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These are all lovely work.

I would be interested to learn more about how you managed to create some of these using the Affinity software.

Specifically how you created the Genesis cover, or the one with the blue/brown water ripples.

I wouldn’t expect you to go into details, they obviously took a lot of time/skill/effort, but if you can tell us some of the functionalities you used and maybe give some general tips on creating that sort of thing then that would be nice.

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Thank you for your appreciation.
I qualified my post by including the tag "3D", which means that the covers of Genesis, The Wings (Venus and Mars), Mike Oldfield (Tubular Bells) and Jazzanova (In Between) were essentially built with the software Maxon Cinema 4D and then enhanced with A. Photo.
For the rest, like Jean-Michel Jarre (Equinoxe), Neil Young (Harvets) or even Pink Floyd (Wish You Were Here and The Dark Side of the Moon stickers) were designed with A. Designer.
Finally, the idea here was to offer wallpapers, in high definition (5120 x 2880 px), from original covers of iconic 33LPs, which are perfectly “square”!... 😉

— Mac Mini M2 Pro 16 Go - 512 Go - macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 —

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Ah, sorry, I didn’t notice the little “3d” tag – that clears it up.

All I’ll add is that, for the work that’s done in Designer, it’s often good to include a wireframe view which often shows how much work has been put into it or, alternatively, how clever you have been to do it with so few layers.

As I’m sure you’ll be aware, it’s not always clear from the result that hours(/days?) of work have gone into getting it just right.

We often get asked: “How can I recreate <this very complex thing> in the Affinity applications?”, and the only reasonable answer we can give is: “Spend thousands of hours experimenting, learning, ripping it up and trying again from scratch and repeating, and it doesn’t hurt if you also have a talent for it.”

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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Le 29 septembre 2023 dernier, Steven Wilson a sorti son 7ème album solo : une merveille (selon mes oreilles et ce qui se trouve entre elles deux) pour ce musicien ultra complet (écriture, interprétation et production) et très productif, en plus d'être très créatif.

Voici une interprétation de la couverture de l'album sous forme d'un wallpaper en HD (5120x2880) et ma petite “sculpture” !...

Le 29 septembre 2023 dernier, Steven Wilson a sorti son 7ème album solo : une merveille (selon mes oreilles) pour ce musicien ultra complet (écriture, interprétation et production) et très productif, en plus d'être très créatif.

Voici une interprétation de la couverture de l'album sous forme d'un wallpaper en HD (5120x2880) et ma petite “sculpture” !...




— Mac Mini M2 Pro 16 Go - 512 Go - macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 —

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  • 2 months later...

🇬🇧 In tribute to Jeff Beck who left us a year ago now, on January 10, 2023: superb album and magnificent illustration by Mark Ryden!…

🇫🇷 En hommage à Jeff Beck qui nous a quitté il y a maintenant un an, le 10 janvier 2023 : superbe album et magnifique illustration de Mark Ryden !…


— Mac Mini M2 Pro 16 Go - 512 Go - macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 —

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3 minutes ago, sansnom said:

🇬🇧 In tribute to Jeff Beck who left us a year ago now, on January 10, 2023: superb album and magnificent illustration by Mark Ryden!…

🇫🇷 En hommage à Jeff Beck qui nous a quitté il y a maintenant un an, le 10 janvier 2023 : superbe album et magnifique illustration de Mark Ryden !…


Good ole Jeff. I admired him greatly.

Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.

These are not my own words but I sure like this quote.

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🇬🇧 Un autre album des Floyd, Atom Heart Mother (1970), un peu à part, avec ses instrumentations symphoniques, quelques belles balades et autres psychédélismes…

🇫🇷 Another Floyd album, Atom Heart Mother (1970), a little different, with its symphonic instrumentations, some beautiful ballads and other psychedelia...


— Mac Mini M2 Pro 16 Go - 512 Go - macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 —

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  • 4 weeks later...

🇬🇧 Hi, for the next Record Store Day 2024 (https://recordstoreday.co.uk), which will take place on Saturday April 20, Steven Wilson will release an exclusive new album from “The Harmony Codex” (https://stevenwilsonhq.com/recordings/the-harmony-codex/) and the collaboration of many other musicians. The album is called “Harmonic Divergence” (https://stevenwilsonhq.com/harmonic-divergence-record-store-day-exclusive/). For the occasion, I recomposed the future cover of this record using AD, taking precisely the look of the effects pedals from Boss (https://www.boss.info/fr/).

🇫🇷 Salut, pour le prochain Record Store Day 2024 (https://recordstoreday.co.uk), qui aura le samedi 20 avril, Steven Wilson sortira un nouvel album exclusif issu de “The Harmony Codex” (https://stevenwilsonhq.com/recordings/the-harmony-codex/) et de la collaboration de nombreux autres musiciens. L'album se nomme “Harmonic Divergence” (https://stevenwilsonhq.com/harmonic-divergence-record-store-day-exclusive/). Pour l'occasion, j'ai recomposé sous AD la future pochette de ce disque en reprenant précisemment le look des pédales d'effets de chez Boss (https://www.boss.info/fr/).




🇬🇧 Complement: in this illustration there are pedals and 6 small connecting cables. To avoid having to build a new object each time with its color and lighting effects, I offer a little tutorial with a tip. Once we have defined these effects, all that remains is to define the base color... with a few adjustments if necessary.

🇫🇷 Complément : dans cette illustration il y a des pédales et 6 petits câbles de liaisons. Pour éviter de devoir à chaque fois construire un nouvel objet avec sa couleur et ses effets de lumière, je propose un petit tuto avec une astuce. Une fois que l'on a défini ces effets, il ne reste plus qu'à définir la couleur de base… avec quelques ajustements si besoin.





— Mac Mini M2 Pro 16 Go - 512 Go - macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 —

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  • 3 months later...

🇬🇧 Hi @Radioastron, my apologies, but I'm not sure you fully understood my approach to this series of visuals.

I wanted to create visuals in HD 5120 x 2880 px format for wallpapers and share them with everyone. The theme is based on the visual richness of the record covers of my adolescence (I was born in 1960). I use the Affinity suite (and a little Cinema 4D “In Between” by Jazzanova or “Genesis”…). Of course, since the 33 rpm covers are square, I have to adapt them to the 16:9 format. So there is a little work of re-layout of the elements. Finally, the game for me is to find the best basic visuals on the web, whether they are entire visuals or pieces of visuals, to assemble and clean them, to redraw all the vector elements (“Harvest” by Niel Young) in order to have greater latitude for their placement in the composition and to find the typos of the time, to completely redraw line objects (“Equinoxe” by Jean-Michel Jarre), to “create” adaptations-extensions (“Dark Side onfthe Moon” by Pink Floyd).

So, I am not the author of these wonderful illustrations, I am rather a copyist-illuminator. 🙂

NB: I have always worked with the Adobe software suite, since the very first version of Illustrator. Taking up these cover visuals was also a good practical exercise to better understand the very different philosophy of the Affinity suite (and break my old habits).


🇫🇷 Bonjour @Radioastron, toutes mes excuses, mais je ne suis pas sûr que vous ayez bien saisi ma démarche concernant cette série de visuels.

J'avais envie de créer des visuels au format HD 5120 x 2880 px pour des fonds d'écran et de les partager à tous. Le thème s'appuie sur la richesse visuelle des pochettes de disque de mon adolescence (je suis né en 1960). J'utilise la suite Affinity (et un peu Cinema 4D “In Between” de Jazzanova ou “Genesis”…). Bien sûr, les pochettes de 33 tours étant carrées, je dois les adapter au format 16:9. Il y a donc un petit travail de remise en page des éléments. Enfin, le jeu pour moi est de trouver sur le web les meilleurs visuels de base, que ce soit des visuels entiers ou des morceaux de visuel, de les assembler et de les nettoyer, de redessiner tous les éléments vectoriels (“Harvest” de Niel Young) afin d'avoir de plus grandes latitudes pour leur placement dans la composition et retrouver les typos de l'époque, de redessiner intégralement des objets au trait (“Equinoxe” de Jean-Michel Jarre), de “créer” des adaptations-extensions (“Dark Side onfthe Moon” de Pink Floyd).

Donc, je ne suis pas l'auteur de ces formidables illustrations, je suis plutôt un copiste-enlumineur. 🙂

NB : j'ai toujours travaillé avec la suite logicielle Adobe, depuis la toute première version d'Illustrator. Reprendre ces visuels de pochettes a aussi été un bon exercice pratique pour mieux appréhender la philosophie très différente de la suite Affinity (et briser mes anciennes habitudes).

— Mac Mini M2 Pro 16 Go - 512 Go - macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 —

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