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We are pleased to announce an update for the Windows release of Affinity Photo, version 1.8.3

Changes in this build

The changes in Affinity Photo for Windows 1.8.3 (over the last release Affinity Photo for Windows 1.8.2) are as follows:

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed layers getting clipped to embedded documents would not get clipped
  • Fixed Procedural Texture rendering differently to macOS 
  • Further boolean operation improvements 
  • Tweaks to Alignment
  • Fixed misidentification of Sigma 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM Contemporary when mounted on a Canon camera
  • Fixed line caps on strokes with pressure profiles that have sharp pressure changes at the start getting incorrectly expanded
  • Fixed PDF export failing due to colour profile being rejected wrongly
  • Fixed rendering artefacts with small radius filter effects
  • Fixed some Pentax lenses being listed as "Pemtax"
  • Fixed crash when switching between Panorama documents
  • Fixed PDF export to honour gradient map's colour space
  • Fixed autosave failing to work
  • Fixed crash opening empty (0Kb) files
  • Fixed PDF export failing with embedded LAB document
  • Fixed PDF export of images to preserve their colour space
  • Fixed PDF export failing when a document contains an empty clip
  • Fixed cropped result when creating a selection from a mask
  • Fixed sporadic selection failure when invert selecting with Move tool
  • Fixed sporadic PSD import crash
  • Fixed floating panels being clipped when collapsed 
  • Help and Localisation improvements.

Earlier changes and fixes in 1.8 made since 1.7 (including the new 1.8 features) are listed in some detail in this 1.8.0 update announcement.


UPDATING TO THIS VERSION (Free for existing customers)

The software version can be seen on the splash screen and the About dialog (in Help > About Affinity Photo).

If you’ve purchased from the Affinity Store— each time you start the Affinity Store software it will check for updates and offer any available update. The latest update will install over the top of any earlier version, with no need to uninstall. You can download the latest installer by logging into the affinity store here and find the order in your account and use the "Download" button in there. Alternatively, this new release (and previous versions of Affinity Photo for Windows) can be downloaded from this link. (that installer is NOT for Windows Store purchases and needs a product key).

If you’ve purchased from the Microsoft Store— Microsoft Store updates are done automatically by the operating system (each time you start the application). If this does not happen for you, open the Windows Store app and click the three dots in the top right corner of the app and then go to Downloads and Updates. Click Get Updates. This should hopefully force the update to show.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon



Another update so quick after the last one.

You guys rock.

Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.

These are not my own words but I sure like this quote.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, Teo2 said:

Where can you report program errors?


  • "The user interface is supposed to work for me - I am not supposed to work for the user interface."
  • Computer-, operating system- and software agnostic; I am a result oriented professional. Look for a fanboy somewhere else.
  • “When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” ― Confucius
  • Not an Affinity user og forum user anymore. The software continued to disappoint and not deliver.

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