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Is there a way to combine the line and arrowheads, so that when transparent the overlay is not shown?


Primary: Windows 10 Pro 1903 / Intel Core i7-8750H @ 2.20 GHz / 32 GB RAM/ GTX 1050 Ti Max-Q
Secondary: os x mojave / imac 2017
September 2019

4 minutes ago, ivbera said:

Is there a way to combine the line and arrowheads, so that when transparent the overlay is not shown?

Group the curve (with or without arrowheads already added) before you apply transparency.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


thank you.

Is this a workaround or is this the way to go?
I think it is a little weird to group a single curve.

Primary: Windows 10 Pro 1903 / Intel Core i7-8750H @ 2.20 GHz / 32 GB RAM/ GTX 1050 Ti Max-Q
Secondary: os x mojave / imac 2017
September 2019


Or apply a linear gradient with both ends set to the same value.

Win10 Home x64   |   AMD Ryzen 7 2700X @ 3.7GHz   |   48 GB RAM   |   1TB SSD   |   nVidia GTX 1660   |   Wacom Intuos Pro


I can think of 3 other ways, but they are all work-arounds which are a bit clunky…

1. Expand stroke, Boolean add to merge the 3 pieces, then use any method of obtaining transparency.
:( No longer a path with a stroke, but a shape, so much harder to edit.

2. Add a curves adjustment and set the max value of the alpha channel to 50%

3. Use a pixel mask filled with 50% Grey

Personally I'd use Alfred's method and just group the line!

Win10 Home x64   |   AMD Ryzen 7 2700X @ 3.7GHz   |   48 GB RAM   |   1TB SSD   |   nVidia GTX 1660   |   Wacom Intuos Pro


Or, if you don't need transparency but the colour at 50%, I would put the arrow at 50% transparency, pick the colour with the colour picker, apply it at the arrow and get back the object at 100% opacity.

  • 1 month later...

@MickRose I still see the same behaviour in Publisher Beta 458. Can you provide an example of it working?

Win10 Home x64   |   AMD Ryzen 7 2700X @ 3.7GHz   |   48 GB RAM   |   1TB SSD   |   nVidia GTX 1660   |   Wacom Intuos Pro


No I can't. I tried it this morning and the arrowhead ends transparency problem is still there! Yesterday it had definitely gone - strange.

Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM


Besides this transparency issue I also notice another unexpected occurrence with arrow heads:

They appear to make the "Align" buttons in Stroke panel not reacting but automatically set the stroke align to centeredregardless of the align setting before applying arrow heads.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

3 hours ago, MEB said:

Currently stroke alignment is ignored

Perhaps the controls should be disabled when an arrowhead is applied in order to make this a bit more clear to the user?


The problem of arrowhead and transparency is an interesting observation, and as I think about it, I'm not sure what to suggest. If it is desirable to be able to set a different color for the arrowheads, then I see this as a necessary consequence, as alpha is a part of the color definition, and perhaps occasionally you would even want this behavior.

Therefore, I think there needs to be some way to keep this behavior when it is desired, but also an easy way to assign a color to the entire curve rather than individually as a default. Maybe a couple of options:

1. By default set the stroke color to the entire curve as a single value, with the option to set arrowhead color differently.

2. Or keep separate definitions but offer a checkbox to clip the overlaps.

Maybe there is a better solution than these from a UX standpoint.

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