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Delete version 1?

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I have both versions of the Affinity programs on my computer (Apple Mac), version 1 and version 2. As I no longer use the version 1 programs, I would like to delete them. Can I simply do this or does this affect the version 2 programs?

The version 1 programs were purchased from the Apple Appstore, the version directly from Affinity.

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"AppCleaner" will list the related folders & files with their sizes. If you choose not to delete all of them those may remain available in case you would want to re-install V1 later for any reason. – (I don't know how the "Launchpad" does uninstall / delete apps incl. its system files)

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Hi @Erwe,
The recommended way to uninstall apps on macOS according to Apple is by using the Launchpad (or Finder if you can't find the app in Launchpad) however this process does leave app leftovers (preferences files, caches etc) in the system, it's not a clean process. Third party apps like AppCleaner, AppDelete etc usually tend to do a better job finding and deleting these leftovers without messing the system but it's up to you if you trust them or not. Personally I've been using AppDelete and didn't have any issues with it.

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2 hours ago, MEB said:

Hi @Erwe,
The recommended way to uninstall apps on macOS according to Apple is by using the Launchpad (or Finder if you can't find the app in Launchpad) however this process does leave app leftovers (preferences files, caches etc) in the system, it's not a clean process. Third party apps like AppCleaner, AppDelete etc usually tend to do a better job finding and deleting these leftovers without messing the system but it's up to you if you trust them or not. Personally I've been using AppDelete and didn't have any issues with it.


I have now used the Appcleaner. However, you have to be careful as it also suggests deleting version 2 files.


2 hours ago, thomaso said:

"AppCleaner" will list the related folders & files with their sizes. If you choose not to delete all of them those may remain available in case you would want to re-install V1 later for any reason. – (I don't know how the "Launchpad" does uninstall / delete apps incl. its system files)

Hi @thomaso

Den Appcleaner habe ich schon oft verwendet. In diesem Fall muß man jedoch jedes vorgeschlagene File genau ansehen da auch die Files der Version 2 dabei sind. Ich hoffe, ich hab hier alle richtig zugeordnet. 

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9 minutes ago, Erwe said:

jedes vorgeschlagene File genau ansehen da auch die Files der Version 2 dabei sind

Bist du sicher? Die beiden Programm-Versionen haben doch unterschiedliche Namen, oder?

In einem Test mit V1 beta wird mir keine einzige V1 Datei zum Löschen vorgeschlagen … und die beiden Seriflabs Group-Containers automatisch als unaktiviert angezeigt.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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1 hour ago, thomaso said:

Bist du sicher? Die beiden Programm-Versionen haben doch unterschiedliche Namen, oder?

Ja, bin sicher. Bei mir wurden z.B. die Helpfiles der Version 2 auch vorgeschlagen obwohl sie Photo2 bzw. Designer2 im Namen hatten. Ich hab' ca. die Hälfte der Vorschläge abgewählt. Und auch einige Files bei denen ich nicht sicher war ob diese nicht auch von Version 2 verwendet werden.  Kann natürlich sein daß das eine oder andere noch gegangen wäre. 

Mir ging es vorwiegend um Photo, das ich hauptsächlich verwende. Es scheint alles zu funktionieren. 

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