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Designer: Expand stroke is completely broken


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Right… I guess it's not just me. Hoping this does get sorted soon though… This is super important for me because I create icons at 16x16 so when expanding a stroke distorts the shapes, it's a big deal.

The main reason I am using using AD is because Sketch's vector tool is busted and I can't rely on it for complex icon work. So if I also can't rely on the accuracy of AD as a vector tool, there's not much benefit in me using it in the first place.

For clarity, I'm not after feature-parity with Illustrator either. But I do expect the features it does have to work as expected (especially something as fundamental as expanding/outlining a stroke).

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Same here. I´ve purchased v 1.7 and that awful bug still there :( Come on you Affinity Team! This is not a minor issue. We, the buyers, are designers. It´s very important that the expand stroke function works properly. I really love Affinity Designer, but I still have to stick to AI due to that bug. 

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On 10. Juli 2019 at 9:03 PM, PaolaB said:

It´s very important that the expand stroke function works properly.

For all who don’t want to use other apps (as workaround): 

First increase the scale of the objects, expand them, then scale them down again to their original size. Use a maximum factor of about 1000.


You can get great results by using another problem as a “solution”: Increase “DPI” in “Document Setup…” (best before you start your work). For example use 21893 dpi if the page size is not bigger than (DIN) A4.

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22 hours ago, Oval said:

For all who don’t want to use other apps (as workaround): 

First increase the scale of the objects, expand them, then scale them down again to their original size. Use a maximum factor of about 1000.


As mentioned before, this only makes it similar visually. The node count and placement is still broken so that makes it unusable for further node modification. That is only a workaround if you only need vector for scalability, not further editing.

Mădălin Vlad
Graphic Designer
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't believe this bug hasn't been fixed since 2017... Come on guys this is basic feature for an illustration tool! I've been a long time user of Affinity Designer but I'm getting more and more frustrated (it's like the "select same color tool" that has been asked 4 years ago). So much that I've stopped recommending AD, without this bug patched it's just a broken illustration tool.

I hope you will change my mind and bring a fix asap.

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my understanding for this problem is zero!

this bug is sooo old and it is impossible to make icons for websites - which i would like to do very often. i have to look for another program now, which can be used for making icons. it's a joke that this is not being fixed. it worked in the beginning of affinity designer, so this can't be a very big problem to fix.

affinity started very well and hopeful, but because of all the different versions coming out they lost focus on the most important thing: reliability and fast bug fixing. very sad...


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On 19. August 2019 at 12:49 PM, bandit69 said:

i have to look for another program now

Well, perhaps the next months we’ll get a fix (because finally someone should have time after the work of the iOS thingies … contradicts a bit the information of MEB).

In the meantime: You can get great results by using another problem as a “solution”: Increase “DPI” in “Document Setup…” (best before you start your work). For example use 21893 dpi if the page size is not bigger than (DIN) A4.

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On 8/12/2019 at 6:09 AM, MEB said:

The teams have been busy with the changes required for Publisher interoperability and with Publisher's release itself. With it now released we are looking into some of these longstanding issues. Thanks for your understanding.

I would like to suggest in the future that prioritizing new programs and projects over critical functionality of existing products is a very poor choice. It makes it seem that the company wants new customers and more money over loyal satisfied professional.  

I don't think that Serif feels that way at all, so please don't act that way in the future. I know you folks have taken a sad beating in this thread over the years, it's very flustering I'm sure on that end of things too.   Please understand that for many of us, this function is so at the core of our work flow that it was (and is) hard to understand how anything else was ever getting worked on while it was still broken.   Please assign the correct folks to this right away if it has not already happened. Let us know that it is not on "the list" but actually on the "workbench". Please focus on being the responsive agile company that drew us all in in the first place.

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12 hours ago, Rivka said:

I would like to suggest in the future that prioritizing new programs and projects over critical functionality of existing products is a very poor choice. It makes it seem that the company wants new customers and more money over loyal satisfied professional.  

I don't think that Serif feels that way at all, so please don't act that way in the future. I know you folks have taken a sad beating in this thread over the years, it's very flustering I'm sure on that end of things too.   Please understand that for many of us, this function is so at the core of our work flow that it was (and is) hard to understand how anything else was ever getting worked on while it was still broken.   Please assign the correct folks to this right away if it has not already happened. Let us know that it is not on "the list" but actually on the "workbench". Please focus on being the responsive agile company that drew us all in in the first place.

+5000 on this. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I spent 4 days doing by hand what should have been a 3 minute operation. 

Now they want it 0.1mm smaller stroke, this would be nothing at all if the program worked the way it should. In its current state, this is the stuff of nightmares. don't even get me started with the translated version they suggested!


off to go look for another program to do this step on, how stupid.

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LOL! Thanks for explaining things to me, very educating, I'll try to do better in the future. So if everything else is so accurate, do you want to explain to me what I'm seeing here?

(Blue background, white curve, semi-transparent pink result of expansion)


and, just for those commenters who are about to say "But what about CorelDraw? You didn't include it and it would've been perfect!"... (white background, black original curve, pink expanded result)


You'll notice that NOBODY has the right answer because - as I stated A LOT before - there IS NO RIGHT ANSWER because one curve does not perfectly become one other curve at an offset - MATHS DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! It becomes potentially many curves, but in different ways. You need to use an algorithm to generate the offset and the results of the algorithm will vary.

So... sorry to break the awful news, but.... we're actually not that bad. Shocker. Double-shocker is the fact that I've actually shown you that we really do actually have a new stroke expansion function and the 'fanboys' aren't actually fanboys at all - they're just not ridiculously pessimistic keyboard warriors.



LOL? Yes, Serif laughs because of the problems of the buyers. It is impossible for LarrySunshine to answer in a closed topic like Serif did there. Even if it is, it is also impossible because it does not explain how the pictures came about. Even the information of stroke widths are missing. Of course, a new algorithm should be better than the five-year-old version, which is still several times worse than all competing ones and whose errors were never resolved, although this was repeatedly claimed like “most precise vector graphic design software”. Because of this, it is untrustworthy to write "pessimistic keyboard warrior". OK, not for Dump and BoJo.

We gave Serif the money and we had and still have to deal with the enormous inaccuracies that other apps do not have. So there should be the direct comparison with the actual versions (of the competitors that are also not published). That would be respectable. 

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That topic has been beaten to death I guess, and the  entertaining drama queen closing scene in a closed thread (very mature) made me laugh and shake my head. For once a glimpse of okay hope though.

But still... costumers are waiting for the release before the problem is finally resolved in customer land and they are still looking at 12 more months of waiting before 1.8 is released? Six years of waiting and a micdrop after five. Why would costumers not lose confidence in a major way? Try letting customers in a restaurant wait for hours after returning a plate of badly prepared food and monitor their reaction. A micdrop scene from the chef after complaints after two ours of waiting would be ridiculous. Time and priorities.

/calmly putting mic back on stand


  • "The user interface is supposed to work for me - I am not supposed to work for the user interface."
  • Computer-, operating system- and software agnostic; I am a result oriented professional. Look for a fanboy somewhere else.
  • “When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” ― Confucius
  • Not an Affinity user og forum user anymore. The software continued to disappoint and not deliver.
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...or ... as If I'd have gone to a friend's birthday party, brought just one single beer to "contribute",  had ate all the freaking cakes, drunk all the beverages, ruined the couch with wine (actually did that...twice.. in real life.. and still got forgiven...), dance until midnight, had tons of fun, and then get immensely mad because I wanted, just for closing and going home, "coconut milkshake", not "pineapple juice"...  freaking bastards... unbearable.

AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


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27 minutes ago, haakoo said:

This analogy is plain stupid as you would not go back to that place ever again but you come back here complaining?

I am not the problem here. Neither is the customer in the analogy.

  • "The user interface is supposed to work for me - I am not supposed to work for the user interface."
  • Computer-, operating system- and software agnostic; I am a result oriented professional. Look for a fanboy somewhere else.
  • “When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” ― Confucius
  • Not an Affinity user og forum user anymore. The software continued to disappoint and not deliver.
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