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Sean P

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Everything posted by Sean P

  1. Hi VanHeber, Thanks for the file - I've reproduced this and passed it on to development. Nizam, Regarding the Divide issue - that is slightly separate and MattP has said that this still requires a lot of work. Regarding a Windows update, we do currently have a 1.8.1 beta available, however this missed the boolean improvements Matt made (no divide changes as of yet), but those will be coming soon.
  2. Hi JeffreyK, Thanks for the file - we've reproduced this issue and passed it on to development.
  3. Hi impixeldude, This isn't actually a bug, but is the result of a bug being fixed - grids should have never been displayed outside the artboard. You can however use the Align options on the context toolbar to align artboards to existing artboards.
  4. Thanks for that! I've reproduced this and passed it on to development.
  5. Hi HowA, You can disable the snapping candidates by unticking 'Show Snapping Candidates' in the Snapping dropdown. You will then see a brief purple highlight (which fades out) when an object is added as a candidate.
  6. Hi Gremriel, This is currently by design, however there isn't a way to fully 'reset' the bounding box which I what I believe you require. What you can do however is use the 'Cycle Selection Box' button to temporarily switch the bounding box to 'regular bounds' allowing you to scale 'normally'.
  7. Hi cameronsjk, Could you attach a copy of the document you're trying to export a long with screenshot of the results you're getting so we can investigate please?
  8. Hi kaiwienen, Thanks for letting us know and uploading a sample file - this is something we have logged. The corner tool should apply correctly if you reopen your file - it seems to only happen after an Add operation prior to saving and reopening.
  9. Hi InfoCentral, Would if be possible for you to upload a copy of the offending afdesign and PDF files that are opening incorrectly please so we can investigate?
  10. A screenshot showing what you're seeing would also be helpful as well! Thanks!
  11. Hi HuAlv, Are you able to attach a copy of the document that is failing to export so we can investigate please?
  12. Hi scrutinizer, As I'm sure you've seen in the thread below we're already aware of this issue and it is being investigated by development, however just wanted to say thanks for letting us know!
  13. Hi kaiwienen, This is something that we already have reported and with development to be fixed. I will pass on your comments. Thanks for letting us know!
  14. Hi JDWrightBrain, Are you able to upload a copy of the document prior to the expand stroke so we can investigate it please? Thanks
  15. Hi Fred C, Thanks for letting us know - I've reproduced the issue and passed it on to the documentation team to investigate.
  16. Hi Aaron, Thanks for letting us know - there have been a few issues with Boolean operations that we are aware off. The majority of these (including your file) should now be fixed in the 1.8.2 beta available below:
  17. Hi Ganzie, Is this certain files that this is happening with? Are you able to start a new document using File > New Document? If it is specific files would you be able to attach some sample ones that are crashing please?
  18. Thanks for the file - I see what you mean now. I can see that this is being caused by the excess amount of blue triangle shapes in the bottom corner, despite the majority of them being hidden by a vector mask. This does appear to be a regression over 1.7 and I'll get it passed on to development. In the meantime you can use Edit > Preferences > Tools > 'Select object when intersects with selection marquee'. This will allow you to get those objects elected without making a huge selection marquee, however be aware it will now select anything it touches!
  19. I've created a link to our internal Dropbox account you can upload it to if you don't wish to share publicly if that is ok? https://www.dropbox.com/request/xsh5lx4bJDLgSh6TCuK9
  20. Hi Chris, This isn't a bug - switching categories doesn't automatically change the preset selection - so you still have A4 Print selected. If you had selected a different preset inside A4 Press Ready then it will update to reflect the CMYK colour model.
  21. Would it be possible for you to attach the document shown in the video please?
  22. Hi dcarvalho84, This was actually preset in 1.8.1 and seems to occur when searching in the dialog, after applying a font for the second time. It is currently with development to be looked at. Thanks for letting us know!
  23. Hi Guillem S., Would it be possible for you to share the document you're using please?
  24. Hi, Thanks for the videos and the crash report - I've reproduced this and passed it on to development!
  25. Hi HGDC, Could you get a screen recording showing the steps you're going through please? I've tried to reproduce this and it is behaving for me!
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