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Bryan Rieger reacted to PaoloT in Exporting to 72dpi/ppi by default
This has been discussed here and there in multiple threads, but I don't think there has been an explicit request. So, here it is:
I would like to be able to set 72dpi as the default resolution of my exported images.
72dpi is a traditional way to match printed points and fractions of an inch. It has been (and maybe still is) the standard on the Mac.
While this may be irrelevant in some applications, where the size of an image is set by pixels, it is relevant in other cases, where an image is not associated to local measurements, and its size depends on the embedded resolution.
Dealing with 96dpi images, while still thinking at 72dpi, means that an image would result too small. This would cause loss of time trying to 'debug' the problem.
Bryan Rieger reacted to BlackSkin Messiah in Help restoring corrupted Designer files
@Callum @Old Bruce @carl123 @Bryan Rieger Guys thanks for the help, turns out all the while I had been using version 1.10.6 then on my move I downgraded to version which for obvious reasons couldn't open files from a later version. I'm sorted and working now.
Thanks again!!
Bryan Rieger reacted to MmmMaarten in AI please
Stop this bullocks. If you can't design, stop stealing from artists who can and learned by putting a lot of effort in their craft.
Watch the video below instead to get that you're a thief when using AI systems to generate your 'art' because you're too lazy to learn it.
And for artists here: there is a way to stand up against the stealing of our art. How and why is all in the video below:
Bryan Rieger reacted to MmmMaarten in AI please
There are two great initiatives with fundraisers to make a fist against these greedy exploiting companies to respect our copyrights and stop these illegal activities and theft:
Bryan Rieger reacted to Benfischer in Brushes Won't Delete on iPad
I also have a lot of crashes on iPad when adding or removing brushes. Mostly adding. Some brush packs seem to be more troublesome than others: possibly related to the # of brushes or the overall size.
Using the Store download option is a little more reliable, but in that case I have a hard time occasionally with specific things inside of a pack. Sometimes brushes will install but assets won't, for instance. Or if I remove the Assets and then try to re-download them, they might not download. But in general, the Store down load is much more reliable.
I'm using M1 ipad AIR 8 GB Memory, 64 GB storage
Bryan Rieger reacted to Frankentoon Studio in Brushes Won't Delete on iPad
We use the same iPad models in the studio for primary work.
I agree with you. As a trilogy of cross-platform apps, Affinity is powerful and has much growth potential. I understand that these new versions have been written from the ground up, and it's understandable that many issues might arise as we use them daily.
However, expecting most users to be patient enough to wait for suitably stable versions is quite a challenge. We're crossing our fingers that these issues get fixed as soon as possible because we love using all Affinity tools in our studio.
- Enrique
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from Frankentoon Studio in Brushes Won't Delete on iPad
I have two iPad Pro's. 1 x 12.9" 5th generation (primary), and 1 x 11" 2nd generation (for sketching, reading, etc). They both crash regularly while importing brushes, but not always with the same brushes.
I can imagine it's frustrating as for many new users they probably believe that it's your brushes and assets that are causing the issues. I'm disappointed that not only has Serif not address this bug yet, but they've also neglected some of the brush rendering issues that have appeared in v2—particularly with some brushes with wet edges not rendering at all (or even rendering in the brush list). This has actually led me to move more and more of my illustration work to Procreate where the brushes (including 3rd party brushes) are a dream to use, and the app not only feels 'right' on an iPad (not a desktop app shoved into an iPad), but it also is incredibly stable. With the new default iCloud storage coming in Procreate things are only getting better. Sadly, this is not so with Affinity.
Also, Serif are mad to be neglecting their 'developer' (for now brushes, assets, etc) community, or burning their goodwill with long-standing v2 issues. Their apps don't exist in a vacuum, and without a rich, diverse, and thriving ecosystem the Affinity apps will increasingly look less capable than other alternatives.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from BlackSkin Messiah in Help restoring corrupted Designer files
@BlackSkin Messiah hopefully @Callum can help sort this out for you. I don't have v1 installed, otherwise I'd offer to copy/paste from v2 to v1 and back-save to the older format. At least if they can be opened it should be possible to recover the files in some manner. Good luck!
Bryan Rieger reacted to carl123 in Help restoring corrupted Designer files
Your file opens fine for me in V1 (and in V2), so all is not lost
I have resaved and uploaded the file you attached (in V1)
See if that opens for you
MUTINHIMIRA LOGO-resaved.afdesign
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from carl123 in Help restoring corrupted Designer files
@BlackSkin Messiah hopefully @Callum can help sort this out for you. I don't have v1 installed, otherwise I'd offer to copy/paste from v2 to v1 and back-save to the older format. At least if they can be opened it should be possible to recover the files in some manner. Good luck!
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from Frankentoon Studio in Brushes Won't Delete on iPad
I'm not getting any crashing when deleting brushes, but for me the apps regularly crash while manually importing brushes from 3rd parties such as Frankentoon, Retro Supply Co, and True Grit Texture Supply. While the apps crash, the brushes have actually been imported and are actually present when the app is restarted. This isn't a new bug, it's been with 2.x from the very start.
It's a rather confusing user experience, and I suspect one that new users will find very frustrating.
FWIW I don't purchase anything from the Affinity store beyond the Affinity apps themselves, as I prefer to buy all brushes, assets, etc directly from the 3rd parties that produce them. So for me, everything is installed manually, and crashing on import is sadly a much too common part of my Affinity workflow now on iPadOS.
Bryan Rieger reacted to v_kyr in We are live, and thank you!!!
Sadly! - I can only guess/assume here that the team wanted to throw out a release, as it was somehow under time pressure since some people here in the forum are always pushing for new releases and features. The consequences and effects of this pushing are currently apparent. - I can only advise users to be a little bit more patient in general while waiting for new releases and so giving the dev team overall more time, because the more essential bugs are fixed beforehand, the more stable and usable the applications will generally be.
Bryan Rieger reacted to Frankentoon Studio in Brushes Won't Delete on iPad
This bug happens to both Designer and Photo. When you attempt to delete any brush pack, no matter the size, both apps just freeze. When you close and restart them, the brushes are still there.
By the way, importing brush packs still crashes both Designer and Photo. However, after launching teh apps again, the brushes that caused the crash are installed.
- Enrique
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from albertkinng in UI/UX with Affinity Designer
Yeah, I recall lots of those 'discussions' back then. I never really cared what tools folks used, just as long as they got the job done. That said, if somebody's choice of tool negatively impacted others in the pipeline, that was another matter (as was the case then). I'm happy to see the diversity today, but less so seeing work locked into cloud services with no meaningful way of migrating should the need arise.
Linea is great for brainstorming. Procreate is my driver for illustration work, and I rely on the Affinity suite to bring it all together.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from Paul Mudditt in USDZ file support
Possibly, but not necessarily. Pages doesn't have "3D support" per se, but rather the ability to embed, render and manipulate (in a very basic manner) these assets. It can't actually manipulate the objects themselves, alter geometry, change materials, lighting, etc (that would need to be done in Blender, Maya, Cinema4D, etc), but it can set basic parameters of the 'scene'; position, rotation, and scale—most of which (with the exception of 3D rotation) are common to any Pages display element.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from albertkinng in UI/UX with Affinity Designer
I'm not being defensive Albert, but you you did ask "Does anyone have thoughts on why it [Affinity Designer] isn't considered more often for this type of [UI/UX] design?
As someone with 25+ years working in UX/UI design with freelancers, agencies, and large orgs, these are my thoughts.
Bryan Rieger reacted to Old Bruce in Affinity dev team showing very disappointing development skills! Looking at Photoshop now!
Use the Slices Panel's Clubhouse Sandwich/Hamburger menu in the Export Persona.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from NathanC in App Windows Not Resized to Fit Screen
@NathanC yeah, this reliably happens if I have previously opened the apps in the larger monitor first. The next time I open them on my laptop without the additional screen the app windows are huge and off-screen. It appears as though the app is restoring the windows to its previous dimensions and position regardless of the display it's on. Going from a smaller to larger screen works fine as the app starts with a smaller window, but going from a larger screen to a smaller results in this problem.
Steps to reproduce:
Connect MacBook to a larger secondary display. Open an Affinity app, make the app fill most or all of the screen. Unplug the secondary display. You can either close the app first and then re-open it, or leave it running. Results are largely the same. Re-open the app if you've closed it. The app window should now extend beyond the screen size, positioned relative to where it had been on the larger display. FYI I'm working on a 14-inch, 2021 MacBook Pro with 32GB RAM running on an M1 Pro chip. The secondary monitor is an LG 27" connected via a standard USB-C cable.
Plea for help.
This bug I can workaround, the following bug I can't as it has me pretty much at a standstill as the UI keeps shifting around making it impossible to work. It's also not limited to Publisher, but all three Affinity 2.2 apps.
Bryan Rieger reacted to walt.farrell in Cannot update to Version 2.2
No, as they are completely different.
I would suggest you look in the Mac App Store and make sure you don't see that you have purchased Affinity Photo 2 from there. Even though you say you purchased from Serif, with V2 you can download from either Serif or the MAS, and if you managed to download from the MAS it would not have the Check for Updates in the application menu.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from debraspicher in Move / Create Data Entry UI messed up
One of the big challenges Serif has with their UI/UX is that they chose to roll their own UI framework (on macOS it's libcocoaui.framework) and components, rather than use the standard platform frameworks and components (or an established cross-platform UI framework such as Qt). As a result, not only do they not get to benefit from enhancements and additions made to the underlying platforms by the OEMs, but they are now also tasked with the Sisyphean task of maintaining and updating their own framework and components in a never-ending attempt to keep up with basic hygiene, UI/UX guidelines, best practices, etc across all of the platforms they support.
While there's nothing wrong with creating and maintaining a whole new UI framework and component set, it does beg the question of whether the required resources for this endeavour wouldn't be better utilized focusing on your actual products. I do get the attraction of using an abstraction layer across platforms, but the danger in this is that you end up with a user experience that doesn't feel quite right anywhere (just try customizing the app toolbar on macOS, dragging items around is PAINFUL compared to almost every other macOS app[1]).
[1] It appears the app toolbar received some attention in 2.2 as it's not nearly as painful to use as it was. Still a few quirks, but the customize feature generally works much more like a standard macOS app toolbar now. 🙏
I wish Serif would take the opportunity with their milestone releases such as 2.2 to not only list the new features they've added, but to also share what bugs they've addressed (especially the long standing ones) as not everyone reads the beta notes. It may seem like a minor thing, and you may feel there are far too many to list, but quite honestly fixing the app minimize behaviour along with the customize app toolbar feature feature on macOS (both fixes shipped in v2.2) are far more important to me than any of the new 2.2 features. It would also clearly communicate how Serif is working hard to both fix bugs (including long standing ones) and release new features.
Bryan Rieger reacted to walt.farrell in Publisher UI Issues
It should be simple to downgrade the macOS apps, by downloading the older installer files from https://affinity.store/update/macos/appname/2 where appname is publisher, photo, or designer. You can then uninstall the 2.2 apps you currently have installed, and install the older ones. This should not affect your brushes, etc. as far as I know, but there's no guarantee, so you might want to make sure you have a good system backup first.
There's no way that I know of to downgrade the iPad apps, though.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from ronnyb in Move / Create Data Entry UI messed up
One of the big challenges Serif has with their UI/UX is that they chose to roll their own UI framework (on macOS it's libcocoaui.framework) and components, rather than use the standard platform frameworks and components (or an established cross-platform UI framework such as Qt). As a result, not only do they not get to benefit from enhancements and additions made to the underlying platforms by the OEMs, but they are now also tasked with the Sisyphean task of maintaining and updating their own framework and components in a never-ending attempt to keep up with basic hygiene, UI/UX guidelines, best practices, etc across all of the platforms they support.
While there's nothing wrong with creating and maintaining a whole new UI framework and component set, it does beg the question of whether the required resources for this endeavour wouldn't be better utilized focusing on your actual products. I do get the attraction of using an abstraction layer across platforms, but the danger in this is that you end up with a user experience that doesn't feel quite right anywhere (just try customizing the app toolbar on macOS, dragging items around is PAINFUL compared to almost every other macOS app[1]).
[1] It appears the app toolbar received some attention in 2.2 as it's not nearly as painful to use as it was. Still a few quirks, but the customize feature generally works much more like a standard macOS app toolbar now. 🙏
I wish Serif would take the opportunity with their milestone releases such as 2.2 to not only list the new features they've added, but to also share what bugs they've addressed (especially the long standing ones) as not everyone reads the beta notes. It may seem like a minor thing, and you may feel there are far too many to list, but quite honestly fixing the app minimize behaviour along with the customize app toolbar feature feature on macOS (both fixes shipped in v2.2) are far more important to me than any of the new 2.2 features. It would also clearly communicate how Serif is working hard to both fix bugs (including long standing ones) and release new features.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from Pšenda in Move / Create Data Entry UI messed up
One of the big challenges Serif has with their UI/UX is that they chose to roll their own UI framework (on macOS it's libcocoaui.framework) and components, rather than use the standard platform frameworks and components (or an established cross-platform UI framework such as Qt). As a result, not only do they not get to benefit from enhancements and additions made to the underlying platforms by the OEMs, but they are now also tasked with the Sisyphean task of maintaining and updating their own framework and components in a never-ending attempt to keep up with basic hygiene, UI/UX guidelines, best practices, etc across all of the platforms they support.
While there's nothing wrong with creating and maintaining a whole new UI framework and component set, it does beg the question of whether the required resources for this endeavour wouldn't be better utilized focusing on your actual products. I do get the attraction of using an abstraction layer across platforms, but the danger in this is that you end up with a user experience that doesn't feel quite right anywhere (just try customizing the app toolbar on macOS, dragging items around is PAINFUL compared to almost every other macOS app[1]).
[1] It appears the app toolbar received some attention in 2.2 as it's not nearly as painful to use as it was. Still a few quirks, but the customize feature generally works much more like a standard macOS app toolbar now. 🙏
I wish Serif would take the opportunity with their milestone releases such as 2.2 to not only list the new features they've added, but to also share what bugs they've addressed (especially the long standing ones) as not everyone reads the beta notes. It may seem like a minor thing, and you may feel there are far too many to list, but quite honestly fixing the app minimize behaviour along with the customize app toolbar feature feature on macOS (both fixes shipped in v2.2) are far more important to me than any of the new 2.2 features. It would also clearly communicate how Serif is working hard to both fix bugs (including long standing ones) and release new features.
Bryan Rieger got a reaction from MikeTO in Unofficial PDF Manual - Expert Guide to Affinity Publisher
Wow @MikeTO this is phenomenal. Thanks for sharing this. Not only is it a pleasure to read, not only can I add notes and annotations, but I'm also learning a ton. Kudos!
Bryan Rieger reacted to MikeTO in Unofficial PDF Manual - Expert Guide to Affinity Publisher
Updated for Publisher 2.6 (Feb 2025)
Publisher Manual Feb 3 2025.pdf
This free, 390-page manual is filled with steps, tips, and recommendations:
Everything you need to know about documents, pages, spreads, master pages, text formatting, text styles, text frames, picture images, books and chapters, sections, cross-references, tables of contents, indexing, footnotes and endnotes, page numbering, running headers, fields, anchors and hyperlinks, printing and exporting, and customising settings New sections for multi-page spreads, the reading order panel, guides, grids, snapping, and other features This manual does not describe the illustration and photo editing features Q&A
Is this really free? Yes, it's copyrighted only to prevent others from publishing it as their own Is there a longer manual I can purchase? No Is there a version for Designer or Photo? No, but many of the features are the same so it will still be relevant Is there an iPad version? No, the steps and screenshots are for the macOS and Windows versions Why does it use a print layout if it's a PDF? It's a demonstration of how to use the features it describes to create a print book You might also like:
Special Characters Quick Reference Chart: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/176386-special-characters-in-affinity-quick-reference-chart/ Terminology Translation Dictionary for Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/209953-terminology-translation-dictionary/ Previous 2.5 edition for those who still want it:
Publisher Manual May 23 2024.pdf