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  1. Ja, bin sicher. Bei mir wurden z.B. die Helpfiles der Version 2 auch vorgeschlagen obwohl sie Photo2 bzw. Designer2 im Namen hatten. Ich hab' ca. die Hälfte der Vorschläge abgewählt. Und auch einige Files bei denen ich nicht sicher war ob diese nicht auch von Version 2 verwendet werden. Kann natürlich sein daß das eine oder andere noch gegangen wäre. Mir ging es vorwiegend um Photo, das ich hauptsächlich verwende. Es scheint alles zu funktionieren.
  2. Hi @MEB I have now used the Appcleaner. However, you have to be careful as it also suggests deleting version 2 files. Hi @thomaso Den Appcleaner habe ich schon oft verwendet. In diesem Fall muß man jedoch jedes vorgeschlagene File genau ansehen da auch die Files der Version 2 dabei sind. Ich hoffe, ich hab hier alle richtig zugeordnet.
  3. Hi @MEB Thank you very much! One more question: how do I uninstall it completely? In the "Launchpad" or should I remove the program using "Appcleaner"? I can't find an uninstaller
  4. I have both versions of the Affinity programs on my computer (Apple Mac), version 1 and version 2. As I no longer use the version 1 programs, I would like to delete them. Can I simply do this or does this affect the version 2 programs? The version 1 programs were purchased from the Apple Appstore, the version directly from Affinity.
  5. Is there any news yet? I have a new scanner since today and exactly the same problems with it. Ciao Erwe
  6. It makes no difference whether Affinity Photo is already open or not. I had this problem with my iMac and it is also present with the Mac Studio.
  7. I very rarely have this problem too. I always end the editing with File > Save and then File > Close . In this case I open the Apple Document in Affinity Photo under "Rescent files". Then I open the photo to be changed via "Edit in Affinity Photo" in Apple Photos and copy all layers from the file opened first into this file. It's cumbersome but saves the job. What's more annoying is that I often have to click "Edit with Affinity Photo" several times in Apple Photo for the image to be submitted. It was with Big Sur and it still is with Monterey. Of course I don't know if this is due to Affinity Photo.
  8. Wie macht man aus dem Sommer den Winter (ohne KI). Wär was für den Austragungsort der olympischen Winterspiele 😀 Sommer_Winter.mov
  9. Here also. Incidentally, the performance has also become very bad since the last version.
  10. Yes. It is inconvenient to first send the pictures to the cell phone.
  11. Hi! Do you know a way how I can load more than one picture in Instagram in the browser on the Mac?
  12. try the following: after the error message appears, quit Affinity Photo and restart it. This works with my Epson Photo 1650
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