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  1. This is not unusual. As far as I remember, the same happens with the most applications if you install a new one. The most people e.g. only have one image editing app installed, and they will want to open their image files with it. So these apps change the "Open with" setting of your OS. Its a kind of service. But the files themselves will not be changed. It is only that your OS will open them with that certain app. And as MikeTO already said,you can easily change that the way you want.
  2. Hi Jinnyjinny! Place the dog head on top, select both shapes and try "Geometry - "Subtract". If this doesn't work, probably the dog head shape is not closed.
  3. Not as far as I know. You can convert Artistic Text into Frame Text, but not vice versa.
  4. I think, you need to use Artistic Text for that. It will probably not work with Frame Text. If both layers are selected they should become scaled together.
  5. Ah okay, dann werde ich mir die gleich auch mal speichern. Danke für den Tipp!
  6. Woher hast Du dieses "Natural"-Preset? Bei mir gibt es voreingestellt nur "Standard", "Kalt" und "Warm". Ja, zu Veränderungen kommt es, streng genommen, bei Konvertierungen eigentlich immer. Nur wenn man das kontrolliert macht, kann man darauf im Zweifel eben noch Einfluss nehmen und nachbessern. Deshalb mag ich solche globalen Aktionen nicht so gern. Bevor ich Affinity entdeckt habe, habe ich versucht mit GIMP, Inkscape und Scribus auszukommen. Gimp und Inkscape unterstützen aber kein CMYK, weshalb man da nur die Möglichkeit hat die Resultate in Scribus nach CMYK umzuwandeln. Das fand ich sehr unbefriedigend.
  7. Im Prinzip ja. Ich habe mit Graustufen nicht viel Erfahrung, aber könnte mir vorstellen, dass es zu unerwünschten Veränderungen (Gamma, Kontrast) kommen könnte, wenn man einfach global zu einem Graustufenprofil konvertiert. Oder irre ich mich da?
  8. Das kommt drauf an. "Schwarz/Weiß" ist ja korrekter gesagt "Graustufen". Und wenn es wirklich Graustufenbilder sein sollen, müsste man sie in Graustufenbilder umwandeln. also in ein anderes Farbprofil. Das wäre z.B. wichtig, wenn es auf kleine Dateigrößen ankommt. Dann hätte man wirklich Bilder, die nur Graustufen enthalten, aber keinerlei farbstich. Wenn man schöne Schwarz/Weiß-Bilder haben will, empfehle ich aber RGB-Bilder. Die sind größer, weil sie drei Kanäle haben, aber dafür eben schöner.
  9. Hi Maresa, natürlich kann man Farbstiche korrigieren. Dafür gibt es Filter wie den "Tonwert"-, den "Gradationskurven"- und den HSL-Filter (HSL steht für "Hue" = "Farbton"; "Saturation" = "Sättigung"; "Lightness" = "Helligkeit"). In Deinem Fall würde ich mir aber mal die LUTs angucken. LUTs ("Lookup Tables") sind Dateien, in denen feste Farbeinstellungen gespeichert sind. Die kann man dann recht einfach auch auf eine ganze Reihe von Fotos anwenden und erhält dann einen einheitlichen Look für alle Bilder. LUTs kann man relativ leicht selbst erstellen. Man kann sich aber auch sehr viele für lau aus dem Netz herunterladen (man kann natürlich auch welche kaufen - im Affinity Store gibt es sehr gute). Am besten liest Du mal zu dem Thema in der AfPhoto-Hilfe bzw. der Online Dokumentation nach. Wenn man geeignete LUTs hat, ist das nicht schwer. LUTs selbst zu machen, braucht ein bisschen Lernen. Sehr schöne Sache. Übrigens würde ich nicht empfehlen Farbstche komplett zu entfernen. Schwarz/Weiß-Bilder sind in der Regel schöner, wenn sie einen minimalen Farbstich haben. Nur ist es natürlich schöner wenn sie einen einheitlichen haben. Die Filter findest Du übrigens nicht nur oben in der Menüleiste, sondern auch unten im "Ebenen"-Panel. Dort sind es sogar "Live-Filter". Das heißt, dass sie dem Bild als separate Ebenen hinzugefügt und jederzeit auch später noch geändert werden können.
  10. As far as I remember, I started a feature request for this rotation feature and the mirroring feature as well some years ago here in the Feature Request Section. Possibly it will come some day with an update or a new version. Anyway, the Affinity apps are very good. I'm very glad about that I explored them some years ago, as I decided to turn my back to Adobe. At first I only purchased Publisher, because I needed a DTP Software urgently. But I was so excited about it that I purchased the other apps too.
  11. @MurphysBud I think, I understand what you mean. In GIMP, Krita and ArtRage, you can rotate the canvas by simply holding a modifier key (Shift on GIMP and Krita, Alt on ArtRage) and the middle mouse key attached to your stylus button, by dragging with the stylus. It's an option like scrolling or zooming. You don't need to change a tool for it. That's very convenient and the way I prefer. But unfortunately Affinity doesn't offer this option. I work with a Wacom Cintiq too, but I also have a mouse besides my tablet, so I can even use it for rotating the canvas. Often even the rotation in steps is good enough for me. It's something I got used to during the last years. But it would of course be better if we could rotate like in the apps I mentioned above. By the way, all three apps also have options to mirror the canvas. That's very helpful for painting and drawing too.
  12. Hi! There are two relative simple ways to do that: 1. Hold "Alt" and scroll with the scroll wheel of your mouse, 2. per shortkeys. I defined special ones for my needs ">" for "rotate to the rignt", "<" for rotate to the left", "Shift + Ctrl + <" for "reset rotation" (Windows) This rotates in steps. It may seem unfamiliar the first time, but I got used to it quickly. By the way, the best way to rotate canvas I personally know, is the one in GIMP. I didn't like the Photoshop way. It should not be necessary to have a seperate tool for it.
  13. Very nice brushes, no doubt about it. But the users should be aware of, that there is a problem with the lighting angle. In reality the light source will not follow the stroke. If the light comes from e.g. the left, it will come from the left at any point of the stroke. This is a feature, the brush engine doesn't offer, so you will not really get realistic results. If that is not a problem for you, so there is no problem at all. I only wanted to point at this.
  14. Affinity v2 has new features that are not supported by version 1. If you would open v2-files in version 1, the editings you made with this features would be lost. That's not unusual. You'll find it in the most apps. But you could export your document as a PDF, and should be able to load and edit it in version 1. But in that case, you would no longer be able to simply undo non-destructive editings. The new features are not available in version 1 anyway.
  15. I didn't say, that it can't be done. But I explained that I doubt that it makes much sense. There are many things you can do with PDFs today. And not everything is really beneficial, if you think of, that the format PDF was initially created to offer a reliable and safe file format for graphics designers to transfer their works to the printers. Initially it wasn't even intended and even not wanted, that PDFs can be edited. This may be a convenient and easy solution for people who are unfamiliar with HTML, CSS and Javascript and don't want to learn it. But it is a topic for a small group of people, I think, and not really for professionals, because the PDF has it's clear limitations for purposes like this. So I doubt, that it is important enough for Serif to care about. Even because Adobe and not Serif are the developers of the PDF format. But who knows! Possibly there are Open Source Solutions for things like that. I don't know.
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