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I need some help for a work i'm doing right now.

I have a logo that needs to be apply to a flask.
Already got a file with the lines and curves.

But i need to bend the logo and I can't find a way to do it.

Any help? Thanks!

example (the logo is straight and i need it to be like that line):


INTEL I5 3470 | 8GB DDR3 1600MHZ | SSD EVO850 500GB | MSI 1050 TI 4GB

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer | Affinity Photo | Affinity Publisher


if you need the logo to go along the same curve as that line, first, take the pen tool and draw out that line. Then go to the Text tool and click on the line and the text will follow the line you drew. Hope that helps. :)


Pariah73's advice is great for text but it only works for text, it doesn't work if you want to bend anything else such as curves, shapes or anything imported from other software.
Designer - currently, as of - doesn't have any complex automatic distortion tools, such as shape-on-path, perspective or mesh warping, but I'm fairly sure that the Affinity team have said those types of thing are on the roadmap so maybe sometime in the future.
In the meantime, you could try using Inkscape to get the vectors into the shape you require and then import the modified vectors into your Designer project.
Inkscape is totally free and has some very sophisticated tools - the one I think you need is in the "Extensions -> Generate From Path -> Pattern Along Path" menu - but the learning-curve can be quite steep, so be prepared to practice and experiment.


So in short @RM10, no, it is not possible to design and construct a logo and bend it like you described. Affinity Designer is simply not made for this kind of work. The features are not in the program.

Whatever is on the roadmap now (and has been for years) does not help now - and we don't know what it will be like when it is eventually implemented. Or when. The future is for the dreamers.

Inkscape sports an impressive array of features for free, give it a shot. It is free but the user interface is not great.

You simply purchased the wrong program for that kind of professional, creative and important work. Sorry. :(

  • "The user interface is supposed to work for me - I am not supposed to work for the user interface."
  • Computer-, operating system- and software agnostic; I am a result oriented professional. Look for a fanboy somewhere else.
  • “When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” ― Confucius
  • Not an Affinity user og forum user anymore. The software continued to disappoint and not deliver.
15 hours ago, GarryP said:

Pariah73's advice is great for text but it only works for text, it doesn't work if you want to bend anything else such as curves, shapes or anything imported from other software.
Designer - currently, as of - doesn't have any complex automatic distortion tools, such as shape-on-path, perspective or mesh warping, but I'm fairly sure that the Affinity team have said those types of thing are on the roadmap so maybe sometime in the future.
In the meantime, you could try using Inkscape to get the vectors into the shape you require and then import the modified vectors into your Designer project.
Inkscape is totally free and has some very sophisticated tools - the one I think you need is in the "Extensions -> Generate From Path -> Pattern Along Path" menu - but the learning-curve can be quite steep, so be prepared to practice and experiment.

Indeed, I was referring to a text logo only. Thank you for the Inkscape command. I do my text warping and vectorizing in Inkscape and that's about all I know how to do in it. I find Inkscape to be horribly unintuitive to use but it can do just about anything (except run just as well on Windows as it does on Linux lol)



CC:  @Jowday

If you own Affinity Photo, and are willing to work with a rasterized copy of the artwork, you might consider building the composited mock-up image of the bottle with the logo bending round the form by using both the Mesh Warp tool and the Perspective tool. (See example screenshot below.)

  1. Working with a duplicate of your AF Designer source file, go to the File > Edit in Photo ... menu command to take the art into AF Photo.
  2. Use the Mesh Warp tool to apply a bend to your logo that matches the perspective of your bottle's form.
  3. Use the Perspective tool (Dual Plane mode) to foreshorten the ends of the logo a bit to try to fake the natural compression of the image you'd see if it were actually wrapping around a bottle.

It requires some manual manipulation and a good sense for thinking in 3D, but it's better than nothing. Short of working with a real 3D rendering application, this is probably your best shot.

Good luck.

Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 6.28.51 PM.png


@Mark Oehlschlager Yeah I know that Photo can distort pixels like that :) Photo is a much, much more full featured, competent and interesting product than the rather weak and hopelessly basic Designer ... but personally I work with vector illustrations and vector output only so bitmap is a no go for this kind of work. :)

If crippling work arounds like this is required - you are simply using the wrong software for the job.

Just look at the toolbar in Affinity Designer.. nothing but basic, basic tools including three basic (!) shapes and then a shape selector underneath. I still have a massive feeling that Serif simply doesn't HAVE vector specialists. Life must be hard without Microsoft code libraries...

  • "The user interface is supposed to work for me - I am not supposed to work for the user interface."
  • Computer-, operating system- and software agnostic; I am a result oriented professional. Look for a fanboy somewhere else.
  • “When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” ― Confucius
  • Not an Affinity user og forum user anymore. The software continued to disappoint and not deliver.

It's getting there, slowly but surely. In the meantime you can always do them in Photopea (exported to svg) or in Inkscape and import them in. I personally love the donut tool. I get so many people (with less than stellar taste) that want that circular logo and it's so quick and easy to bang one of those out with AD. I'm not a patient person but Affinity is teaching me that lol. Hope you get your solution :)

On 1/27/2019 at 2:04 AM, Pariah73 said:

Also i forgot to mention that Photopea does text warping and can export as svg to retain that new vector smell. Easier to use than Inkscape :)

how is text warping accessed in Photopea?


Assuming you're in Photopea, grab the text tool and type something out in whatever font you like, then access the warping options by clicking the button there and choosing your options :) Make sure to export as svg to keep it vector. Then you can import that into AD or AP and use as you like. Hope this helps. If you need more info, let me know :)

Opera Snapshot_2019-01-28_213317_www.photopea.com.png


Hi everyone. Thank you all for the suggestions.

Since the Logo was NAME+Symbol, i managed to rotate each piece and place it as good as possible along the line to create the bend effect.

It was for something very small so it didn't need to be perfect.

As I suspected, and as told here, the affinity designer doesn't have the tools (yet).

@Pariah73 I had some text to bend to, but that i managed because the tool exist, it was easy. the problem was really with the logo because it was totally in curves, and the name is not in a regular font. But thanks for the tips, i will try to use some of your suggestions in the future ;)

Thanks everyone.

INTEL I5 3470 | 8GB DDR3 1600MHZ | SSD EVO850 500GB | MSI 1050 TI 4GB

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer | Affinity Photo | Affinity Publisher

On 1/26/2019 at 2:02 PM, Jowday said:

So in short @RM10, no, it is not possible to design and construct a logo and bend it like you described. Affinity Designer is simply not made for this kind of work. The features are not in the program.

Whatever is on the roadmap now (and has been for years) does not help now - and we don't know what it will be like when it is eventually implemented. Or when. The future is for the dreamers.

Inkscape sports an impressive array of features for free, give it a shot. It is free but the user interface is not great.

You simply purchased the wrong program for that kind of professional, creative and important work. Sorry. :(

I bought it a long ago for general use and i'm very happy with, specially with the beta of publisher (life savior).

This work in particular was one time only, but I hope that they integrate the right tools soon. we never know when we will need to do other stuff ;)
I got Inkscape too this week but still didn't use it much.


INTEL I5 3470 | 8GB DDR3 1600MHZ | SSD EVO850 500GB | MSI 1050 TI 4GB

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer | Affinity Photo | Affinity Publisher


Glad you got it worked out for your purposes RM10. I've been able to push limits and do some interesting and unexpected things with Designer, but bending an image isn't one of them! For a text logo, I would approach it the same as you did, recreating the letters and rotating each letter to follow the curve. I've never had to do it, so gave it a try using the text logo of a large local company, placing the jpg logo image on a page in Designer and recreating it using the Pen tool to outline it with individually placed nodes and tweaking the nodes. This logo is a bit more difficult to 'bend' since the letters are connected (I love challenges), but with a bit of quick node manipulation, it's close. Not perfect and can use more tweaking to smooth the corners of some letters, but you get the idea.

Top image is original jpg. Bottom image was re-created in Designer. Took about 20 min. Thanks for posting this thread because it inspired me to push more limits in Designer. :)

Adtran bent logo.jpg


@Ballyshannon nice work there.

Sometimes we have to be imaginative with the tools to work around situations like these.

What you did there was a viable and good solution. It takes time and precision but the result is there.

Thanks for sharing it ;)

INTEL I5 3470 | 8GB DDR3 1600MHZ | SSD EVO850 500GB | MSI 1050 TI 4GB

Windows 10 | Affinity Designer | Affinity Photo | Affinity Publisher

On 1/26/2019 at 8:02 AM, Jowday said:

You simply purchased the wrong program for that kind of professional, creative and important work. Sorry.

Well, not all Logos need to be created with a distortion and not all Logos should be distorted in any way. At times is needed, but as of today, Designer is a very capable program lacking key features, but not a disaster.

Best regards!


@RM10, thank you for the positive words. No program is perfect and I agree with @Mithferion that Designer is a very capable vector program, albeit...as you said... requiring some imagination to utilize the program's strengths to work around some of its weaknesses. But then, in the 30+ years I've been in graphic design, I've found that to be true of literally every program I've used. The more time I spend with Designer, the more I like it and have been able to create some very rewarding projects despite its lack of some key features.


Another workaround suggestion; you could turn the logo into a vector brush then apply it to a line. You could then curve that line as you wish.

If you then want it as a "true" vector you would have to trace over the vector brushed line. 


Illustrator, Designer, 3D Modeller (In that order) - Open for commissions - Check out my art Instagram or follow me on twitter or like my Facebook page. Phew! 

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