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Hello, new user here.


I'm very happy with the purchase, but there's a little thing I'd like to ask in order to be able to ditch exporting to Photoshop completely.


I intend to use AD mostly to generate 2D artwork in multiple resolutions*, and it's really important to control the amount of antialiasing. Without that, there's always a lengthy "pixel cleanup" stage that follows the creation of any asset.


While being able to fine tune the antialias intensity would be amazing, I'd be happy with a simple "turn off antialiasing" option for both the pixel preview and the "rasterise"option.


I originally thought that's what the "View quality" option in the preferences would do, but it seems to have no effect in the image. Bug, maybe?




* These are intended to be used in "pixel perfect" graphics (no scaling and no fractional coordinates, thus no filtering and maximum sharpness).

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Hi Ethernaut,


That's an interesting request - thanks :)  Our rendering engine is our own creation, so we are in full control of all parts of it - I could easily allow you to specify your own gamma ramp to affect the antialiasing quality (perhaps just allow you to use a simple control that has some defaults where you could define your own ramp?) and this would allow you to make it do anything you like - sharpening / softening the antialiasing or even thresholding at any level to achieve your desired pixelised effect. In order for that to be useful to more than just a handful of people though, it's likely it would need to be a per-object attribute though (so you could sharpen/soften/threshold some items on the design, but not all of them). Would that be acceptable?




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Actually, one thing I've just realised is that you could probably do a workaround at present that involves putting a threshold adjustment over your line work to force aliasing. I know that's not ideal at all, but it might save you some cleanup work in the meantime?


(sorry, I'd just noticed your avatar and thought that if this is what you're trying to achieve, you probably can already - but it's a bit clumsy)

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A "curve-adjustment" style anti-aliasing editing panel (like the pressure palette withing the storkes palette) would be AMAZING, and would also allow for aliased text with a square-type curve...

2021 16” Macbook Pro w/ M1 Max 10c cpu /24c gpu, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Sonoma 14.4.1

2018 11" iPad Pro w/ A12X cpu/gpu, 256 GB, iPadOS 17

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Yes, a user controlled gamma ramp is exactly what I'm talking about, and a per-object attribute would work great (specially if you can apply it to groups and all group members inherit it). I'll try the threshold adjustment later when I get home, sounds like it can be helpful.


In the mean time, I know this request is not a priority, but you may want to check out this paper about techniques for visually appealing vector rasterization, this is great not only for pixel art but for UI design as well: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21445719/Website/NPAR2013_pixelation.pdf



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  • 2 months later...

I would also need this. It may seem like a silly feature, but this would be very useful for many 2d game graphic needs. Traditional pixel art workflow is ill-suited for quick iterations or large changes (like changing output resolution or scale) as all things need to be redrawn and recolored. If there are several hundred assets it would be tedious.

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I would also like to have the ability to turn off/adjust anti-aliasing.  In working on an abstract stained glass window image, I can do the overlapping lines for the leading in Designer then I'd like to take the drawing into Photo to fill the segments with various colors.  But…with anti-aliasing turned on, the result is just messy.  What I'd really like to have in Designer would be a Fill with Color that respected Strokes but just turning a/a off would be a major help.

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I've added the per-object blend gamma control and it will be in the beta we build today (in the Blend Options available from the Layers panel) - but it's a blend gamma control (for controlling the gamma in which the objects blend with the surface), not an anti-aliasing gamma ramp, so isn't quite what you're looking for for pixelated designs... I'll add the editable anti-aliasing ramp soon.

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Looking forward to anti-aliasing ramp!


You mean... like this... ;)




(only started working on it this morning - still looks a bit rough, but works! And, yes, the ramp I've chosen here is ridiculous and applied to every object - that's why it looks particularly crazy!)

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Nice, this is going to be a cool feature! Looking forward to it Matt!


BTW, I noticed you have those nice Input, Output, and Reset fields and button on the button of the Blend Options curves panel. Those would be really great in AP's Curve's Adjustment panel. Right now it's not possible to enter values for curve points numerically...

2021 16” Macbook Pro w/ M1 Max 10c cpu /24c gpu, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Sonoma 14.4.1

2018 11" iPad Pro w/ A12X cpu/gpu, 256 GB, iPadOS 17

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You mean... like this... ;)


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-15 at 15.02.21.png


(only started working on it this morning - still looks a bit rough, but works! And, yes, the ramp I've chosen here is ridiculous and applied to every object - that's why it looks particularly crazy!)

Kewl! That's exactly what I mean!


On a related note it would be useful to have an option to nudge all selected points into nearest pixel coordinates (after scaling pixel graphics up, for example). Currently it's a manual job.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys! This is pretty awesome, but isn't there any ways to turn Anti-aliasing of purely for export. I've just had to go through every layer and object in a design changing the coverage map because I can't seem to apply it globally. I design for 2-8 colour screen-printing and let me tell you, those guys fly into a rage if they come across anti-aliasing in a print file. lol

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Guys, this doesn't seem to be working right. If I apply a change of coverage map to a layer or a group the objects and groups below remain unaffected. Shouldn't this work in a hierarchical fashion? So if I wanted to apply it to the whole design, I could put all my groups objects and layers in side another group or layer and apply it to the top or am I missing something? I have a design that has hundreds of objects groups and layers, it'll take me hours to apply this to each and every item. :( 

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Thanks Ethernaut, I hope it's fixed soon. I really need this functionality. I'm not sure what else to do at the moment, I wasn't expecting to have to set this for every object when in PS/AI all I did was import an .ai file to PS with Anti-aliasing unchecked. 

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Hi Meb, thanks! That works... Kind of/sort of. It doesn't apply to objects in groups. And it doesn't work on stroked objects, randomly. While the coverage map is a great feature, it seems to need a bit of work and I feel there needs to be a simple global export with no anti-aliasing option.


*The stroke thing: I mean that on a stroked object with the stroke aligned to the inside the colour of the stroked object peeks out behind the stroke when the anti-aliasing is turned off, but that could be that I don't know what I'm doing with the curve - lol



*Noticed that it doesn't apply to masks either. You have to do all these things separately as individual objects.

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