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  1. Hm. I have a HUION Kamvas Pro 20 (GT1901) and driver version It's running flawlessly in all Affinity apps with High Precision mode activated. Both, pressure and the buttons, are fully functional. Weirdly enough, it works as expected, no matter if I turn on Windows Ink in the driver or not, no matter if I use High Precision mode in the Affinity apps or not. Even cross-over combinations are working flawlessly (driver: Windows Ink/Affinity: High Precision as well as driver: disabled Windows Ink/Affinity: Windows Ink). Did you check for the latest driver for the HUION? I remember I experienced some issues with an older version for my graphic display.
  2. ParticleShop läuft als PlugIn bei mir problemlos sowohl in Affinity Photo V1.x als auch in V2.x (ParticleShop V. 1.5.108 / Windows 10).
  3. Another reason might be projects where you have to team up with other designers and/or agencies. The majority of them still rely completely on an Adobe environment as the absolute market leader. Back-and-forth import/export via formats like PDF isn’t a solution in such cases.
  4. This happens, because most stock pages accept "Adobe Illustrator compatible" EPS file. Unfortunately, Adobe users don't have to chose for maximum compatibility on their submissions. As long as Illustrator can render them correctly, the stock pages accept the files. Hence, there can be data streams in their EPS files, which Affinity can't render correctly. That's why you often get vector cliparts as tiled bitmaps when importing such EPS files. You might try some conversion tools or services like https://www.epsconverter.com/ in order to make it a SVG file. But that's not always working.
  5. Even better, if you create a layer with 30% opacity and draw the objects in it. This way, you only have to change the opacity once (the layer's) rather than for every object you treced. Alternatively, it's often working, if you put the image which needs to be traced as the top layer, lock it (so you can't pick it by accident), and change its opacity to 50% or lower so you can barely see the details—the value depends on the image. You can trace/draw the objects underneath that image layer and all you need to do is hiding the image layer in order to reveal your traced work.
  6. I haven't used Luminar Neo as plugin for a while (it's actually a lot faster for me to keep it open as stand alone app when dealing with multiple edits rather than firing up the plugin each time). But I've checked it just now and can confirm, the plugin seems to be broken since the update. But I'm not sure whether it was Photo's or Luminar's update, which broke the plugin. If it was latter, it's probably on Luminar's side fixing it. Edit: System Windows 10, Affinity Photo and Luminar Neo both running the newest version (not beta).
  7. Create the circles. Add rectangles to connect them. Merge all (boolean add). Now, you have the general shape, but with sharp corners. Last step: Use the Corner Tool to turn the sharp corners into round ones.
  8. You didn't miss anything. Except for the very simple basic brushes, Affinity's apps don't have any true vector brushes. They only support bitmap brushes which follow a vector path.
  9. I just downloaded the trial. Indeed, looks promising. And even without any further updates and new features, it's pretty much covering almost all needs for a professional vector design tool. Any ideas about how good its exports work for print? Because this is one of the things, which can get a bit tricky in Affinity's apps as well.
  10. Even worse: once you cancel the subscription, you usually lose access to the apps' native file formats. Programs and apps can get replaced with a little bit of effort. But if a client asks you to modify some designs done with an app you no longer have access to, it's becoming a tricky endevour.
  11. I second this. This is even more true, if you use the apps professionally as even one or two low-budget commissions a month should pay multiple times more than a subscription. But especially if one needs an image editing app only, Adobe's Photo offer (~25-26 Euros/month for Photoshop and Lightroom) is a pretty solid one. Assuming image editing is the main focus among the user base, it might be hard to convince them into paying for a subscription for Affinity Photo unless it costs only a fraction of this. But I don't see this happen too soon anyway. A possible transition to a subscription based model will most likely not happen this year anyway, I suppose.
  12. Uhm. You know, that this deal didn't happen just overnight? Serif should have been aware that the press release would create some confusion and should have prepared some statement themselves, and be around when Canva dropped that bomb in order to react on threads like this one.
  13. I was just about posting pretty similar questions. And I share your thoughts (and worries?) about switching to a subscription based model. Taken from the press release, "affordable" can be both. It's not answering the question about the licence model, unfortunately.
  14. Well, it really depends on what you need for your workflow. If AI object selection can save you an hour a day, staying within Adobe's environment might be worth it. Time is money, especially for professional work. The same goes for other AI features like generative fill. But remember, Adobe tends to turn such free features into paid ones after they proved to be very successful. I doubt all the AI goodies will stay free forever. You'll likely get a tiny free taste, but eventually, you'll have to pay. AI features are resource-intensive, even for Adobe.
  15. I interpret "regular updates" more like "several updates per year", which has been a consistent pattern for years now.
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