rgb*blu + (1-rgb)*B
    Third procedural texture: Clipping RGB - Black background
    var rgb=floor(max(R,G,B,1-min(R,G,B))); var red=floor(0.5+abs(R-0.5)); rgb*red
    var rgb=floor(max(R,G,B,1-min(R,G,B))); var gre=floor(0.5+abs(G-0.5)); rgb*gre
    var rgb=floor(max(R,G,B,1-min(R,G,B))); var blu=floor(0.5+abs(B-0.5)); rgb*blu
  18. Like
    Erwe reacted to prophet in Erase Blend Mode: transparent background while keeping shadows   
    I finally wrapped my head around the Erase blend mode and WOW! It has revolutionized a common workflow of removing the white background of a "still life" shot while keeping the original shadows intact.
    In Photoshop, the usual flow is to mask the subject, use a copy of the subject layer as a mask on a black fill layer with some level adjustments and touch up.
    My flow in APhoto has been the same, but a bit trickier due to the way masks and alpha channel adjustments work. Despite the awkwardness, I've muscled through. See here and here and here
    But with Erase blend mode…I mean…it's so freakin' simple!
    The new flow (as seen in the video) is to mask the subject, duplicate the subject layer with no mask, group with a black fill layer underneath, set Erase blend mode and tweak the curve for levels. Further touch ups can be done by adjusting the group transparency (or even adding an additional mask or manually touching up the Erasing layer.) Export to PNG.
    Easy peasy! Thanks to the Affinity team for the software and others on the forum suggesting this workflow as an alternative to the somewhat wonky mask/alpha channel route.

    Screen Recording 2021-07-01 at 10.13.37 AM.mov
  19. Like
    Erwe reacted to Mark Oehlschlager in Excellent Guide to Masking in Affinity Photo   
    Affinity Photo's approach to masking is so very different from the methods we are all familiar with in Adobe Photoshop. It's been a source of some frustration for me.
    Here is a very helpful tutorial that illustrates three different masking methods in Affinity Photo.
  20. Thanks
    Erwe reacted to Oceanwatcher in Free Instagram carousel templates for Affinity Photo   
    I have created a set of templates that will make it easier for you to create seamless Instagram post carousels. Check out the blog post to download them for free and how to use them. https://www.oceanwatcher.com/free-instagram-carousel-templates-for-affinity-photo/
  21. Thanks
    Erwe reacted to Larto in Länderflaggen Pinsel und 3D Effekt / country flags brushes and 3d effect   
    Hallo Affinity Community, mit euch möchte ich meine Länderflaggen Pinsel teilen. Optimiert sind sie für's zeichnen bei 1% Abstand damit ein Streifeneffekt entsteht. Geeignet also für z.B. Texteffekte. Einige Flaggen waren durch ihr Design für runde Pinsel ungeeignet. Um sie dennoch hinzuzufügen habe ich sie umgestaltet, möglichst ohne ihren Wiedererkennungswert einzuschränken. War z.B. ein Emblem mittig und dadurch beim zeichnen schlicht unsichtbar, verschob ich es ein wenig über die Kante des Kreises/Pinsels. Manche Flaggen besitzen deshalb 2 Versionen.
    Die Pinsel sind in englisch übersetzt, auf 4 Kategorien verteilt und alphabetisch sortiert. Ohne englisch Kenntnisse wird man sich auch zurechtfinden da die Reihenfolge der deutschen sehr ähnlich ist. Enthalten sind 193 Stück + 59 Zweitversionen mit einer Größe von je 500 Pixel.
    Anleitung für 3D Effekt mit zusätzlichem feinen Linien wie auf dem Vorschaubild:
    1. Beliebigen Flaggenpinsel wählen und auf die gewünschte Größe ändern, z.B. 60 Pixel bei 2K Auflösung.
    2. Eine neue leere Ebene erstellen und 1x mit dem Pinsel darauf klicken/malen.
    3. Live Filter "Rauschen hinzufügen" an die Ebene clippen und Wert auf ca. 25 erhöhen.
    4. Belichtungsanpassung ebensfalls an die Ebene clippen und Wert auf ca. -2,5 stellen. An diese Anpassung (nicht Hauptebene) einen vertikalen bzw. je nach gewünschter Lichtrichtung schrägen schwarz/weiss Verlauf zeichnen, sodass der Pinselpunkt oben hell und unten dunkel wird.
    5. Ebene duplizieren um die originale zu sichern und das Duplikat rastern.
    6. Mit angeklickter Duplikatsebene über Pinselpanel "neuer Pinsel aus Auswahl" wählen. Den Pinsel bearbeiten und Abstand auf 1% reduzieren. Der Pinsel ist jetzt fertig vorbereitet.
    7. Auf neuer oder zwei neuen Ebenen (z.B. bei übereinanderliegenden Strichen wie bei Buchstabe A oder H) zeichnen, z.B. einen Text.
    8. Ebeneneffekte "3D" oder "Kanten schleifen-innen" mit einem runden Profil hinzufügen (bei zwei Ebenen auch jeweils einen Ebeneneffekt für sich (Effekt kann seit Affinity 1.9 verknüpft werden)). Bei einer gewählten Pinselgröße von 60 Pixel empfiehlt sich ein Wert von 25 - 30. Optional "weichzeichnen" hinzufügen. Nun nur noch das Licht an die bei Schritt 4 gewählte Richtung anpassen.
    9. Falls zwei Ebenen verwendet wurden kann auf der unteren gegebenenfalls noch ein Schatten, der durch die obere entsteht, hinzugefügt werden. Das verstärkt den 3D Effekt noch mehr. Fertig
    Viel Spaß
    Hello Affinity community, i want to share my country flags brushes with you. They are optimized for round brushes by painting with 1% space to create a streakeffect. Because of some flags are unsuitable i had to edit them.
    This packs contained 193 brushes + 59 with a second version, separated in 4 categories, translated into english and arranged in alphabetical order. All have a size of 500 pixel.
    Tutorial for a 3D effect with additional fine lines like on my wallpaper:
    1. Choose a flag brush and set it to a size you like, for example 60 pixel on 2K resolution.
    2. Create a new empty layer and paint 1x time on it.
    3. Add "add noise" live filter and clip it on this layer. Set the value to around 25.
    4. Add "exposure" adjustment and clip it also to this layer. Set the value to around -2,5 and add a vertical (or other light direction you like) black/white gradient on this adjustment layer. Your brush dot is now bright on top and below dark.
    5. Duplicate the complete layer to save your original. Rasterize the duplicate.
    6. With active duplicate go to brush panel and click on "create brush from selection". Edit this brush and set space to 1%. The brush is now ready to paint.
    7. Paint on a new layer (or 2 if your lines cross each other like for letter A or H for a deeper 3D effect).
    8. Add layer effect (If you have 2 layers use 2 layer effects. Since Affinity 1.9 it is possible to link them.) "3D" or "inner bevel". I recommend a value of 25 - 30 when you paint with 60 pixel. Optional smooth the effect a little. For a round 3D effect use a round profil. Now only adjust your light direction to a similar like on step 4.
    9. If you use 2 layers you can add a shadow on the layer below to increase the 3D effect. Done
    Have fun

    Country_Flags_A_-_F.afbrushes Country_Flags_G_-_L.afbrushes Country_Flags_M_-_P.afbrushes Country_Flags_S_-_Z.afbrushes
  22. Thanks
    Erwe got a reaction from Alfred in Photo to Painting   
    This one in the german version.

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    Erwe reacted to Multi4G in Pen Tool Explained - Affinity Photo Tutorial   
    How to use a Pen Tool - explained real simple. In this Video I will show you how to use the Pen Tool and Node Tool in Affinity Photo. But you will also learn that Curves and Shapes can do sooo much more. Not just Illustration and Vectors. Use Curves for Selections. Use Curves for Gradients and Glow Effects. Use Curves to Mask and Clip Layers.
  24. Thanks
    Erwe got a reaction from Hilltop in Oil Painting   
    Here a simple tutorial:
    Who finds spelling mistakes may keep them.  :)
  25. Like
    Erwe got a reaction from Roger C in Oil Painting   
    Here a simple tutorial:
    Who finds spelling mistakes may keep them.  :)
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