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  1. Hello, I have a function extension request for the data merge function. I am missing it in V2 and would appreciate an implementation I want to adjust the fontsize of the selected fields automatically based on the text length. The limiting factor would be the text frame. I would like to create a project with different texts/words which will be rescaled just in a smaller font if the text/characters are longer. More text length = smaller font less text length = bigger font Regards In Adobe it is possible. And it could look like this
  2. I would aprreciate when I can use this feature of re-scaling the font size in data merge
  3. Hello, is it possible with data merge to adjust the fontsize of the selected fields based on the text length? I would like to create a project with different texts which will be shown just in a smaller font if they are longer. More text length=smaller font less text length=bigger font The limiting factor would be the text frame. If it's not possible its a feature request Regards Joem
  4. Hi Alfred, thanks for your help. Do you have a suggestion?
  5. Only the shape/contour of the font is beeing brushed. Is there a possibility to brush the middle?
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