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  1. Any 3D editor might be able to interchange .obj files, but not whole (natively saved) sceneries with features only available in certain 3D apps. But that's what you're trying to do. Comparing the lack of exchanging .obj files is like saying you couldn't exchange any objects from your layouts via PDF, PNG, whatever between Adobe and Affinity. But all back-and-forth discussion is pointless, if ... that's a priority, you've done wrong, sorry. If Interoperability is something your professional workflow requires, you simply don't rely on third party apps. Period. That's the wrong situation for being a cheapskate. Pay for Adobe, 1-2 jobs per month should already pay multiple times for the suite's subscription.
  2. What a weird expectation, needing to work in an Adobe-focussed environment, but expecting non-Adobe apps helping you with that endeavour. Don't get me wrong, as much as I'd love to see a better Adobe-related exchange of data, I never would expect a third party tool would have to help me, if I need to co-work with people using Adobe's apps. That's like joining a French cuisine restaurant as a chef and insisting on only using Indian ingredients. Sure, Indian food is great, but it's not what the kitchen is set up for, and you'll end up complicating everyone's workflow.
  3. I'm not sure if it's the case here, but sometimes icons are not getting added, if they are for a feature added by one of the major updates of the apps. Check -> View -> Customise Tools if you can find the icon there. If so, just add it to your icons/tools.
  4. You need to make sure that the actual lines/nodes are touching or overlapping each other. What I mean by this: If your line has a 10 px stroke width, it's not sufficient if such strokes overlap or touch each other. You can check in the wireframe view if there are still gaps in your design which prevent areas from getting filled. Check this example: It seems like the blue lines are creating a fillable space in their centre. But at the top, the two lines are not touching each other, leaving a gap between them which prevents the fill.
  5. The export took less than 2 minutes on my system and the core's load was all over the place (jumping between 8% and 100% and 3000+ to 5650 MHz over all cores). But I tried it with the current beta, so I don't know, if that makes any difference.
  6. Hm. You don't add a shortcut to every macro in the library. But if you have a repeating workflow in your daily job that requires the use of 1-2 macros countless times per day, having quick access via shortcut would be much more convenient and faster than keeping the library window open all the time. It also won't occupy space on your desktop
  7. I have an AMD R9 7900x (12 cores), but my GPU isn't remotely as strong as yours (RTX 4070ti OC). If you want me to test it with your files, feel free to contact me directly in case you don't want to share the file publicly. I'll delete it immediately after testing the export.
  8. Just a guess: Publisher probably uses Adobe's SDKs, libraries, or tools to enable file import functionality. And they pay for a licence for being able to do so. Such license might involve lower costs than exporting functionality, as importing does not enable the user to create new INDD/IDML files. Often costs are the reason behind such decisions.
  9. I'd like to add another workaround. As for Photoshop's native files, online editor photopea often works better with some of the features, which aren't supported by Affinity's apps. I was able to convert some PSD files that way, which were completely messed up when opening in Affinity Photo directly.
  10. My bad, you're right: I didn't realise it's on the beta only—it feels like I've been using this truly useful feature for so long now, I could have sworn it came with V2.0 release. Yet that actually seems to solve OP's problem. So either wait for the V2.6.X stable release or use the current beta...
  11. @rsteinberger Did you try to set the smoothness to 0% and disable the stabiliser? I can draw some quite detailed lines with this settings, keeping a decent amount nodes needed for each change of the direction.
  12. It has been like that forever. I, by the way, am one of the people who experienced the change from analogue to digital you've mentioned myself. Either adapt to new technologies, or you won't last in the business. This isn't only limited to design sectors; every new technology brings changes to any business sector. On the other hand, if some (cheap) business solely relies on AI doing their design work, they wouldn't have hired a designer anyway. So, it's not taking away any designer's work at all. Your argument is just like authorities such as the EUIPO Observatory or USPTO, who calculate their losses from piracy by assuming every single pirated song or movie would have been paid for otherwise. That's not how the world works. Not every AI-generated piece of content replaces a designer, but if designers implement AI into their workflow, it can massively speed up processes and make the work easier.
  13. Well, they kinda did for some sectors. E.g. phototypesetters, analogue pre-press layouters, and film developers, etc. It's easily comparable to the current AI development. AI has just started to change the design sector and already has some massive impact. People working within this sector will have to adapt or eventually be left behind, developers of apps included.
  14. Did you bake the appearance after rounding the rectangle's coners? It seems to me like the image got cropped to the (original/sharp) corners before rounding them.
  15. First, I want to say thank you for sharing! One question: by the looks of things, the "Gradients2024" might be a combined palette of the other three. Is that correct? (Because I'd install only that one, if that's correct.)
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