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  1. Judging by the positioning of the 'Cv' and 'Heart' icons, your screenshot suggests the list is scrollable but you have scrollbars set to 'When Scrolling'... having said that, the missing fonts would appear alphabetically so I would expect to see Open Sans, Playfair Display and Lora in your list... Note the positioning of the icons when the list is scrollable and non-scrollable (on Windows). I'm assuming the same is true on Mac?
  2. Here's a list of the bugs which have been fixed in the beta build 2.5.0 (2437) (fixes since beta Please reply in this forum to comment on any fixes which are in this list (in particular to let us know if you notice that something we say is fixed isn't!) To report any new bugs please do that against the relevant new feature post, or if unrelated to new functionality in the Other bugs & issues forum. Changes/Bugs affecting all platforms Line Width Tool: Snap to Curve Geometry doesn't let the handles snap to 0 width [AF-2827] Line Width Tool: Snap To Width On Same Curve only works if Adjust Line Weight is enabled and shift is also held down [AF-2821] QR code - Does not support multi-line input for vCard (.vcf), VCALENDAR and VEVENT (.ics) URI [AF-2781] Bugs affecting Desktop (Windows and macOS) Variable Fonts - Geologica Font not responding to Cursive axis [AF-2893] Character Panel: Typography Script and Language dropdowns no longer reflect the font supported values [AF-2934] Setting a Tab Stop using 'From right' still checks the left tab stop for the minimum value it can be set to. [AF-2899] Bullets & Numbering tokens/block/icons are cut off [AF-2865] Bullets and Numbering: missing tooltips Bugs affecting Windows Line Width Tool can cause a redraw on certain brushes [AF-2765] QR code - no warning when 2953 character limit is exceeded [AF-2759] Character Panel: Shift/Control scroll shortcuts are switched for Kerning and Leading Override field Character Panel: Adjusting Stroke Width and Colour (along with Strikethrough and Underline colour) no longer hides text selection Character Panel: Unable to set Stroke's 'No Line Style' after changing colour Missing Fonts no longer show with a question mark in the Character Panel Character panel: Separators display in dropdown and can be selected Bugs affecting macOS Character Panel: Trackpad drag scroll is still possible inside Kerning and Leading override fields on macOS AF-2906 Optical Alignment characters are misaligned in the input box [AF-2866] Tabbing has stopped working in the Character Panel on macOS [AF-2831] Character Panel's background is briefly visible just above its categories [AF-2801] Bugs affecting iPad Character Panel - Variations doesn't update if showing when font is changed [AF-2836] Line Width tool missing name in tool flyout
  3. The issue "Variable Fonts - Geologica Font not responding to Cursive axis" (REF: AF-2893) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "". This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release. Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions. If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Affinity Info Bot to notify us.
  4. When opening a PDF file that uses an 'Open (User) Password' whether an 'Open Password' only or combined with any combination of 'Permissions (Primary) Password' the 'PDF Options' window provides no opportunity to substitute missing fonts. This is not the case when the PDF uses a 'Permissions (Primary) Password' only or no password at all...
  5. Yes. The Italic axis is supposed to be On or Off, not a varying angle. So when it is On, the glyphs can be completely different, like a true italic. Roboto Classic variable has an Italic axis that operates with this On/Off switch. Urbanist variable (from repo) has an Italic axis that operates with this On/Off switch. Some fonts call it an Italic (ital) axis, but it is really a Slant axis (slnt). Shantell Sans v1.009 from the repo has an italic axis in the one-font version of the variable font, which is really a slant axis. In a Slant axis the angle is completely variable, and may even go backwards. As I mentioned above, it is hard to incorporate the single-font variable Italic axis into the application. Not impossible, but would have to work very differently behind the scenes. With two separate variable fonts, Regular & Italic, you can actually press an Italic button and have it do what you expect. In an application programming API this distinction does not really matter. But to an end-user in an application interface where they expect things to work in a familiar predictable way, it can be a concern. It was Avenir Next variable. In the single-font version, the Italic axis is the expected On/Off axis. But that single-font version is not available on MyFonts anymore. It kinda disappeared fast. Hard to make them work. GF now encourages (requires) two fonts.
  6. Once 2.5 reaches the first retail version, I will check to see which ones have a Variable Font version and update the Topic. This will also apply for new Typefaces I find. Best regards!
  7. I can't tell from your screenshots but if you are on a Mac you can use Font Book to get the version numbers. Aside from that, how & where on your system did you install the missing fonts? EDITed to add: It looks like from your middle screenshot that the filtered list needs to be scrolled to see the other variable fonts. What happens if you put the pointer in the list & run it up or down?
  8. I don't know how to find out the version numbers (of the fonts I assume?) but here are some examples of ones that aren't appearing: Open Sans, Inter, Playfair Display, Lora.
  9. @Mithferion will this list be updated with variable fonts now that it is beta?
  10. I contacted the company oldfonts.com - they are .ttf or .otf fonts. I think it should work. I talked myself into it.
  11. I don't know if this has been covered but I've noticed that when you filter your list of fonts by variable fonts, not all of your installed variable fonts are listed. I've got several installed and I can use them and interact with them as variable fonts but they're just not appearing in the filtered list. (MacOS)
  12. Embedded font support for PDF editing would be very welcome, of course, but that is wildly off topic for a thread about variable fonts.
  13. While adding variable font support is awesome, would embedded font support for editing coming? This is big downside of Affinity as a PDF editor. Adobe can handle embedded fonts for editing, which makes PDF handling easier.
  14. I still do not see 'Hanging Indents' in there, where the first line is NOT indented and the following lines WITHIN THE SAME paragraph are indented (to a variable amount set by user.)
  15. No, they are not OpenType Standard Ligatures in this font. So they should not be being converted from two characters into a single character. That is the point. Those legacy single-character ligatures are old pre-Unicode characters which got grandfathered into their own Unicode code points. There is only about nine of them in Latin script plus the digraphs. Most OpenType ligatures have no single-character replacement with a code point - it is just these few legacy exceptions (unless they are assigned code points up in the PUC - rare). Some font designers actually leave these legacy ligature characters out of the font to avoid nonsense like this. But then users may have issues with importing or pasting text which includes these old characters. So having them is just insurance. Some designers remove these old characters (code points) but do include those ligatures in OpenType Standard Ligatures, like all the other non-legacy ligatures. Just automatically converting these two characters to an old legacy single-character should not happen. That is the point of this original post. In jest... @Luc(as) is fairly knowledgeable about this stuff. The old joke applies here - he has probably forgotten more about fonts than I will ever know. They should listen to him.
  16. There have been many font files in the Adobe installers (CS1 – CS6) before "creative cloud" and subscription came up: https://helpx.adobe.com/fonts/using/fonts-included-with-creative-suite.html
  17. Dank Arend voor je reacties en dat je het werkend hebt gekregen. Maar als je niet afhankelijk wilt blijven van een abonnement bij Adobe zou ik toch overwegen het te gaan zoeken in opensource lettertypes(zoals google fonts) Dit zorgt dat je, als echte Nederlander, op de kosten kunt letten en toch dat kunt doen wat je wilt. Want ik weet niet in hoeverre je gebruik kunt maken van de fonts als je het abonnement opzegt bij Adobe en geen toegang meer hebt tot deze bestanden. Maar uiteindelijk is het aan jou deze beslissing te nemen.
  18. Alle fonts van Adobe zijn te gebruiken in de Affinity Suite. De enige vereiste is dat je de Creative Cloud van Adobe moet activeren bij het opstarten van je pc. Dit doe je door onder <taakbeheer > Creative Cloud in te schakelen als app en laadt bij het opstarten van je pc. Hiermee is de zaak opgelost.
  19. Thanks for the changes... much better! The improvements to the Font Selection Area are great. much easier now to distinguish between font types...Saves adding the variable fonts to Favs so I know what is installed!...Caught me out though with the filter | s.. thought my favs had disappeared for a sec!. Is it possible to add a background option to the open panel like you have with assets (with white | light grey or other)? Sliders are working much better The Whole process is much more intuitive now looking and feeling much better!... Agree with @Hangman concerning variable Fonts being missing from the Text Style Panel (Character | Font Family >Dropdown)..it would be useful to have 'Variable Fonts' on the list
  20. Like this suggestion Web Fonts are on the list but not variable font!
  21. With Variable Typefaces, can we have opinionated styles definitions, something like our own custom "Fonts" per Typeface, e.g.: brand medium-slim super fat sweetspot extended sleek semibold slightly-italic optical-thin … which we can then directly apply just like named Font traits in Paragraph Styles, Character Styles etc., mixing them with these per main-axis font styles / stops or axis-combinations when there's a modifier (or secondary) axis like "optical" or "descender" involved and save like Document Color palettes or like Gradient Stops, per document or for the entire application (e.g. for recurring brand application), possibly as part of a sort of Design System collection? Doing this with Character Styles may work in a very limited way, but doesn't provide the composition capability needed for extensive Typography and Paragraph Styles.
  22. Arno Pro was included in Adobe CS3. If you purchased CS3, depending on how you manage fonts and migrate to new computers, Arno Pro may be installed in the Windows Fonts folder.
  23. It's possible to create a single variable font file that contains both roman and true italic glyphs, and changing the axis value will result in a change of the shape of certain glyphs such as "a" or "g" at the halfway point of the slider. Most of the Google fonts have a separate font file for italic, it's up to the font designer.
  24. Bahnschrift is a variable font and that sort of font doesn’t work with V2.4 but it should in V2.5 (currently in beta). A search of the forums for bahnschrift will give you the background to this.
  25. This may conflict with the Adobe announcement @ https://fonts.adobe.com/ : "Simplified Licensing – The entire Adobe Fonts library can be used for both personal and commercial projects."
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