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46 minutes ago, Juan Garcia said:

I tend to disagree. Again, if you adapt, like you said, you can use AI as an apprentice and then remove the clues that it has been created by an AI. Since AI doesn't generate anything on its own, as it has to have models that exists I think even stock image photographers will soon sue and AI vendors will have to create a compensation system like streaming services do. 

Your clients will be able to do the work by their own selves. They will not need you anymore. They might produce something that isn't as good as what you can do, but that won't matter. 

I don't remember how many years ago it was, but it was before computers were still out of the reach of most people - late 80's early 90's? I was a very successful free lance medical illustrator with clients from major universities, medical research facilities, pharmaceutical companies. One day I was riding in an elevator to meet with a client. A young fellow passenger asked me what I was doing or did for a living. When I told him he said, with computers in the future you will be out of business.  He seemed quite pleased with himself to inform me of that. I didn't believe him at the time but I have never forgotten that moment. In two years time I was out of business. I adapted but not fast enough. I then became a very successful Flash animator. In an instant hundreds of my animations were vaporized. 

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6 minutes ago, thomaso said:






How many of this people will have a job in six month?

This will NOT end well...

Happy guy playing around with the Affinity Suite - really love typographic, photographing, Color & forms, AND, old Synthesizers from the 1980-1990’s…

Macbook Pro 16” M1 2021 connected to an 32” curved 5K external display, iPad Pro 12.9” M1 2021, iPad Pro 10.5” A10X 2017, iMac 27” 5K/i7 late 2015 - also an Lenovo iMac i7 clone with 24” touch screen and Windows 10…

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25 minutes ago, KarinC said:
  1. Your clients will be able to do the work by their own selves. They will not need you anymore. They might produce something that isn't as good as what you can do, but that won't matter. 
  2. I don't remember how many years ago it was, but it was before computers were still out of the reach of most people - late 80's early 90's? I was a very successful free lance medical illustrator with clients from major universities, medical research facilities, pharmaceutical companies. One day I was riding in an elevator to meet with a client. A young fellow passenger asked me what I was doing or did for a living. When I told him he said, with computers in the future you will be out of business.  He seemed quite pleased with himself to inform me of that. I didn't believe him at the time but I have never forgotten that moment. In two years time I was out of business. I adapted but not fast enough. I then became a very successful Flash animator. In an instant hundreds of my animations were vaporized. 

how about to repackage them with Adobe Animator? 

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8 minutes ago, AffinityMakesMeSad said:


How many of this people will have a job in six month?

This will NOT end well...

hopefully a lot of them will be updating their CVs as they call résumés in the UK. 

The story is simple. Contrary to what I thought, they did not have many resources. There were a lot of enthusiasts like us that liked the idea of revelling to Adobe tyranny where we cannot even "read" a document we created the moment we stopped paying except for third party programs that more often than not didn't do a good job except if it was relatively simple. --Nobody really implemented smart objects in PSDs correctly 100%, specially if those objects were PSBs embedded-.

Without AI or features found in other programs, lime morphing or "select subject" that I know it is via AI bit, but have been in Adobe and other software more than 20 years now, not too many investors were willing to give a financial boost for what, I think they think, it is a 90s business model. Investors do not realise that subscriptions are kind of burnt out. But also they do not care. They think the ones with stronger AI will prevail. Adobe is pushing on this. 

Canva uses a subscription model, more suitable to appeal new investors. I think their AI will be simply to implement third party APIs and create a full subscription model for the whole Affinity suite. Maybe even, like Canva themselves, Figma, or others create a multi platform electron app that implement what Affinity already do plus with the new AI APIs. No magic wand here. That's what they are preparing to ship. Forget App Stores, and native apps. 

Canva probably would defend themselves with the "no magic wand" adding the comment "exactly" and that the third party APIs will charge them per execution, so there is no other option at the moment for them. And also they would remind us that except for Apple, not many X64 processors are implementing specific AI processors. Only the very new are coming out now and still local AI will take a while, and investors wants returns now. So Subscriptions for now until privacy concerns comes and then when the market is ready they will start to ship local AI processing. Still via subscription. 

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17 minutes ago, Juan Garcia said:

how about to repackage them with Adobe Animator? 

They were web-based. I saved quite a few of my own by doing screen captures and making them into videos., but they were no longer interactive. I can't afford Adobe, plus they made a mess of Animate. You have to be a high end programmer to use it. The beauty of Flash, at least in the early days was that the programming was simple and logical. I truly miss the early days of Flash. The community was so fun and supportive. 

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44 minutes ago, KarinC said:

Your clients will be able to do the work by their own selves. They will not need you anymore. They might produce something that isn't as good as what you can do, but that won't matter. 

I don't remember how many years ago it was, but it was before computers were still out of the reach of most people - late 80's early 90's? I was a very successful free lance medical illustrator with clients from major universities, medical research facilities, pharmaceutical companies. One day I was riding in an elevator to meet with a client. A young fellow passenger asked me what I was doing or did for a living. When I told him he said, with computers in the future you will be out of business.  He seemed quite pleased with himself to inform me of that. I didn't believe him at the time but I have never forgotten that moment. In two years time I was out of business. I adapted but not fast enough. I then became a very successful Flash animator. In an instant hundreds of my animations were vaporized. 

One thought about AI. I find the notion that you can do "professional" work by just typing on a text box is unrealistic. Generative AI is quite noticeable if you ask it to generate the image from scratch. What I found it useful is to help your work. I will give examples. Let's say you have a photoshoot and in one of the pictures the model's hair was covering something important. The model is gone and you need to either reshoot or give up with that take. With generative AI, with some trial and error, not magic one here either, you can get a perfect effect where the hair seems to be put behind the model's back. Or if you want to open frame. 

Generative AI will be good for students for their powerpoint and I am sure Google will implement something like that in the near future. But since a lot of the model have copyright they will have to pay something to the owners of which the image is based on.

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1 minute ago, Juan Garcia said:

One thought about AI. I find the notion that you can do "professional" work by just typing on a text box is unrealistic. Generative AI is quite noticeable if you ask it to generate the image from scratch. What I found it useful is to help your work. I will give examples. Let's say you have a photoshoot and in one of the pictures the model's hair was covering something important. The model is gone and you need to either reshoot or give up with that take. With generative AI, with some trial and error, not magic one here either, you can get a perfect effect where the hair seems to be put behind the model's back. Or if you want to open frame. 

Generative AI will be good for students for their powerpoint and I am sure Google will implement something like that in the near future. But since a lot of the model have copyright they will have to pay something to the owners of which the image is based on.

Unrealistic right now. Get back to me in a few years or less.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With all the discussion about the Canva acquisition, in my opinion one of the first benefits might be the ready to go availability of AI infrastructure for generative fill.

In the meantime due I want to start working on - and didn't want of course to get an Adobe subscription - I started experimenting with Krita AI diffusion Krita AI Tools and Stable Diffusion Web UI.

These are open source solutions, the Krita plugin easy to use on Windows so to use your local hardware, Web UI easy to setup on a remote server (using like a 3090), perfectly capable in my opinion to get the job done for my experimentation.



Affinity Photo, Publisher, Designer, PagePlus, ShaderMap Pro, Davinci Resolve, HitFilm Pro, Unreal, Unigine, 3ds Max, Maya Bifrost, Houdini, 3D-Coat.

Windows 10 and 11 Pro.

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Although Affinity has merged with Canva and might plans to incorporate AI to gether with Canva, they still have a long way to go to match Adobe's progress.
Adobe has eg FireFly AI, (https://www.adobe.com/nl/products/firefly.htmlwhich allows users to alter parts of images and integrate with Photoshop.
Most impressively, Firefly is continually improving through generated images and text input. Currently, for me it performs better than both Midjourney and Dall-E, making Adobe the dominant frontrunner again in the image creation market. Personally, I am now using Photoshop again since a year and started with Capture One a couple of years ago after Affinty keeps ignoring good color correction options and good raw import. I started to use Photoshop again more intensive while using Affinity less due to its lack of professional progress and strong features like quality raw conversion, precise color correction, options to calibrate with colour corrections cards, good visual masking and AI.
Although I really appreciate Affinity's speed and inutitive setup, it fails to compensate for necessary essential features. 
For me it's not about free from licenses, but speed and essential pro features to enable pro workflows.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/6/2024 at 11:32 AM, davide445 said:

With all the discussion about the Canva acquisition, in my opinion one of the first benefits might be the ready to go availability of AI infrastructure for generative fill.

In the meantime due I want to start working on - and didn't want of course to get an Adobe subscription - I started experimenting with Krita AI diffusion Krita AI Tools and Stable Diffusion Web UI.

These are open source solutions, the Krita plugin easy to use on Windows so to use your local hardware, Web UI easy to setup on a remote server (using like a 3090), perfectly capable in my opinion to get the job done for my experimentation.



After testing all this tools, I can say from my perspective I returned 100% using Affinity for my needs.

AI is great and probably with more available effort I would have been able to get out something useful, but so far

- Krita UX is totally counterintuitive/buggy/inconsistent so that even trivial activities like using a mask become a pain

- AI diffusion plugin never generate what I was needing/expecting due to bugs/inner complexities

- AI instant segmentation and selection was working farily well, but refining the results with Krita needed a huge time with subpar results

- Using the web UI never took off in my usage needs

Of course all of these are marveleous tools with tons of beautiful features, but my experience is they need much more effort than expected to get out something useful.

Affinity Photo, Publisher, Designer, PagePlus, ShaderMap Pro, Davinci Resolve, HitFilm Pro, Unreal, Unigine, 3ds Max, Maya Bifrost, Houdini, 3D-Coat.

Windows 10 and 11 Pro.

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14 minutes ago, davide445 said:


- Using the web UI never took off in my usage needs




Then you probably just don't have a clue about how to use SD ... it is all about prompting and the correct image sizes.

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8 minutes ago, oliverberger said:

Then you probably just don't have a clue about how to use SD ... it is all about prompting and the correct image sizes.

Of course I'm a beginner, even if I tried every trick the AI specialized in SD prompting suggested me.

This is just a feedback related to my available effort and needs, not a judgment.

Affinity Photo, Publisher, Designer, PagePlus, ShaderMap Pro, Davinci Resolve, HitFilm Pro, Unreal, Unigine, 3ds Max, Maya Bifrost, Houdini, 3D-Coat.

Windows 10 and 11 Pro.

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11 hours ago, oliverberger said:

Then you probably just don't have a clue about how to use SD ... it is all about prompting and the correct image sizes.

And all about not caring about the soul of humanity.

Using AI as a tool, fantastic. It promises to have a lot of great uses in medicine, for example.

But this is not using AI as a tool, it's using it as a substitute for artistic expression. That is pure evil.

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With all missing pro features in Affimity I started to learn Photoshop again... 
The intuïtieve interface of Affinity is heaven compared to Photoshop, but photoshop works perfect.
Also in combination with Capture One

What I use:
- For AI images Adobe FireFly and Photoshop
- For AI text TextCortex

- Image editing: Capture onbe + Photoshop and still by while Affinity
- Video : Resolve Studio
- DTP: Affinity Publiher
- Vector editing : Affinity Designer


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/24/2023 at 10:20 PM, Lee_T said:

Hi WMax70,

There are no plans for this at present.


When I left the world of Adobe in 2017 and converted over to the Affinity suite, especially with graphics and images, I never in my wildest nightmares ever thought I would contemplate going back in a million years. However, with the introduction of AI in Photoshop, I find Adobe is a lightyears ahead and myself in such an unthinkable situation that returning to the Adobe suite now seems the most likely step in the coming weeks. I want this technology so much I am now prepared to jump ship. I simply don't want to be left behind in a sea of under-developed software.

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5 hours ago, Hereward said:

... I find Adobe is a lightyears ahead and myself in such an unthinkable situation that returning to the Adobe suite now seems the most likely step in the coming weeks. I want this technology so much I am now prepared to jump ship.

Why can't you use both? You already own the Affinity one, right?

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.2 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
Affinity Photo 
1.10.8; Affinity Designer 1.108; & all 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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  • 1 month later...
3 minutes ago, nickbatz said:

It's the main reason I'm staying with Affinity Photo.

As you probably know, there are plans to eventually add at least a few AI features to AP, although as I understand it, not ones based on generative AI. Have you given any thought to what you would do at that point?

Apart from that, Apple is working on implementing various AI features, as is Microsoft, among others. What will you do about that?

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.2 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
Affinity Photo 
1.10.8; Affinity Designer 1.108; & all 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

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24 minutes ago, R C-R said:

What will you do about that?

The question is why people like you are so sanguine about such a major threat to the soul of humanity.

Humans have had a need to experience and express ourselves through art going back at least to Neanderthals. Pushing a button (or saying "fill my library with a forest") isn't expression, it's garbage. Music and visual art are under an extreme threat from this. It'll make money, but at what cost?

Note that my outrage is largely confined to AI "art." LLMs and machine learning have the potential for all kinds of good things.

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